Friday, August 29, 2008

taken on the night when elaine asked me to study emaths with her ,
but she wasnt study . (should know what she's doing bah)

i love this picture . the lower part of the picture is reflection .

physics(freefall): a hamster wont die , throwing down from this height .
(provided it spread out itself)

i love this also picture ! the background is nice .

one of elaine's unglam photo .

this picture very cool . top right hand corner is blur de .

taken at the beautiful at 1st sight place .
Italian peach & green apple soda

teachers' day celebration
started with the circuit run . it was damn tiring (sure hav muscle ache). charlene carried the 4kg backpack first (for more than half of the "journey". XD) she passed it to me at around outside GO .
the concert was quite okay . i think the nicest performance was the dance by the sec 4 .
went out with elaine for lunch @ pastamania . i cant stand her .. she kept thinking abt food ! (from the whole afternoon , i inferred that elaine is a big eater . lols! )after lunch , we were damn full and she still want to hav a "picnic" . went to the NTUC , bought some food and went up to the rooftop garden . it was a beautiful place at first sight with no people . so happy to have the whole place to ourselves n ELAINE (only xP) could do all her unglam stuff . we ate those stuff we bought at the rooftop garden . cam whored after that (above pictures). this was the time when we move around the whole place and to find that there were many many ants around . thought there were many ants only , so we didnt care much and continue camwhoring .
the scariest part of the place:
we decided to leave the rooftop garden , so we walked to the exit . on the way , i saw this BIG FAT LONG RED WORM crawling in front N i SCREAMED . i did scare elaine . XD . she was walking somewhere behind me . that was juz a natural reaction of mine . i jumped over the worm n continue walking &&&& we were very shocked to find that there were more than one of those worms . there were many many many many of it and also many many many many millipedes . we didnt walked . we RAN . lols ! (no wander no one was there)
I SWEAR I WILL NEVER GO UP TO THAT PLACE AGAIN !(unless those people go and clean .) even when i'm typing , i'm having goosebumps .
the sky garden was much much more better . 100% better . n there's rubbish bin . (we dont hav to walk around carrying a bag of rubbish) . cam whore there too and went home after that . (reached home at 5+pm . guess wad did i do when i reached home ?)
going out with elaine is always fun , but...
she insults people, so dont go too close to her !xD
(i took my revenge le , elaine . hahaha)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

no one believe that I REALLY ON MY ALARM !!!


Friday, August 22, 2008

gotten back most of the test papers . i'm quite happy with my maths results . haha .

kaixin n alicia make me save $ by not going recess . i stayed in their class with them during recess and kaixin will start to tell me all those funny things about alicia or what she do .

next week is the last week of sch le . so follow by one week September holiday .(looking forward to it . can slack.)

Olympic is ending soon . i enjoyed watching the matches/performances/races (especially when Usain Bolt will be running). muz wait for 4 years later .

4 years later , i'll be 19 . maybe in jc , poly or even university . very cool eh .

i told my friend long ago that i'll be writing a post n scheduled to be posted like 10 years later . den at that time i revisit my blog , maybe that will be quite hilarious/sad/happy etc .. but until now , i wrote nothing . =|

i know all of my posts are very unorganized . haha . whatever came to my mind den i juz type .

so that's the end of this post .

Saturday, August 16, 2008


in the end i still dunno what to do , so decided not to do .

i wanted to put my blog as private , n i did ...

for 15-30 mins ?? ..

under the "invite some people to read your blog" part , i thought for quite long n i just press save without typing in any email address .

after that 15-30 mins , i thought that it was quite stupid , so i didn't set as private .

this was the !@#$%^&*<}/ timessss i'm thinking of setting my blog as private . and !@#$%^&*<}/ timessss i decided not to do so ...

... ...

Friday, August 15, 2008


went back home after amaths test . it was quite tough .

reached home n switch on the tv . switch to the Olympic channels n happen to see Li Jia Wei playing . so juz stay tuned . Singapore was playing against Korea n the matches were really very nice . especially the last match . I think everyone who were watching the match felt very jin zhang . hahaha . Singapore won 3:2 . manage to get the 1st silver medal . Olympic badminton games also very nice to watch . coz they seriously very very very pro .

muz start to prepare for emaths test now... ...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

u should know those consequences after u made tt choice . isn't it ? u waited for things to go wrong before turning back . i know it's none of my business , but the things u do n ur attitude made me felt so disgusted .

hao3 ma3 bu4 chi1 hui2 tou2 cao3 .. n obviously , u're a bad horse .

Friday, August 8, 2008

went out with alicia n kaixin todade . watched red cliff . both me n kaixin thought it was a nice show , but i think alicia dont felt so . coz probably she cant understand . lol ! the movie started only at 2.30pm , so before that we go n shop . alicia n kaixin were looking fo retro clothes for the teachers day audition , but walked for very long also cant find . damn tiring . my legs very suan n kept complaining . hahah .

went to the pet safari with kaixin . there's a very small dog . very cute ! it cost $3000++ .

7+pm den reach home .

Saturday, August 2, 2008

flag day (handicaps welfare association)

went to sch 8 in the morning to collect our tin . we proceeded to hougang to ask for donations . at 1st i thought i wont be so enthu n would not get alot of collections . i thought i wont dare to ask . but everything turned out differently . i went with charlene n people . all of us were quite enthu n got the tin around half-filled at 10am . quite fun actually . will hav sense of achievement . the people in hougang are quite generous . there was one aunty who gave me one small purse of coins . there's alot ! happily thanks her . hahaha . got one guy donated and said this "thank you for your hardwork ." he's so nice ! felt encouraged . luckily i did not meet any funny/rude/weird people . followed charlene home to get her 5-cents coins . she hav one whole cup/container of it . den we put almost all into our tin , but actually we alr met expectations .

i totally got no idea how to solve this problem...