Saturday, November 29, 2008

Went East Coast Park with my aunt and cousins on Thursday . There's actually nothing much . Just ride bike and walked by the seaside .

Some photos taken:

She's very cute and her face is very chubby . Everyone likes to pinch her cheek .

My grandmother's backview . I was at the back seat when i took this .

My cousins and bro are ahead ..

*Ahem* What do you think they are doing inside ?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

When back to sch to paint the toilet . Supposed to meet at 9.30am , but i overslept and only woke up at 11am . I reached sch at around 11.45am . LeeChin KaiXin KaiWen Erlin Me & 3/4 other sec 2 painted the ladies toilet , the one nearest to the HOD room . We did this till 4-5pm+ . We're quite fast as we could finish this within one day . No need to go back tomorrow , but surprisingly i enjoyed it .

Pictures of the doors we painted :

Many of us like this door . Nicest of all .
This door is also very nice . Background colour too light . Can't see in the picture

My hand shake ..

I think the doors look nicer in real that pictures .

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This is something random ...

Few days or weeks ago , my sister ransacked my bro's wallet when he's playing computer inside his room . I was also interested so i leaned forward to see . My sis found a girl's photo inside . The photo was hidden . We started laughing after that . When my mum saw us searching through , she "say" us .

The conversation is somehow like this (after my mum saw us searching) :

Sis : His wallet inside got a girl's photo .
Mum : I knew long ago .
Sis : They you still say us for searching through ? You did that also .
Mum : I checked to see whether there's money inside or not . (Excuse)
Sis : Then why u never check my wallet got money or not ?
Mum : You put your wallet out then i check loh . (On coffee table)
Sis : If no money inside , will you put in ?
Mum : No .
Sis : Chey .

Todae . Few minutes ago :

Mum : The girl's photo inside your wallet is your girlfriend izzit ?
Bro : NO LAH !
Mum : If not why put her photo there ? Why never see you put my photo inside you wallet ?
Bro : *Speechless/Don't bother to reply *

I was in my "computer room" , umchio-ing and came to blog abt this .

Okay .. So end of story ..
My parents will be going back to Malaysia tonight . To attend wedding . My cousins and grandmother will be coming back Singapore together with my parents also .

Tomorrow I'm going back to school to paint the toilet doors . Have to wake up early and I don't really know whether I can make it or not becoz i become a night owl already . Yesterday I slept at 5 am . Break new record . I was doing homework till 1.30am and read book all the way till 5 am .

I'll be going to sleep later . I woke up too early this morning . At 10.40am . My eyes are tired now .

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Went for class chalet/bbq yesterday . Intended not to go already , but SOMEONE called and pestered , so in the end still went . The journey from Toapayoh to Downtown East resort too 1 and a half hour . I reached there at around 4.30pm ++ .

I didn't really know the walk in , so went i reached , Ivan came out to escort me in . The room was seriously very small , and when i walked into the room , most of the people were playing psp all that . Not long after , they wanted to start the fire . I think it took around 1 hour or more for the fire to be ready . Some evil people even thought of burning me up . I ate 2 satay and 1 otah and tt's for my dinner .

Played water gun with Clement and Ivan . First round i nearly win . LOL . 2nd round gun spoiled , couldn't continue playing .

Ivan , Eugene , Jasper , Jasmine and I went to the park at around 9.45pm . It's really tiring to walk from park 1 to park 3 . Our destination is the playground . They cracked jokes on the way there . The playground was no longer that fun . They demolished the spiderweb , leaving a flat ground . No idea what they are going to do with that area . Maybe rebuild the other one . And the dirty slide is under maintenance . They blocked it up .

We played till near 11pm and Jien Hsiu smsed me . Walked back from Park 3 to Park 1 again . Jien Hsiu waited for me at the front entrance and without resting after walking back , we walked to the interchange at a fast pace , afraid that we wont be in time for the last bus . In the end we still missed it . We decided to take 58 to bishan and we saw Charlene Paxton Clement Eugene Brandon there .

Jien Hsiu guided me to the busstop after comfort delgro and i walked back home alone . It wasn't that creepy coz there were cars around . I walked at a fast pace for half an hour till i reached home . I felt that my legs were going to "spoil" , like those crashed F1 car with the tyres and screws coming off . I reached home at 1.33am .

After bathing and drying my hair , i went to sleep , but couldn't fall asleep . My legs were aching . The last time i looked at the clock was 2.58am before i started to fall into the half-asleep-half-awake .... state . I was fully awake when i looked at the clock again . It was 5.30am . From then then really fell asleep till today 10am++ .

I'm very hungry now . Haha

Monday, November 10, 2008

Woke up rather early (9.00am) today coz kaixin was coming over to my house first after her SSP before we went to far east . It was raining very heavily and she alighted at the wrong stop , and just nice , her phone's battery flat . Called her many times and she suddenly appeared behind me . Luckily she remembered the way and walked to the correct stop .

She helped me bought Eclipse ! And she became sort of "twilight-addict" also . We leave house at around 11.40am , ate at the foodcourt before going to far east . We nearly missed the stop at far east coz we weren't looking where the bus was going . I was flipping through Pop club and kaixin was reading twilight .

We just walked and bought some stuff we wanted . I got my 3rd piercing also . Although i was the one getting my ear pierced , kaixin was the one being nervous . It's not pain now , and i can actually sleep on that side .

As usual , shopping was tiring . Once i reached home , i went to sleep . Haha .

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Packed all my stuff today , sorting out the worksheets and throwing some of them away . Things don't seem to get lesser though after packing . But i found the Nov 2004 English paper . Luckily i found it before I go and do that piece of homework given , if not it would be a waste of time .

Friday, November 7, 2008

Today is the last day of sch .

Went out with kaixin to clarke quay . On the way to the MRT Station , we walked the muddy area and one side of kaixin's shoe was stained with mud . She's trying hard to clean it but cant . I suggested that she rub mud over both shoes so it will look nicer . So sad that she didn't try .

We spent more time and energy on walking to find central and Liang Court more than shopping around . Actually wanted to go the kinokuniya to buy Eclipse . But all was sold out . Damn sian coz my main purpose of going there was to find the book . We wanted to try that
turkey-flavoured ice cream but when we got there , the turkey man was gone .

Although my bag was very light , my shoulders were still aching . My legs very suan also . I went home , sat on the beanbag chair and dont felt like standing up again . I reached home at 6.30pm and only stood up at around 7.30pm . (Have to pick up sis call)

So there's nothing for me to do during this weekend . I shall start with my homework first (hopefully i have the feel to do) .

I'm very tired . I want sleep ..