Thursday, March 31, 2011


I completed a 13 episodes drama (爱似百滙/Love Buffet) within 2 days . I'm so awesome :S

The drama reminds me of some of the feelings I felt last time. Like holding a torch for someone but never dared to let him know because of fear of awkwardness and embarrassment .

Besides that, the drama also talks abt the feeling of rejecting and rejected . The feeling of being rejected is very painful, so I've never dared to try. I can only imagine the pain and it's already scary enough. But when someone is rejected, not only the one who is being rejected is in pain, the one who rejected that person ain't feeling any better because he/she will feel very guilty and sorry for the pain inflicted to that person .

The drama doesn't have very awesome plot but I still like it . The ending is what I hope it would be .

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Painted my nails 2 days ago .

Okay ... It doesn't seem as nice in the photo .

Audrey passed me some hamster's stuff in the afternoon because her hamster died . When my mum saw those stuff , she said this "哇,你朋友对她的老鼠那么好。你leh?"

Audrey really treats her hamster well . She bought bedding, bathing sand, hamster food and she even bought hamsters' treats !! I only have newspapers, hamster food and bathing sand . XD

But at least I bought a hamster cage which cost $50 for them (*heartache*)

I'm still not very sure which IS module should I take . Conversational French or Spanish or Social Psychology ???

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Room colour - red & black + gold

I will be blogging more often these few days since I've got nothing much to do .

I want to change my room colour to red , black and gold . My idea is to paint the whole room red , and make a black "dressing table" with black ... err .... board . Those very thick board , I don't know what you call that . On the other red blank wall , I will draw a bigggggggggggg golden rose . I want to paint my bed frame gold also . And my cupboard also . I want to change it to red and black .

BUT , this is not likely to happen in the near future and I could foresee that I won't have the time to decorate my room next time . I've moved into this house for 3 years only , everything are still in pretty good conditions , including the paint of my room (still very pink , with a little dirty black here and there , but not very visible) .

And , not to forget that I'm sharing room with my sis . She won't mind me transforming the room into a "princess-like" bedroom since she like "dreamy" stuff , but she will probably mind me changing the room into such dull colours .

My dream shattered ...

Birthday wishes

I've decided to write a post on this but keeps on dragging till now .

I really appreciated those people who sent semi-long birthday messages to my phone on 12 midnight . I still remembered on that day , I was lying on my bed , deep in my own thoughts and suddenly , my phone vibrated . Honestly , I was irritated by the 1st message because it disrupted my thoughts (+ I forgot it was my birthday already) . But when I read it , I was really feeling happy . And I thanked them happily too .

Zhengtat was the 1st , followed by RuiHan , then Sharmaine .

I was quite surprised that zhengtat remembered my birthday
Ruihan, my almost 8 years friend, always never fail to wish me happy birthday throughout the years we've known each other . Except for last year . He wished me a belated one XP
Sharmaine always sleep early , so I was also surprised that she sent me a message in the midnight and we chatted abit through SMSes

Ivan, Chewyan and Kaixin also sent me meaningful messages some time throughout the day .

Thank you =)


I found this song very familiar and I guessed it's because I listened to it before when I was young . It's a very nice song , although abit old .

Enjoy =)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I went out with Sharmaine and Elaine on my birthday . Sharmaine and I went to walk around in Orchard and Elaine met us later . They wanted me to choose my own present

So this was what they bought for me .

We had dinner and Sakae Sushi . We talked non stop throughout the whole time we were together . It was also a good catch up time as I didn't see Elaine for a very long time (I have 2 friends who's called Elaine . Don't get confuse) We went to eat cake at food paradise as dessert . The cake is quite expensive but it's really nice . Both of them paid for my slice of cake . Love them much XD

By the time I reached home , it's already 10.30 pm . I still had to help my sis in baking cookies for her boyfriend . We had to divide the mixture into 3 batches for baking .

This was what happened during the process of baking:
My sis put the 1st batch of cookies into the oven and not long after , the cookies turned a little brown . She went into the room , got me papers and pens to draw names for the guest book . So I started drawing the names in the kitchen , with my back facing the oven , and my sis went to do don't-know-what stuff . When she came back to the kitchen , smoke was coming out from the oven without me knowing . It turned out that the cookies were badly burned and the whole house was filled with chao-ta smell . She cleared the baking tray and was preparing the 2nd batch when my mum came out of her room . I said , "mum's coming" and the next thing my sis did is slammed down the cover of the dustbin . We didn't want her to know , because the thing she would do when she found out is nag .

The 3rd batch was also burned because my sis didn't take out the cookies immediately after she switched off the power .

That's all for the night on 19th March .

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I have been reading the xin min newspaper about the catastrophes that is going on in Japan and there is this corner in the today's newspaper , saying that the people of China who are still in Japan was making a din at the airport as they wanted to go back to their own country . People cut queues , quarrels aroused . People should really learn from the Japanese . Making a din at the airport won't make the air plane tickets appear on your hands suddenly .

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

死亡固然可怕, 可是活着也很累。

Because it's holidays, I'm always confused about which day of the week is it today .

Went for job interview with WendyC yesterday . It felt like a wasted trip because they want people who are able to commit for 3 months or more . After that , we went to Old Town for breakfast and we talked about Japan and if the world is ending .

After that , I met Elaine and we went Kbox . It has been a long time since the last singing session I went . Kbox is having a $6 promotion , but they only let you sing for 2 hours . Last time their promotion was $8 , and you can sing for 3 hours . The $8 package is more worth it .

Hanged out in 313@Somerset for a moment and went home .

I'm so bored of looking for job already . The discouraged worker effect will be happening to me soon I guess .

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Time is passing too fast seriously .. I didn't know today is already Thursday until my mum told me . I didn't believe until I went to check the calender . I thought today is only Tuesday .

My holiday isn't boring yet . I'm occupied by stuff like drama , tv, drawings and looking for jobs online .

My sis wanted me to help her create a guest book for her bf's birthday . I think she should seriously do it herself --1.) I'm running out of ideas 2.)It's not my bf's birthday

So far I did 5 names only .

My birthday is coming ... ... but I SERIOUSLY DON'T WANT IT TO COME . Can't be any more serious about it . I don't want to be 18 . It feels so old ... ... ... ... ...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

張敬軒 - 只是太愛你

<3<3 Beautiful lyrics for the chorus
因为我不知道 下一辈子还是能否遇见你
所以我今生才会 那么努力 把最好的给你
爱你都变成伤害你 我们的爱快要窒息
不是故意 只是太爱你
Exams ended on thurs 3/3/2011 , but I didn't go out on that day after school because of serious cramp . It was such a bad timing and I felt that I screwed up for POA because it was so painful that I couldn't focus . But haisssssss , forget it , since it's already over .


A very big thank you to my 2 wonderful friends (The Wendies) who sent me home . Without them , I think I would die by the roadside or something . Just kidding ~ not so exaggerating .

I went to the Scape flea with Sharmaine yesterday . There's nothing nice which attracts me over there , but I managed to buy a pair of flats at far east plaza . however, I STILL WANT MORE SHOESSSSSS .

Going for another flea at clarke quay with Sharmaine later . She's flea-addicted already

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bruno Mars Talking to the moon lyrics

Love listening to this song currently . Very niceeeeee

Oh gosh ! I'm addicted to this song . why so nice ?!