Thursday, August 30, 2012

Grad trip pre-prep

27th August 2012, Monday
I cleaned my room. Mass cleaning. Got quite a great sense of achievement after doing that. Those who have came to my house before would know that my bed is lifted above the floor, and there's a space underneath my bed. To keep things out of sight, I would conveniently stuff my things there and rarely touch it thereafter. Ever since I moved to my current house, I don't have any recollection of memories that I cleaned the space under my bed before.

It was quite a horrendous cleaning experience. Dust were flying everywhere and I have to use loads of strength-- to move the queen sized mattress out of its bed frame and dismantle my bed frame so that I would gain access to the floor without having to climb in.

I'm not a body builder, so I needed my mum to help me with moving the heavy mattress. Otherwise, I did the rest on my own.  

My mum kept complaining that I'm doing things slowly. I'm not slow! I'm just doing things thoroughly. I took about 2 hours over to clean everything and put it back into place. When my room is free of dust, I felt that I'm the one full of dust.


29th August 2012, Wednesday
I met Jun Xing at Chinatown to look for cheap travel package to Taiwan during Feb-Mar 2013 period. However, it was a disappointing trip. They told us that the promotion prices for next year is not out yet and we probably have to wait till November to check again. We went to eat at Chinatown first before proceeding to Dhoby Ghaut to meet Alvin and Joshua. Walked around Daiso and went to Astons for dinner.

After dinner, we went to SOTA and watched a play for a few mins before coming out again to meet Ryan. We had to accompany him to eat, chitchat and walked all the way from dhoby ghaut to orchard. On the way, we stopped by Orchard Central's roof garden to chit chat for quite awhile. And because there were only a few of us, they were talking about things they wouldn't say in a big group. All I could say was that it's pretty "ENRICHING".

I reached home at 10.30pm and 1 day of my limited holidays was spent. Only a few more days left before internship and I want more!

If friends stay as friends for too long, friends will be the only thing one can be.

I CLEARLY, ALWAYS know and AGREE to this at the back of my mind. I've forgotten about it until someone brought this up to my attention again.

This is the way things SHALL BE, CAN BE AND WILL DEFINITELY BE. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sleep over

I went to Elaine's house for sleep over during the weekends. It was actually an impromptu decision for me. She sent me a very misleading message to call me to stay over at her house, whereas I thought that I was only going to her house for a day and will come back to my house at night.

But in the end, I still decided to stay over at her house, although I didn't bring ANYTHING for sleepover with me. Elaine is just so "guest-prepared". She has all the things that I need, like toothbrush, contact lens case, disposable underwear etc. We didn't do a lot of stuff. Just chit chat and nua together watching shows and reading books/magazines. I like this kind of life. It's just plain relaxing.

On Sunday morning, I went out for breakfast at Wendy's together with her family and watched Expendables 2. It's a great movie but there was this disgusting scene where a person's head was cut/slice/grind in pieces by a helicopter's rotor/propeller/whatever-it's-called.

I borrowed this book called the <<君空>> or <> from Elaine. The movie, "Sky of Love" aka "恋空"/ "Koizora", which was quite popular few years back. This is actually the book version of that movie, but from the guy's point of view. I've watched the movie version and drama version of it, but this is the first time I'm reading the book. Since the drama and movie were filmed from the girl's point of view, I've decided to start reading the book with the guy's point of view first. I spent less than 2 days to finish the entire book.

I know the story beforehand, so I find that some parts of the book were quite draggy. Moreover, it's a translated version from Japanese to Mandarin, so some of the sentence structures are weird. It's not wrong, but people don't use it often. For example, "手中拿着热腾腾的汤的美嘉" This kind of sentences appeared many times in the book, but I think that it's because of the japanese sentence structures, that's why the translator could only translate it in this way.  

Nevertheless, I still find it touching although this is the 3rd time I'm coming across the same storyline. And this time, I still feel that it's incredibly stupid for the guy to leave the girl because he had illness--throat cancer. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fika Sweden Cafe

I know this post is kinda lag, but I wanted to wait for Elaine to upload the pictures first and post it all together here.

So I met up with Elaine last Sunday after tuition in the morning. What we had in mind were to watch movie and go for cafe hunting in Bugis. But after looking at the movies available to watch, we decided to go for shopping instead.

Elaine initiated to walk around arab street to hunt for cafe, but before that, we bought Hokkaido ice cream to help us deal with the heat when walking to Arab Street.

After walking for some time, about half an hour or so, we settled in this cafe.
Fika Swedish Cafe & Bistro

The interior is simple and comfortable. It's painted white, so it makes the place looks clean and neat.

I ordered this soft drink in the menu called "Trocadero". It was written in the menu that it's a popular soft drink in Sweden. It's a fusion of apple and orange soda and it's quite nice, but expensive cos it's imported.
 Iced latte ordered by Elaine.

 Sipping my drink away

TAADAA our main courses
 Elaine's Crayfish Spaghetti
My Grill Chicken

They made great sauces and it makes the food tastes great too. But it's not cheap. The bill amounted to $60 over.

After the meal, we went shopping at Haji Lane, which is just 1 street away.

Picture taking time before we started on a shopping spree.

I bought a top and a bag from one of the shops and spent about $60+. Elaine also spent as much as me on 2 tops. After spending close to $100 on food and shopping, we decided not to walk into shops anymore to stop ourselves from spending again.

As the weather was still very hot, we walked to Bugis+ and chill at Berry Lite to enjoy a cup of yoghurt.

 We went to the rooftop after that for another photo taking session

And that marked the end of our cafe hunting trip.

This was the first time I went for cafe hunting with Elaine. It's fun because you don't know what to expect and our luck were quite good because we managed to chance upon a Swedish cafe, which is considered rare in Singapore. You don't see a Swedish cafe just anywhere round the corner. I believe there will be more of such trip coming up :)

Friday, August 17, 2012


I went TTSH with my mum today for check up. Actually there was nothing much, just non stop waiting. My mum went for consultation with a doctor and the doctor told her to go for physiotherapy to treat her stiff shoulder. We waited for 2 hours for the physiotherapy, so my mum and I went to walk around at the various shopping malls in Novena.

When we were walking around, my internship company called me asking me if I want attend their D&D which is in November cos they have to consolidate the number of people attending. I can't possibly say no because she said that those who are attending the D&D will be given early dismissal on that day to prepare. So if I don't go, I would probably be the only one in the office staring into blank space. By the way, their D&D is held at MBS. So high class. That means must prepare nice dress to attend the function..

The physiotherapist attending to my mum is a real cute, good looking Caucasian guy. My mum doesn't understand English so I have to be the translator. So HE HAS TO TALK TO ME wahahaha. Can look at him without feeling weird cos have to maintain eye contact. Hahaha! I feel like a fan girl now, but he's really nice looking though. Great eye candy. So that's the highlight of the day.    

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Bad dream

I had a bad dream before I woke up at 6.30am today. Well.. I couldn't really differentiate whether it's a dream or was it that I made it up as I was half awake. When my alarm rang at 6.30am, it gave me a shock and I woke up with my heart pumping fast. But I'm glad that the alarm woke me up. I rather stay awake than to be trapped in sadness.

And yes, it was the gush of sadness which makes me think that it was a dream. If I made it up, I would be sad thinking about it, but not so intense.

So what was my dream? 

I'm not going to disclose.

The dream was very real and realistic. I think it's going to happen anyway... but there's no way I can stop it from happening...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Quick update

I'm doing a quick update about my life now before my laptop battery runs out. 14% left now.

So last week was the start of study break. Study break is for us to study but I ended up slacking it away. I started to study IR only on Friday and I only finished one chapter. Similarly for Saturday and Sunday. Can't blame me though. Olympics was too interesting and I didn't have time to study on Sunday due to tuition and out with Elaine after that. Will update on the trip once photos are up.

Okay, at least I was slightly productive today. But I didn't memorise all cos I think it's not necessary to memorise. I'm depending on luck that I will remember that point when I'm taking my exam on Thursday.

That's all for today and I'll have to resume studying tmr. Misery for this and next week :(

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wendy Chin's 19th Birthday Celebration

WendyK, Junxing, Ryan, Joshua and I went out to celebrate WendyC's birthday today. And 1 day before her birthday, I made her a card.

This was the card that I've made for her. I spent super long just to paste the beads onto the card one by one to form the words "Happy 19th Birthday". I think I spent about 2 or more hours doing it.

We went Flam's pizza @ Orchard Central for lunch. The pizzas there are not bad. Nicer than skinny pizza. We ordered 2 pizzas to share among 3 of us.

It was KBox after that. We got Joshua to bought this small cake for Wendy Chin since he was coming late. 

Make a wish~ make a wish~
He was singing this song with lyrics about lighters in the air/sky, so he took out his lighter and waved it in the air.
Camwhore with WendyK
A picture together. Pardon the messy table

Took a polaroid together and stuck it on the birthday card. 
Interior of the birthday card.

A fun day out together with these poly friends. I think the next time we meet up again will be after examinations.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Last assignment yoooooo

I submitted my last assignment in school yesterday!! Although I procrastinated a lot, I still spent a lot of time on it. I think it was because of my lack of concentration, that's why I spent a lot of time on it. Well, there are so much distractions such as the Olympics. I enjoyed watching it, especially the match between Lin Dan and Lee Chong Wei. It was soooo exciting. It was quite disappointing that Lee Chong Wei lose the game in the end, but still, you can really see the effort he put in.

Okay, back to topic. For the past 2 nights, I had been sleeping very late and waking up very early just to complete my assignment. I went to school to print my assignment at Ourspace, and the queue was freaking long. I spent almost half an hour there before getting my report printed and submitted.

I came home immediately after submission cos I had to go for tuition at 2pm. When I went to my student's place, his mum was talking on the phone with his science teacher. Her mum said that the teacher called her to tell her that her son hasn't been handing in his science activity book. He told the teacher that he lost it and he doesn't have money to get a new one. However, he didn't mention it to his mum until the teacher called.

In the end we didn't have tuition cos his mum intended to cancel, but forgot to tell me. Luckily I live opposite their house. I'd be fuming mad if my student in amk told me she couldn't have lesson after I reached their place.

I'm happy that tuition was cancelled though. I only have 4.5 hrs of sleep that night and I was happy that I got to sleep before meeting Elaine in the evening for dinner.

Elaine told me to meet at 6.30pm but I kept on thinking that I was meeting her at 6pm. So, in the end I was half an hour early. I went to shop around while waiting for her. When she told me that she had reached, I went to the MRT station to look for her. She's so idiotic. She told me that she was waiting for me at the Citibank area when she was actually standing at the MRT exit which is nearer to the Citibank, NOT AT THE CITIBANK AREA. She saw me walking towards Citibank and turning round and round to look for her but she REFUSED to signal to me until I called her. She said that it was funny to see me doing that. *Sigh* What a lousy friend I have.

We went to eat at Skinny Pizza @ Raffles City to eat. The pizza that we ordered has got quite a lot of veggie on it and the veggie tasted bitter. The types of pizza they sell are special, but I still like the traditional kind though. We also went B&J for dessert after that. It's always so enjoyable to go out with her.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Last week of school

This week is the last week of schooling for my entire poly life. Time passes too quickly. I will be going for internship in exactly 1 month's time.

I went back to school on Thursday for Internship briefing, and I met my LO too. He's Edmund Ang and so far, my impression of him is that he is a nice and friendly person. I will get to see him 3 times during my internship. I think he will be the one marking my reports too. I MUST score A for this internship in order to earn myself a slight glimpse of chance of entering into a local uni. But before talking about the internship, I must manage my upcoming exams well.

I'm feeling excited about the internship but a part of me is scared about it because people like to make it sounds very scary in the working world. I know it's true, but it doesn't exist everywhere. Even if my future colleagues have some ongoing office politics, I will try as much as possible to stay clear from it.

I think I entered the holiday mood after IP presentation ended. All my motivation has seemed to travel to some faraway land. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012



I don't know if I have posted this up before. I just thought of this suddenly and find it extraordinary meaningful and true.