Thursday, January 17, 2008

let it go...

now i love the bus rides back home . actually can tink abt quite alot of things during these time . and the most of all , it's cooling ! i love bus 238 ! coz there's always not much ppl on the bus during 2-3++ . 105 too much zhonghuarians and others . dont hav the thinking atmosphere . haha !

todae lessons have nth special . onli during chem period i feel like sleeping . alot . when we were getting our seats in the chem lab . ruihan was like ( somehow i feel ) give those sian sian de face when dickson asked him if he wanna change place . i was like wth !!! i'm de one who suai suai sit wif u can ! and KUAHRUIHAN , its ur luck . lols ! ( juz joking ) . after sch rush to rent lockers for de year . i share wif alicia again . after tt i rush back to classroom to finish de SSP english worksheet . i didnt care if i'm wrong or not . haha . saw the "s" den circle "are" . lols ! finish it in a few mins time . when i'm walking out of the classroom , i saw charlene and kaixin . they are juz gg back to their classroom for SSP while i had finish my "SSP" . hehe . now practically everyday have SSP . sian sia . tmr having amaths SSP . but luckily is onli for half an hour .

after tt SSP of coz is go home . i feel like i was rushing home . coz i'm walking very fast (to me) . boarded the bus den start to tink of crap things . feel like crying due to some disappointment here and there . but of coz muz ren lah . if not tt's not me alr . i have got good "ren3-ing" skills .

我曾经像个白痴, 傻傻地以为你所说的话是真, 但是现在我知道也看清了事实, 我已不再相信你所说的话了.

我曾经以为如果时间可以倒转, 那该有多好! 但是现在我已不再那么的天真, 也不会再想那些有的没的的事了. 我只希望我可以不要把这件事看得太重.

我已经了解什么叫做 "天下没有不散之宴席"


友情, 它是什么?

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