Tuesday, February 5, 2008

~is tt called stress ?~

todae woke up at 3am . den 3.10am studying chem until 4.10am . i went into my room and lie again . but dunno y i cant fall asleep . i was feeling weird . the feeling was like there's a lot of things which i nv complete . so i go wash up at 5.30 whereby i normally do so at 6 . wasnt feeling tt tired .

todae during amaths lesson . i was feeling so "argh" ! ms tan was gg thru everything too fast and i muz catch up . this makes me feel so stress ! i tink i nid tuition but i dont wan it . i dont wan anything which will contribute more to my hw .

during test is even more worst . i cant concentrate . for the mcq part , i kept reading de questions again and again but nothing seems to be gg inside my mind . so i tink i did very slowly . i felt very "ji2" but is not scared or nervous abt de test . juz feel tt everything's gg too fast and i cant take a rest . maybe is becoz the a maths lesson spoil everything . i never had this feelings before . after the test , i felt so relieve . i feel my mind was like spinning . and i tink i can fly into the sky alr . but didnt really feel happy .

since everything is over , den dont tink abt it . yeah ! i'm gg malaysia todae ! coming back on sunday night . so reach singapore in the very early morning . actually i tink hav the time to go sch de . but i dont wan . heheh . tt's all .


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