Monday, March 31, 2008

me and elvina was suffering from some funny illness yesterday night when studying for history . imagine our own paradise . we started thinking abt having a simple life . marrying someone we like and live happily ever after taking care of a farm . we can sit on our horse and travel around . was having fun talking abt those lame things and suddenly elvina say this : face reality man . and knock both of us back to studying of history

hais . if only the world could be as simple as ABC .
was getting uber stress before history test . i didnt do tt damn reliability qn . the next test have to worry for is physics . muz self learn ..

art club was neutral . did tt stupid rope art . elvina drawn something which look like the combination of chicken and duck . lol ! i drawn something (edited by elvina) tt looks like the combination of a penguin and owl . super funny .

argh . feel like sleeping . -_-zzz

Sunday, March 30, 2008

our things and things we bought

my 1st b'dae present from friend . by my dear elaine .

when out wif elaine todae . to bugis to buy my bag . quite fun . haha .

Thursday, March 27, 2008

sch was fine todae . or rather boring as usual . my stomach ache after recess , during hcl period . i tink the combination of laksa and milo got something wrong . so i lie on the table while waiting for the teacher to come . finally , the teacher came , and my stomach continue to ache , so i started to lie on the table when she turns away . and slowy ,,,,,,,,,,,,, i felt like sleeping . i was half conscious and when i fully awake , she filled up de board with words . haha . but dont need to care . but surprisingly , when i'm fully awake , my stomach not pain anymore . lols . and elvina the sicko knew tt when one stomach is aching , he/she wont want to talk . and ELVINA THE GREAT keep toking nonsense to me to make me reply her . zzz .

after chem , i walk back to class wif charlene . and got stratch by the window edge when walking pass 3e6 . i got no idea how i bang into it in the 1st place . freaking pain at 1st , after tt numb . it looks like a crescent moon when i straighten my elbow . hahaha .

went home after sch and my dad brought me to make my ic . i was so so so angry at him at 1st . we were chionging to the ICA building as it close at 4.30pm , so we need to pack all those birthcert and stuff . (he's renewing his PR thingy) but when i tok the letter and see , they say need to bring photocopy parents ic when it was like 3 . he scold me for not preparing and say tt he had already said prepare my things earlier . i was like WTH ! u didnt even say it lah ! i didnt say anything , but in my heart i "ding zhui" to everything he scold . i was seriously very very very angry .

but after he fetch me there , i wasnt tt angry anymore . lols . and so , i retake the photo for my ic as i refuse to use the picture which was taken by the sch in jan .(freaking ugly.) i saw lejun there too , when i'm waiting for my dad to withdraw $ and i saw le jun coming up of the escalator . and later , she was juz at the counter beside me . it was fate (juz joking). zzz . sounds so disgusting .

i'm receiving my ic on 20april . and it's going to be a blue 1 ! lol . *lame*

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

todae teacher told us our chinese oral marks . i'm quite satisfied by the marks i got . the oral examine wrote some comments abt some of the students . he wrote something for elvina : mei2 you3 li3 mao4 . lols !

when the teacher say good morning to her , she nv hear clearly and replied a huh? . hahahaha .

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

lesson was so bored . i feel like i can sleep anytime during lessons . keep controlling myself to get the "blur vision" away . hais . common tests coming again . should i chiong ?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

i want to watch sky of love now .

it's sunday alr and i haven touch any homework . i have been playing wif com , psp and watch tv . but not doing hw . i tink i dont have alot of homework . haha .

i love non-sch days very much . although i will be super duper bored staying at home .

i'm getting lazier and lazier ...

Saturday, March 22, 2008

maybe i should wait till monday to make any conclusion ..

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


todae is 19 march ! my birthday . haha . but it was not a fun day . when out wif leechin elvina and charlene . wanted to go amk hub to watch sky of love , but i check wrong date . zzz . and todae the starting time too late . cant watch . j8 only got waterhorse which is suitable , but elvina dont wanna watch . so nv watch . juz eat and walk around j8 again and again . *new found hobby : taking escalator .*

sch time since to be very long todae . and during last period chinese lesson , elvina drew something on my leg . shall post it next time . haha .

Monday, March 17, 2008

~1st day of term 2~

todae is a sucky day . physics period was so slack , but tingle call me out to do a qn which i dunno how to do . den jia hao gave me wrong info . he keep saying shot down . but in the end is shot up . stupid rays .

mrs wong leave zhonghua !! hence , my english teacher change to deeraj . i dont like her . she keep screaming . and when i told kaixin abt it , she was like " oh .. she will stuff u wif alot of homework ." i like mrs wong ! she dont give much homework . she's good ! so sad lah .

during art club , we when to the art gallery(got aircon) and draw a design for a wall in a old folks home . we were like thinking wad to draw for it to be seems happy and special . there's quite alot of books inside de art gallery . for reference . the books were exp ! cost range from 20++ to 100++ . mostly seen is $60-$70+ . no wander mrs eng dont want us to take those books out of gallery .

i'm very tired right now . i hope i can sleep for 2 days withour waking up . wahaha .

Saturday, March 15, 2008

oh no

todae is sat , tmr gg to be sunday , and the day after tmr is monday --> this means sch gg to reopen --> means i need to complete my homework --> means i haven complete my hw .

zzz . i still left quite alot . maths made me stuck for so long . and i kindly give up on all my hw for the day . --> leads to everything to be undone .

gonna stay up late todae and try to finish most of it . hais .

can sch dont reopen ?

Thursday, March 13, 2008


todae went out wif elaine . went to j8 as elaine wanna borrow books . ate sukae pizza for lunch . we stayed in the library for damn long as elaine cant find her gossip girls books . she refused to leave without getting it . but after tt serious cant find den give up le . went to get coffee bean . after tt went arcade . i won elaine in playing those music thing . somehow like o2jam . quite fun . but she won me in playing de bashing game . those which u muz hit like mad . didnt cam whore but she tou pai me . zzz . going out tmr again . yeah !

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


i have to take pictures of the neighbourhood BY TODAE . sabrina told me to send her by yesterday . but i kept forgetting . i shall take de photos later .

i do have alot of homework . but i'm juz too lazy to get started . i have being spending the few afternoon playing psp and sleeping . i'm trying to pass time , but also wasting time .

can someone help me do my homework ? haha !

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

~english oral~

i woke up late todae . zzz . oral at 7.45 and i only wake up at 7.30am . it was so rush ! i anyhow tied my hair and dump everything i need into my bag . my dad fetch me to sch . when i reached , alex was alr sitting at the sit reading the passage . i thought i was late alr . but mr ong call me go put down my bag den nth happen . haha .

i have to wait for soooo long for my turn . waited till around 10.30am . the time in between was damn bored .

finally mine turn . read the passage and tok abt the picture . he prompt me one thing abt the picture : how is the day . i was like thinking " was do you mean ? like happy day or sunny day ? " i was scared tt if i say sunny day den is like quite stupid . as for happy day , in front i have alr said tt they have an enjoyable time . so in the end i said sunny day . and in the passage , i misread pleasure as pressure . zzz . i know it but nv go and correct it . juz continue reading . lol .

the conversation is the part i feel like dying . he ask wad pet do u currently have . so i said " hamster " and elaborate abit .
he say " do you have any other pet you want other than a hamster ?" .
i say " yes . a dog " and elaborate .
he say " how to be a responsible owner of the pet ?"
and i replied something abt saying when u bring ur dog out for a walk and when they shit , u muz clean after them . but i was stuck at thing shitting part . i cant possibly use the word shit . i was like thinking for a very long time wad word to use . den i saw he like erm-chioing . so paiseh lah . zzz . in the end i use the word poo .

i hate oral !!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

~chinese oral~

my day started off when i wake up early in the morning 8.50am . played mahjong wif my sis and bro till 2am last night . i went out to the bus stop and saw 1 bamboo guy who look like gg to li jia chu zou .

reach sch and went to find elvina in sch 1st before proceeding to the assemble classroom for oral . when we were waiting for our turn ,
elvina ask me 2 questions :
1st one
me : when will u be going to bangkok .
elvina : thursday i tink .
elvina : do you want to send me from the airport ? (in a very wen rou tone.)
me : NO . (immediately and without hesitation.)
elvina : wah lao .

2nd question
elvina : wad do you tink is the conversation topic abt ?
me : i have no idea .
elvina : maybe on the currently things happening in singapore .
both (at the same time): MAS SELAMAT .
we were laughing like mad . and even discuss abt the translated name of his .

after the oral , i waited for elvina outside sch to go for brunch at mac . waited for around 1 hr i tink . feel like boarding 105 and leave her alone . haha .

finally , she came . walk to mac in the rain . when we reach , we were like half wet . audrey and jasmine came later . happily chatting . after tt me jasmine and elvina walk back to sch to take bus . we were like toking abt the boobs x10 person . lols !

Friday, March 7, 2008


have tons of homework to do . zzz .

todae morning ms talib nv come again . so we hav 2 free periods .

got back e maths paper . flunk it . lost 6 marks due to careless mistakes . wif tt 6 marks , i can make it to b4 or 3 i tink . feel like killing myself went i saw the paper . zzz .

after sch we went to eat in mac . alicia was like rushing thru out .

have to stay in sch for the prize giving ceremony . as audience . tt's so stupid . we sat there and did nth from 3-6pm . tzutai was doing obscene things beside me which coz me and charlene to laugh non stop .

i dont need to go back to sch for SSP . only need to go back for oral . LET'S RELAX !

Thursday, March 6, 2008

~last day !~

it's last day of sch tmr !! although it's juz a short break , but i'm still happy tt i do not need to go sch . this holiday week seems to be more like a homework week . teachers are happily stuffing their students wif homework .

although the term 1 common test had ended todae , i still cant take a nice break . i hav alot of homework to be handed in by tmr .
  1. chinese compo (800words)
  2. chinese speech (800words)
  3. chem textbook chapter 6 and 7 challenge questions
  4. chem workbook
  5. a maths 1 qn

1, and 2 is enough to kill . chem still have so many qns to do . zzz . but dont care . sleep 1st . after tt den see how it goes .

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

~2 more days~

it's miserable to stay in tangimhua lesson without bringing your history or ss study materials . but luckily she nv saw tt i nv bring my things . lol . hide from her for 2 periods . actually is i forgotten to take out the history books from the locker .

tmr last test alr .

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


in the fucking physics lab with the fucking alicia ng cause she fucking irritating and fuckingly dnte allow us to go if we never fuckingly finish up her fucking experiment

guess who said this ?? hahahaha ...

~3 more days~

  • got back chem and ss paper todae .
  • chem paper got 2 careless mistakes which cost me 2 marks . zzz .
  • ss was very lousy . but at least still pass . if not need to retest .
  • physics ssp was cancel .
  • elvina can get my interested in her things . lol !
  • after school , accompany kaixin to bus interchange .
  • at school gate met tortoise . so walk together to bus interchange .
  • tortoise kept suaning kaixin until i tink she cant take it anymore . it's very funny .


Monday, March 3, 2008

~4 more days~

tmr having emaths test . hais . hcl test todae was only slightly easier than the previous 1 .

todae physics lesson is nth special . i dont understand AT ALL . not even a teeny weeny bit abt the dunno wad refraction except for the basics learnt last year .

artclub was so bored . alot of ppl got their shirt painted . luckily me and elvina nv kena . hehe .