Monday, March 10, 2008

~chinese oral~

my day started off when i wake up early in the morning 8.50am . played mahjong wif my sis and bro till 2am last night . i went out to the bus stop and saw 1 bamboo guy who look like gg to li jia chu zou .

reach sch and went to find elvina in sch 1st before proceeding to the assemble classroom for oral . when we were waiting for our turn ,
elvina ask me 2 questions :
1st one
me : when will u be going to bangkok .
elvina : thursday i tink .
elvina : do you want to send me from the airport ? (in a very wen rou tone.)
me : NO . (immediately and without hesitation.)
elvina : wah lao .

2nd question
elvina : wad do you tink is the conversation topic abt ?
me : i have no idea .
elvina : maybe on the currently things happening in singapore .
both (at the same time): MAS SELAMAT .
we were laughing like mad . and even discuss abt the translated name of his .

after the oral , i waited for elvina outside sch to go for brunch at mac . waited for around 1 hr i tink . feel like boarding 105 and leave her alone . haha .

finally , she came . walk to mac in the rain . when we reach , we were like half wet . audrey and jasmine came later . happily chatting . after tt me jasmine and elvina walk back to sch to take bus . we were like toking abt the boobs x10 person . lols !

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