Friday, June 15, 2012


Haven't been updating this space for a very long time cos I'm feeling really busy ever since school started in April. This is the 2nd week of my holidays already and school is starting soon. Although it's holiday now, I still feel busy. I have to give tuition in the afternoon for most of the weekdays, and after I come home, I slacked awhile and start to do my report. I have 4 reports to complete in this holiday and it's totally crazy. I really dislike Year 3 life. I wanted to take up tuition so that I have more time during the weekends to relax or do my stuff. But end up, I feel that I'm busier than before. After school, I have to go for tuition. After tuition, I would reach home at about 7-8pm or even later sometimes. After bathing, eating and slacking, it's time for bed. This just continue for almost every school days and even if there isn't tuition on that day, I have to stay for projects. This is going to continue after school starts again...

There is always a part of me wanting to stop doing this.. But how do I go about doing it? If it's not going to work out, I don't want to stay any longer because I don't want to stay and see things that has happened before to happen again. But how do I know whether it's going to work out? Or should I just stop and don't bother to find out the answer? 

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