Friday, November 16, 2007

long time nv post .

nv post this few days was becoz my father dont wanna let us use the internet . ( thanks to my sis . ) todae we gotten our combination result . I WAN TO APPEAL !! todae i oso went for hair cutting wif alicia . she cut half of her hair off her hair . ( can imagine how thick her hair was previously . ) i oso trim my hair . but the length now is a little bit shorten than wad i expected . but it will grow back . haha .

i hate night time . i usually lie on bed for a few hours . during this time , i was always thinking abt de same old thing . not tt old actually , but for at least a few days . i'm scared tt things wouldnt be de same anymore .

when i'm young , i used to tink tt wad i'm going to do when this thing happen . but i came to think of it now again , i tink i was quite stupid .

i was always thinking abt the negative thing for this case , but from the discussion between my aunt and dad , it's seems to be a very bad thing . success + recovering well rate = 10% ( my opinion .)

why time cant stop here ??

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