Wednesday, April 30, 2008

was unable to blog for the pass few days coz i dunno why my com cant get into the window explorer . although still cant enter , i found a way to get in , but quite troublesome .

tuesday is very tedious . have to write compo situational writing for both english and chinese . write until my hand hurts . after exam when home and started to chiong studying for ss exam , which is on todae . started studying at like around 2+pm to 12am wif breaks in between , but not much things get into my brain .

so todae was having english compre+summary and ss exam . english got nth much to mention , but ss is so .... i was scribbling the words for essay part . as usual , not enough time to complete everything . i wasnt tt well-prepared for ss , so i only write out very briefly for the essays part . hopefully can at least get a pass for essay bah .

i'm very tired right now . shall go sleep . end here ......

Saturday, April 26, 2008

你少把我当白痴啦。如果你不想让我知道你就不要在我面前光明正大的说,光明正大的做。你不觉得你这样做很令人讨厌吗?我有脑,我猜得出的好不好?你以为每一个人都像你这样单纯吗?oh , 单纯这两个字不适合用在你的身上,因为事实上,你很不简单。或者应该说你阴险,心机重。



Friday, April 25, 2008

my part time maid know abt his existing as a part time maid . hahahaha .

well , todae have 2 ssp . suppose to have 3 , but amaths ssp change to monday . so stay in sch till 4pm . was utter bored . like always , was very tired .

exams starts next week . muz start studying le . jiayou everyone ...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

having too many homeworks nowadays and my computer broke down . damn sian . there's so much incomplete mid years papers to do , and i juz cant seem to finish my homework .

Toby found maxim magazines in 3E5 class cupboard and kick a big fuss about it . so the desmond chong and red shoes monster knows about it . we are make to go down to the parade square during recess and get scolding for putting the magazines in the class cupboard . those who own de magazines got 10demerits+canning . flip / read thru got 6 demerits . those who look at the cover got 2 demerits . after sch still need to stay back and do reflection . but after tt mr lim says that desmond chong see our class quite co-operative den dont have tt 2 demerits . but for those who read thru mr lim help to "qiu2 qing2" so in the end oso dont hav . i think it was juz some sort of "accident" for the sch level ppl to find out abt it . so didnt blame those guys .

not convenient to tok further more , so end here .

Monday, April 21, 2008

3 periods of physics seems to pass fast todae ...

there's art club todae when all CCAs are suppose to be suspended . we decided to slack till 4pm den go for art club . stayed in class .

we suddenly gathering at the fish tank in my class , as sharmaine accidentally dropped a sweet inside the fish tank . so there were me , charlene , jiahao , sharmaine , ruihan and elaine around the tank . the guys wanted to make the fish "eat" de sweet , hence they tried to make the fish move , but no reaction . suddenly , ruihana say put a picture of a cat there den the fish will move . lols . he watched too much cartoon .

art club was boring . we have to finish the rope art stuff . at 1st my pig alr looks awful , but after coiling with rope , it looks like ... shit ?

so bored ! i haven started revising for MYE yet . argh .

Sunday, April 20, 2008

crystal light in my hse .
night scenery

i love my new hse ! wanna move in ASAP...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

it's gg to be sunday soon . and i havent done any of my homework . feel so unaccomplished . one of the reason for not doing homework/studying is becoz there isnt any nice place in my hse for me to go into the mood of studying . and i'm lazy to go out . tmr muz really chiong for everything le . hais . i got no idea how to start with physics . i dont wanna fail it again . argh ...

Friday, April 18, 2008

can we change Pe to Ce ? CE is much more "fun" than pe .

todae ms talib wanted to test us on the basic skills of rugby . and wanted us to play on the field . it's was raining in the morning , and the field is like so .... yucky . many ppl fall while running on the field . our shoes is like damn dirty with all those grass sticking on it . i think tt my shoes is not tt bad after washing , got polka brown dots all around those fabric areas , but charlene shoes is like more than 50 % of it is brown de . lol . charlene wash her whole shoes while i was trying to wash those non-fabric area , if not will get very wet . unsuccessfully , some parts of my shoes was still wet , and my socks kena too . alot of ppl wasnt wearing our shoes in class and walk around the class barefooted . quite cooling and fun . hahaha , but felt very disgusting when muz wear back the wet socks and shoes to walk to some other parts of the sch .

amaths test was tough . there's 2 qns on partial fractions . ms tan teach de class how to solve those qns on the day i didnt went sch .. hais .

feeling very very stressed up before amaths test . my table top was hidden under all the books and worksheets . see alr will make you feel more arghzzzz .
have to tidy up those emaths stuff and do corrections in order to get the "5 bonus points" , finish my chem sums and use the last half hour to study amaths .

but in the end , emaths thing wasnt done properly den hand in le . amaths study like 10 mins with nth getting in . but was lucky enough to clear some doubt abt 1 amaths sum , and end up , it really came out . lols .

Thursday, April 17, 2008

wasnt in a very good mood today . find kaixin to talk abt it for a short while . juz before she take her chem test . hope she score well .

tangimhua period pass extraordinary fast todae . maybe is becoz she crap wif us abt the MSG of history . but quite cool . my class msg for history is only 6 . lols . it means average everyone score like 50-54 .

i have a "part time maid" in sch . lols ! juz joking . like wad ppl always say , muz zhen1xi1 wad others do for you ...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

chem test was very hard !! although last night study till 12am , but i got no confident tt i will pass it . i wasnt as relax when doing test nowadays .

i nearly dozed off for many times during tangimhua lesson . during ss lecture , i thought charlene tt i rather she let us watch a black and white movie than listen to her teaching . and during history lesson , she really let us watch a black and white documentary . zzz . i fold my arms , lean back against the chair and watch . not long after i start to feel like sleeping . everytime i nearly dozed off , my hands will drop and i will be awake for like 1 min ? but after tt , same thing happen and like happen 3-4 times . finally , she was stop the movie and made us copy some things . at least copying of things wont be so miserable .

why are we so lucky to get tgh for both history and ss ???? next week wednesday , we gonna see her for 3 consecutive periods as ss lecture will be taking over by the respective ss teacher . i hope i tio fever den dont need go sch on wed .

kena tricke by tzutai at the busstop after sch . i was walking towards the bus stop and tzutai was like sitting down there alr . when i reached and gg to walk pass him , he said
"ke ying , u got listen to this song before ?" and he hand me over one of the earpiece . i took it and listen.
"there's not song wad ."
after tt he show me tt the earpiece isnt plug into anything . zzz

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

went to sch todae and quite alot of ppl ask me why i nv went to sch yesterday . lol . everything was the same except my partner change . still not bad . he fan me during SS period . quite cooling . sitting at the back of the class is very warm .

2.4km run todae . seriously felt like dying after running not even halfway thru . it was damn tiring . it was already drizzling when we started running . when we finish running , not long after , it started to rain heavily . was having stitches halfway thru oso . damn pain . breathe one time pain 1 time . zzz .

me and kaixin was on the way to the bus stop . found tt we actually took the longer way . we didnt run . juz walk at normal pace . by the time we reach the bus stop , we are like totally wet . quite fun actually , but scared tt all the chemistry notes will be wet .(in the end its not wet .) it was a long trip from pungol back to toapayoh . was reading thru my chem textbook all the way and find tt i wasnt concentrating tt much . was damn cold in the bus and my hair was dripping wet , but when reach toapayoh , it's like almost dry . haha .

tmr is chemistry test . i want to score well . but feeling very tired right now . and will be tested on 3 bloody chapters . argh !!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

didnt attend sch todae. finished all those "going to copy in sch" homework at home instead . only started to do my work at 3pm coz i was sleeping before that . haha .

i was worried that my dad will scold me for not gg to sch . but surprisingly , he didnt . heng ..

2.4km run tmr ! hate it .

Sunday, April 13, 2008

went to bishan to buy furniture . shop there for 3 hours plus . i like to shop for furniture . heehee . bought my room wardrobe , sofa , my parents bed and mattress , coffee table and sofabed to be put in my bro's room .

my sis was play hide-and-seek wif me when looking for a wardrobe we want . zzz . i go one side , she went the opposite .we were separated by a wardrobe in between us . couldnt see her till i decided to go one round . like those indians playing under the coconut or banana tree .

reach home at 3.30pm . found tt alot of my homework was not completed . lol . but i dont intend to do le . heehee .

Friday, April 11, 2008

i'm having muscle ache all over ! this is due to unfit . lol ! was having difficulties climbing up and going down the stairs . and even sitting down and standing up .

i think i screwed up my emaths test .
i stupidically (btw , there's no such word . haha .) found my careless mistakes, but i didnt change it . i feel so ... dumb ? i dunno why i am feeling nervous when i was doing the test . but luckily my hands nv shake tt badly when i was drawing the graph . i rarely feel nervous for test . but i dunno why this time will .

aiya , dont care . there's quite alot of hw this weekend . how do we have the time to study for MYE , when there's is still so much homework and common tests going on ? some can , but i definitely cant . coz i need to relax more than i study ? lol .

Thursday, April 10, 2008

me and bro . by the window .

by the window
the sky colour is nice .

view of the sky garden from 32th storey .

32th storey !

outside to inside .
sun set .
kitchen without anything
my new hse is in a mess .

i hate this building . it's blocking all the view .
can see the swimming pool also .
scene from new hse .
i was too bored and arrange my food in this manner .

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

when to my new hse todae to take a look . very windy up at the 32th floor . taken some photos . either upload by tmr or later .

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

i find tt mr tham is quite irritating . ce lesson is meant to do ce things . but he take over (coz mr lim not here todae) and use it for emaths instead . when ce lesson was gg to end , he den tell us to vote which service learning project we wanna do . it was recess after tt . zzz . i really fall asleep for awhile during ce lesson . was very tired . i found tt he like to stay back . it may be a good and bad point .

lesson ended at 12.50pm . assemble in hall and went to the Singapore discovery centre . dickson keep flicking me and we ended up splashing rain water on each other . stopped , but after tt started again . there was this ppl , i think is a tourguide , suddenly walk pass . as i was trying to splash water on dickson , i swing my hand and i hit tt man talkie and now , ended wif a blueblack on my hand . when having break , me and char bought a waffle , but it look and taste like not fully cook . zzz .

5.30pm , we leave SDC . but only reach sch at 6.30pm due to slight traffic jam . and i only reached home at 7.30pm . now , i dont intend to do hw . haha .

Monday, April 7, 2008

after sch was hcl test . kinda hard . and after test was artclub . me and elvina pon half of it . heehee . we stayed in class till 4.20pm . den slowly walk down to artroom , take things put into class cupboard , slowly walk to locker put things and walk to the canteen to buy drinks . we went up to the 3rd floor(the only corner i like in sch) to enjoy the drinks and chat . only went back to the art room at 5 . i think . lol ! so bored doing tt stupid rope art thing .

elvina finally able to persuade me to eat dinner wif her . haha . after that , she even want me to walk to interchange wif her . and the usual rule , she was not allow to board her bus if my bus haven come . haha . and a funny thing happen . she say "i hope both of our bus come together." not long after she said tt , it really came together . zzz .

Friday, April 4, 2008

sch ended at 10.40 . went toapayoh central . as usual , have prob on deciding wad to eat . in the end decide on mac . after eating went to ntuc to buy snacks . went to serangoon stadium . was damn bored . got nth much to do . but at least we are allow to move freely , if not i will seriously die from boredom . my class got to leave the stadium 1st . heehee .

tmr have to wake up as early as 9+ am to go to tt forever stupid general hospital for checkup . waste $ and time . lameshit . and is as far as outram park .

Thursday, April 3, 2008

tmr is sports day cum snacks day . we will juz be eating snacks at the spectator stand . sch release at 10.40 . 1 hr pe 1 hr emaths and 30min ce and we can leave .

tingle gg thru menopause ? she was so angry wif us before and after physics test . and she said it was becoz we made her waited for us .. she scolded and say our attitude are like we dont bother at all . but quite true , i dont bother to do the work she gave us . oh well ... i think i would score less than 1/3 for physics test . whole paper 30 marks . the paper was damn hard . i thought i was gg to die when i'm doing the paper . but , after knowing tt some cant do it , i feel a bit relief . i felt so not worth it as i was getting stress-up when studying physics the previous night , and find tt the things i studied did not help much . hais .

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

todae is the april fool day . during tan gim hua lessons , my class laugh at her mistakes sarcastically . hahaa . we have extended chem ssp . 2.30pm to 4pm . the experiment was fun . but very drag-gy . some ppl was late and being was being scolded when everything was going to end . i agree wif dickson tt mr lim is very patient . juz like he said , the class is in a so called messy state bah ? but he had nv scolded us right till now . (maybe he's gonna explode someday ?) mr lim is very good .

chem experiment
chem experiment was abt finding empirical formula . as bunsen burner was needed , we need to work wif no fan . it was super duper warm inside the chem lab . saw some ppl standing at the back door , so went there and realise the temperature outside was like some imaginary aircon was working . very cooling . everyone was sweating like pigs . (juz joking . haha .) miss ong was naggy when giving instructions . she kept repeating . was so bored waiting for her to finish talking . realise my face was so red after charlene told me so . ... ... ... ...

end here ....