Tuesday, April 15, 2008

went to sch todae and quite alot of ppl ask me why i nv went to sch yesterday . lol . everything was the same except my partner change . still not bad . he fan me during SS period . quite cooling . sitting at the back of the class is very warm .

2.4km run todae . seriously felt like dying after running not even halfway thru . it was damn tiring . it was already drizzling when we started running . when we finish running , not long after , it started to rain heavily . was having stitches halfway thru oso . damn pain . breathe one time pain 1 time . zzz .

me and kaixin was on the way to the bus stop . found tt we actually took the longer way . we didnt run . juz walk at normal pace . by the time we reach the bus stop , we are like totally wet . quite fun actually , but scared tt all the chemistry notes will be wet .(in the end its not wet .) it was a long trip from pungol back to toapayoh . was reading thru my chem textbook all the way and find tt i wasnt concentrating tt much . was damn cold in the bus and my hair was dripping wet , but when reach toapayoh , it's like almost dry . haha .

tmr is chemistry test . i want to score well . but feeling very tired right now . and will be tested on 3 bloody chapters . argh !!!

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