Monday, June 30, 2008

todae was such a long day . reached home only at 7.30pm due to art club and dinner with elvina . lessons was nothing as usual . but sharon tan wanted us to hand in a poster by wednesday .

watched the documentary on half man half tree . i juz leave my work on the table and rushed to the room and started watching . i nearly forgot abt it . the man named dede . his hands and legs have something which looks like roots growing on them . and he said tt it's heavy . his body and face has warts all over . it somehow looks those things which grow on the tree trunk . DR kaspari offered to help him to find out wad is the cause of the disease and all tt . he didnt seems to be disgusted by those things . quite a good doctor . he did a research and found out dede's body has very very weak immune system , maybe that's why such things will keep growing on him . he has 2 children . his wife leave him becoz of his disease . he have to earn money by working in a "circus" . the workers of the circus is made up of weird-looking ppl . one hav a very very big nose , the other has bubbles growing everywhere on his body , his face . still got some , but i forgot .

the most gross part of the show was they showed doctor kaspari cutting off some warts from dede's body to test all tt . he juz used a knife-like thing to cut off . and of coz , he did inject dede to make him felt numb .

suddenly the whole show juz link to the other case . but in the case , there was a man whose hands are growing with warts also . and same as dede , he cant grip . he went for an operation . and the process of the operation was being showed in the tv . those doctors cut off his hands' skin . this part was very gross also . and to replace the skin cut off , the doctors shave off his thigh skin . the tool is something like those use to shave off sheep's wools . and they really shave off his skin like shaving off wools .

my mum passed me half of the orange when i was watching tt documentary . but after eating one slice , i gave back her the rest . u wont hav the appetite to eat . i kept getting goosebumps and also , yee-ing . hahaha . but i find tt they really very kelian , hav to live with those things growing on their body .

Saturday, June 28, 2008



this is quite a old song . but i think it's nice .

Friday, June 27, 2008

stayed back in sch for amaths SSP . tt ms lee took over and went thru with us those amaths holiday homework questions . most of us were not listening and she's pek chek with us . scolded us , but the noise level went up again .

met kaixin after SSP as i've promised her to walk with her to interchange , but leechin came along after tt so we went to eat lunch 1st . was having a fun time chatting with them . but suddenly kaixin asked leechin abt the sweets she gave us which she brought back from shenyang . from then i know tt some of the sweets inside are made of beef !! i was so shocked . kaixin said tt it's very obvious tt is beef , but i nv ever try beef before so i dunno the taste .

the sweet looks like sour plum and abit like chilli . so i put it into my mouth and spit it out almost immediately . it taste disgusting . i nv touch the same type of sweets again . it's still in my fridge .

that was the 1st time i taste beef unknowingly . and i will nv ever try it again . lols .

took the same bus as leechin and went home ...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

my olevel chinese oral is on 8th July . a tuesday . chinese teacher juz go thru some techniques with us and did some funny examples .

time seems to pass very slow todae .

and i seriously thinks tt toby is a b!tch . maybe her name alr show tt she's bias . against those very good students in terms of academic .

Monday, June 23, 2008


but physics maybe got a chance to be with kaixin .

for chem , i'm still in mrs ong class , but many people change , dont feel right .

went mac for lunch with kaixin alicia elvina nisa leechin tanyun felicia and charlene . on the way back , i was playing with elvina big pin . clip it onto my finger and shake front and back . kaixin was toking to alicia , suddenly she knocked onto me and the pin dropped into the drain . lols . dunno why we kept laughing . sorry elvina for dropping your pin into the drain . haha !


i was cheated by kaixin to go interchange to take bus with them . i wanted to take the same 105 with leechin and tanyun . but she bluff me tt both of them went for tuition , and i believe her . argh !

i'm tired now . muz sleep early tonight ...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

1 more min to 23/6 . in another 6 hrs and 11 min , i hav to wake up and go sch . the 'wonderful' school . i cant predict wad's going to happen in sch , but i know i will definitely not like it . i think i relax myself to the fullest , and it will be hard to get back to the mood to study bah .

i'll miss waking up at 11am-12pm-1pm .

Saturday, June 21, 2008

i still left chem worksheet . consider halfway through bah . 14/36 . it's hard . i felt like sleeping once i started doing . wonder how am i going to finish the remaining 22 questions .

tmr is the last day i can wake up late and todae is the last day i can sleep late ...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

let everything be hidden behind the clouds

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

i'm halfway thru my chinese compo/story .. can finish by tmr .
but , it's like quite long .

& yeah ... tt's all for todae .

Monday, June 16, 2008

where's my thumb drive ?! argh !!

the clear blue sky

time passes fast..

6 more days to sch reopen ...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

went to the computer fair with parents and bro . damn tiring . regretted going ... walked so many rounds dunno for wad . and alot of ppl squeezing . wanted to buy CPU , but no stock le . so nv buy . waste my time ...

after that went to a restaurant and eat lunch-cum-dinner . thats all .

Friday, June 13, 2008

i finish 1 novel within 1 day !

continous reading throughout the whole afternoon and abit at night to finish it . so yesterday , i was juz reading my book and doing nothing else . i also completed the book review todae .

muz try to finish all hw asap le . 9 more days to sch reopen ...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

it's raining now & the sky is very red . but it's nice . it's so windy tt de window will auto close .

this was the 2nd time i forgot to take the keys from the hole after opening the door . i really totally forgot abt it . kena "scolded" for that . the 1st time i forgot was after sch , i came home , open the door and i leave the keys there . for both of the time , i was alone at home . stm till a very bad state ... haha XP .

dunno why am i sleeping very late this few days (3am). i cant fall asleep ! lie on bed for 1+ till 3+ den fall asleep ...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ....................................
went to kaixin's hse todae . to do hw . haha .

her hse damn big and nice !

completed amaths and emaths journal . did some chem too . at least it's not as bored as staying at home . hee =)

i still got no inspiration on wad to write for chinese compo . zzz .

Monday, June 9, 2008

wake up at 9+am todae . 1st time wake up so early during holidays . actually was waken up by the renovation sound upstairs . damn annoying and frustrating . tonight shall prepare a earpiece , put beside me , incase the next morning too noisy can listen to song and sleep . xP

i told myself to do 读后感 todae . but .. dont feel like doing it . shall postpone it . hahaha .

there's not a single day tt u're not bored --by kaixin .
it's true . i'm bored every single day . wahaha !

juz some funny things . bored ? go read =)

i find tt not many ppl hav the font i using for my blog .

Sunday, June 8, 2008




Friday, June 6, 2008

now is juz nice 2.30am . and I HAVEN SLEEP ! =)

kaixin actually wanted to go out . LOL . quite surprise tt she will say so . should be she nv see me for too long , tt's why miss me so much (juz joking . haha) . the number of times we went out together could be counted using one hand (from sec1 till now) . we want to watch tt dunno wad zohan movie . haha . it seems funny . (but haven started showing yet . so sad =( )

my sis and my bro , together with my grandmother will be gg back to malaysia early in the morning . for a few days only . so during this few days , i will be alone at home with my mum i think . hav the computers to myself . can 尝尝做独生女的滋味。=) but i guess i will still be very bored ...

Thursday, June 5, 2008


去年,某人对我说:“不管你们现在有多好,所写的东西有多动人,多好听, 到头来,还是会变。”我原本不相信,但慢慢的,我开始接受也了解这句话。我有一股冲动想把那些东西给丢掉,因为它们已失去原有的意义。


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

todae finally finishing watching sky of love .

& i nv cry ok ! hahaha . i told *you* tt i dont need tissue de . =D
3E5 class bbq yesterday .

i was wondering whether to go or not before tt . but in the end , still went .

meet charlene and people @ 4pm opposite zhonghua and took 58 and 403 to pasir ris park . only reached there at 6pm . went down into the sea at around knee level . jia hao and zhongyin were playing with their soccer ball and jiahao juz happened to kick it into the sea . jiahao called zhongyin to retrieve the $52 soccer ball and claimed tt he did not know how to swim . hahaha . fake de , coz in the end they went to retrieve the ball together .

charlene and rented a double seats bike after that but we nv get to ride alot on it . it's juz like for travelling use .

night time:
after eating the bbq food , charlene and i went to sit at the rock . ( use to break water tt thing , but dunno wad izzit called ) the night view of the sea is so peaceful .. but after that , i went to the playground with dickson and ivan . we climbed almost everything there and our hands hurt . we also competed in who swing higher when playing the swing ( not to mention who win ). got to fall from the wheel (this sounds so honoured . zzz) , quite surprising tt there wasnt any injuries , juz tt clothing became dirty . i love sitting at the top of the spider web , but after climbing up and sitting there for not long with both of them , we have to go back and clear the things as it was getting late .

went back to the pit , nv clear anything and went back to the playground again . this time with more ppl .

reached home at 11.59pm . slept at 1+ gg 2 am ( waiting for my hair to dry ) and i only woke up at 12+ gg 1 pm =)