Wednesday, June 4, 2008

3E5 class bbq yesterday .

i was wondering whether to go or not before tt . but in the end , still went .

meet charlene and people @ 4pm opposite zhonghua and took 58 and 403 to pasir ris park . only reached there at 6pm . went down into the sea at around knee level . jia hao and zhongyin were playing with their soccer ball and jiahao juz happened to kick it into the sea . jiahao called zhongyin to retrieve the $52 soccer ball and claimed tt he did not know how to swim . hahaha . fake de , coz in the end they went to retrieve the ball together .

charlene and rented a double seats bike after that but we nv get to ride alot on it . it's juz like for travelling use .

night time:
after eating the bbq food , charlene and i went to sit at the rock . ( use to break water tt thing , but dunno wad izzit called ) the night view of the sea is so peaceful .. but after that , i went to the playground with dickson and ivan . we climbed almost everything there and our hands hurt . we also competed in who swing higher when playing the swing ( not to mention who win ). got to fall from the wheel (this sounds so honoured . zzz) , quite surprising tt there wasnt any injuries , juz tt clothing became dirty . i love sitting at the top of the spider web , but after climbing up and sitting there for not long with both of them , we have to go back and clear the things as it was getting late .

went back to the pit , nv clear anything and went back to the playground again . this time with more ppl .

reached home at 11.59pm . slept at 1+ gg 2 am ( waiting for my hair to dry ) and i only woke up at 12+ gg 1 pm =)

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