Monday, June 21, 2010

2nd week of holiday already !! Time passes so fast . This holiday is a very slack one . No need to do any work , just sleep , eat , watch tv , go out and use com . How nice it will be if life is just like that *dreaming* .

I've finished watching 40 episodes of 倚天屠龙记 . Within 4 days . HAHA . It's nice , but I think that 射雕英雄传 is nicer . I don't know why , but I like all those 武侠 shows . I wish someone can come out with more of it .

It's very windy now , I think it's going to rain soon . I like rainy days , but not the thunder .

My dad is watching world cup now and North Korea is being trashed by Portugal . Very badly .

This post is totally random like shit . ARGh ! I'm damn bored !

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Had been going out for the past 2 days . And of cos , spent money !
My last common test (Business Statistics) was on thursday , so after that , I went to Cineleisure with my classmates to watch the Karate Kid @ 1pm . We bus-ed there together .

Pictures taken at NP's busstop

There were 15 of us and we went to eat breakfast @ BBQ chicken before the movie started .

The tables were nicely arranged for us in a long stretch . It was as if some royal family was having dinner .

Yan jie wasnt inside becos she was the one taking these photos .

When we were waiting for our food to be served , we took more photos =D

Chew Yan
Wendy and Guan Hui

"Gabriel's Magic time " Taking a bottle of chilli sauce from a menu .

After breakfast , it was time for movie . We made our way to the theatre .

Weiliang & Joshua
I got to be the tallest one in this photo . heehee .

Karate kid is a nice movie ! The movie lasted for 2 hours plus . We walked around Cineleisure for awhile and decided to settle in Old Town White Coffee to drink coffee .
After the tea break , we walked around 313@somerset . However , the group was too big to go shopping together . As walking around was really boring , we decided to go somewhere else , but also took a very long time to decide . In the end , the 6 of us went esplanade@cityhall to chill .Some cool drawings we saw on our way there

Enjoyed the breeze over there and talk quite a lot . It was very relax and nice sitting there and chit chatting with these people . Time passed fast and soon it became dark .Weiliang , Junxing , Alvin , Yujie , Chew Yan and me !
We leave the Esplanade Rooftop @ 7+ or 8+pm . Couldn't rmb exactly . We had dinner at a place which look like a hawker centre to me (don't know what is the place called) . After dinner , we continued to walk and slack around .
We ended up in boat quay . Sat down at the river side till 10+pm and went home after that .

It has been a long time since the last time I went out in such a big group .

*photos credited to Chew Yan aka Yan Jie

Friday :

I met Sharmaine at Bugis after her last test . Going Bugis = shopping ! We walked around haji lane , bugis street and iluma . Talked about school , friends and CRAP . And I like this sentence abt her "She has cockroach colour skin" . HAHAHA . Reached home at 9pm+ .
I realised that after I entered Poly , I have been going out more often . Don't know whether it's good or bad ...

Woah~ Finally finished this . I took 1 hour and 45 mins to do this post . If the photos could be arranged more easily , I won't be taking this long . argh !

Friday, June 4, 2010

Haven't been blogging for a long time . I should be studying for microeconomics test tmr , but yet I'm blogging down here XD .

Poly life has been good so far . I'm starting to like my classmates =) Although it seems abit slow . We arranged to watch a movie after our last common test on thursday . Looking forward to it =D

I think I should get back to study