Monday, June 21, 2010

2nd week of holiday already !! Time passes so fast . This holiday is a very slack one . No need to do any work , just sleep , eat , watch tv , go out and use com . How nice it will be if life is just like that *dreaming* .

I've finished watching 40 episodes of 倚天屠龙记 . Within 4 days . HAHA . It's nice , but I think that 射雕英雄传 is nicer . I don't know why , but I like all those 武侠 shows . I wish someone can come out with more of it .

It's very windy now , I think it's going to rain soon . I like rainy days , but not the thunder .

My dad is watching world cup now and North Korea is being trashed by Portugal . Very badly .

This post is totally random like shit . ARGh ! I'm damn bored !

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