Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I've just finished my POA !!! I think I spent like 2 hours plus to complete the tutorial . Don't know whether izzit right or wrong not to listen during POA lectures .

AND THANKS WENDYCHIN FOR HELPING ME IN POA (I know u will see this very soon)

Oh mine ! I think it's the mocha I drank at canteen 3 during lunch which keeps me awake now . I wanted to sleep at 6pm becos I was stucked in DSS , but after lying down for about 20 mins or so , I decided to wake up , switched on my computer and do DSS again . Zzz

DSS can seriously cause me to have bad moods . Especially when I just can't get it right . I was sooo frustrated in the evening when doing DSS and I basically ignored/gave my sis 1 word replies , refused to eat dinner until I got the percentage thing right . When I'm done with it and went to eat , the rice had already turned cold . But luckily my mood was able to change back to normal after I've got it right =) , like finally ...

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