Friday, December 31, 2010


Mum and Bro in my bro's room:
mum: 功课做完了吗?
Bro: 做了很多!

In the other room:
Me: (Shouted)屁!

Mum-->Bro: 我相信你才怪。


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I went to dye my hair with my sis yesterday (27/12/2010) . It's my first time dying my hair . I actually chose copper red , but it turned out to be more like copper brown . But I still love it =D

My experience:
The part I hated most is when the hairdresser apply don't know what stuff on my hair and it caused my scalp to be really itchy . Unbearable itchiness . So I kept fidgeting . I wanted to scratched it badly , but I couldn't . But luckily after awhile , the itchiness was gone . If the itchiness was going to last for quite awhile , I SWEAR I'll never dye my hair again .

I really love my hair colour now . Hee Hee ^.^And it looks kinda rebonded . Maybe only for today .

I've been sleeping at about 6am for the past 2 nights . I don't know why and I don't like it . I just lie on my bed and after a few hours , my head(brain) will be uncomfortable . I hope I'm not going to sleep so "early" . I need to wake up early to do MAEC project .

My parents went Malaysia and they will only be coming back on the 30th . I feel soooo free without the presence of my parents . I think I'll lose weight when my mum is not around . I'm just too lazy to hunt for food .

I love it when I wake up , wash up , and there's food ready for me to eat . I'll have to make my own breakfast for these few days =(

Monday, December 27, 2010

So bored ! Everyone in my house seemed to enjoying themselves while I'm down here writing blog about how bored I am .

My sis is playing Iphone games, my bro is playing dota with my sis's bf's friend and my sis's bf is watching at his friend playing dota with my brother .

There's nothing for me to do =( No tv programme to watch , don't know what to do on the internet . ARGHHHHH ! WHY IS MY LIFE SO SAD ?!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I don't want 2011 to come ! Cos I'll become older =(

Friday, December 10, 2010

POA test is tmr !!! Noooo !

After poa will be blaw . And that means I will and must start to memorise truckloads of blaw stuff .

End of common tests doesn't seem to be a good thing . There will be loads of projects . ='(

Saturday, December 4, 2010

How will it be if money never existed ?

I went to the interchange to pass my aunt something just now , and also walked around toapayoh central with her .

We talked about the other aunt when walking around . Whatever I heard from her didn't tally with what I knew . This just shows how messages got contorted from 1 person to another .

Money money money . Everything is about money .
Money can cause people to fall out , cause siblings to quarrel , cause families to fall apart , cause people to not cure their illnesses in the early stage , cause rumours to spread like wild fire , cause people to be unhappy , cause people to die .

Money , I hate you .
But I want to own loads of you .