Tuesday, March 11, 2008

~english oral~

i woke up late todae . zzz . oral at 7.45 and i only wake up at 7.30am . it was so rush ! i anyhow tied my hair and dump everything i need into my bag . my dad fetch me to sch . when i reached , alex was alr sitting at the sit reading the passage . i thought i was late alr . but mr ong call me go put down my bag den nth happen . haha .

i have to wait for soooo long for my turn . waited till around 10.30am . the time in between was damn bored .

finally mine turn . read the passage and tok abt the picture . he prompt me one thing abt the picture : how is the day . i was like thinking " was do you mean ? like happy day or sunny day ? " i was scared tt if i say sunny day den is like quite stupid . as for happy day , in front i have alr said tt they have an enjoyable time . so in the end i said sunny day . and in the passage , i misread pleasure as pressure . zzz . i know it but nv go and correct it . juz continue reading . lol .

the conversation is the part i feel like dying . he ask wad pet do u currently have . so i said " hamster " and elaborate abit .
he say " do you have any other pet you want other than a hamster ?" .
i say " yes . a dog " and elaborate .
he say " how to be a responsible owner of the pet ?"
and i replied something abt saying when u bring ur dog out for a walk and when they shit , u muz clean after them . but i was stuck at thing shitting part . i cant possibly use the word shit . i was like thinking for a very long time wad word to use . den i saw he like erm-chioing . so paiseh lah . zzz . in the end i use the word poo .

i hate oral !!!

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