Thursday, March 27, 2008

sch was fine todae . or rather boring as usual . my stomach ache after recess , during hcl period . i tink the combination of laksa and milo got something wrong . so i lie on the table while waiting for the teacher to come . finally , the teacher came , and my stomach continue to ache , so i started to lie on the table when she turns away . and slowy ,,,,,,,,,,,,, i felt like sleeping . i was half conscious and when i fully awake , she filled up de board with words . haha . but dont need to care . but surprisingly , when i'm fully awake , my stomach not pain anymore . lols . and elvina the sicko knew tt when one stomach is aching , he/she wont want to talk . and ELVINA THE GREAT keep toking nonsense to me to make me reply her . zzz .

after chem , i walk back to class wif charlene . and got stratch by the window edge when walking pass 3e6 . i got no idea how i bang into it in the 1st place . freaking pain at 1st , after tt numb . it looks like a crescent moon when i straighten my elbow . hahaha .

went home after sch and my dad brought me to make my ic . i was so so so angry at him at 1st . we were chionging to the ICA building as it close at 4.30pm , so we need to pack all those birthcert and stuff . (he's renewing his PR thingy) but when i tok the letter and see , they say need to bring photocopy parents ic when it was like 3 . he scold me for not preparing and say tt he had already said prepare my things earlier . i was like WTH ! u didnt even say it lah ! i didnt say anything , but in my heart i "ding zhui" to everything he scold . i was seriously very very very angry .

but after he fetch me there , i wasnt tt angry anymore . lols . and so , i retake the photo for my ic as i refuse to use the picture which was taken by the sch in jan .(freaking ugly.) i saw lejun there too , when i'm waiting for my dad to withdraw $ and i saw le jun coming up of the escalator . and later , she was juz at the counter beside me . it was fate (juz joking). zzz . sounds so disgusting .

i'm receiving my ic on 20april . and it's going to be a blue 1 ! lol . *lame*

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