Tuesday, May 20, 2008

HOUSE WARMING PARTY yesterday . as expected , hse were full of people . alicia , charlene , elvina , leechin , dickson , ruihan and eugene came . ate the buffet , drink wine/beer . elvina was so red after drinking some barcardi breezer and tiger .

went on with games . played true or dare ourselves and oso with sis's friends , monopoly , block catching and cards . we dare charlene to drink 5 full cups of water . & she was feeling damn full and uncomfortable after that . ahaha . playing true or dare with my sis friends need courage . they dare kisses . block catching was hard to play . from block A to E , 1st storey to 40th storey . damn tiring . alicia charlene elvina eugene ruihan and i were catches . damn hard to spot people . but we manage to catch the small ones (bro and friends) and the 2 big ones (sis friends) . the other 2 big ones surrender . hahaha .

at night we have dinner @ toapayoh central mac . after that went home and started on cleaning . i , 1 person , tidy the room which got 2 other owners . i'm good right ? haha . juz joking .

going to sch today seems to be a waste of time . damn slack and we didnt have much things to do . have CCAs' phototaking , so there's always not much people in the class . teachers oso cant teach anything . after we (artclub) have taken the photo , we slacked and waited for 1 period before going back to the classroom . tan gim hua's period . she's giving out demerits to those who nv hand in the file . Maria asked me to pack his file for him , so he can hand in . since i've got nth to do , so juz help . and so , i became Maria today instead ...

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