Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Went to town with Sharmaine yesterday to do some new year shopping , but we didnt find anything we like . It's a wasted trip , but at least better than staying at home all day long without something to do . I found that she have the same problem as me . When we walked for too long , our back will suan . Hahaha .

I had dinner with my sis , su fern , andy and vincent at new york new york(amk hub) just now . It's fun being with them . chatting , laughing . Vincent took up the challenge of eating the giant yankee/yanky (dont know how to spell) burger . Must complete eating everything within 1 hour and the meal will be free . The burger is so huge and they gave alot of fat french fries (around x2 of macdonald fries) . Vincent didnt manage to finish it though , but i think that it's quite good alr as he did manage to finish almost the whole of the burger . When we were leaving new york new york , we passed Su Fern her farewell gift . A present and a handmade card . Tt card was made by me xD . heehee . I spent the whole afternoon making it . Around four to five hours , but i still think that i dont have enough time . It's a 3 in 1 card . Farewell , Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine's day card . After that we went to the face shop . We tried their nail polish .
We also went to the arcade as Vincent joked that he wanted to go and dance . Help in digestion . Haha . The sad thing was that we forgot to take photos before we went home ... Everyone just forgot abt it ...

Must remember to take photos next time we meet up when Su Fern comes back to Singapore .

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