Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm here to blog abt my 1st week in Ngee Ann Polytechnic =D

My 1st lesson in NP started at 9am . I was abit late and when I reached the classroom , most of my classmates were there already . The 2 hours of business communication passed fast . After lunch , we went to the CCA Fiesta to look around . I didn't sign up for anything though . After that we attended lecture . Lectures are slack as no one cares abt what u do there . Having a laptop with internet connection in front of u make u hard to concentrate during lessons . Haah . After lecture , I went to meet Jia qi and Joshua and we went for the cca fiesta AGAIN . On our journey home , we were stuck in a traffic congestion , so I ended up reaching home at about 8 .

My lecture started at 1pm as we did not need to attend some workshops and tutorials for the 1st week . It was a 2 hours long lecture and I have Jap class which starts only at 6pm . That means I will have to wait for 3 hours . I called Sharmaine(SP) to come down to NP to accompany me till 6pm . And she came =) . Tt's so nice of her .

Jap lesson was fun anyway . We learnt numbers , basic greetings and 1 of the writing system . The Jap class reminds me of the time when I was in kindergarten , learning English & Chinese .

It was around 8.40+pm when I reached home .

It was a short day . I went to school only 2 hours . 9-11am . I went home after that I slept .

Lessons started at 12pm , ended at 3pm . But I stayed back for the Dance For Fun event till 6.10pm+ and went for the photography club briefing with Chien Nie , Jasper and Samuel . I think I reached home at 7+ near 8pm also .

I have Sports & Wellness lessons at 8am . I reached at around 7.52am , but most of the slots of popular sports like badminton , hiphop , etc were already taken up , left with all the ball games like BB , soccer , netball . I chose BB together with the rest of my BAOC camp mates . After the briefing blah blah blah , they opened up dance sport , so i changed to that cos i'm not interested in BB at all .

After Sports & Wellness , I went for the Idea Jump Start programme . Most of the people in my IJS class are friendly . We were split into groups and did some events . Although IJS programme seems kinda lame at the start and sort of irrelevant to my course , I still prefer IJS module than my normal modules . Maybe it was becos we got to interact with one another in IJS but not in our normal modules classes .

My lessons ended at 12pm , so I went to Dover Mrt Station to meet Sharmaine . We went to Bugis . To shop =D . We have our brunch 1st and proceeded to Bugis Street after that to hunt for clothes and presssentssss . Had a hard time looking for the presents =( .

When we finished shopping , we went to cityhall as Sharmaine wanted to go Crumpler and buy her sis's birthday present . She said that she remembered Crumpler is either at Citylink or Raffleslink . But end up , Crumpler is at Raffles City -_-lll . After this , we went home . I think I reached home at 6+ near 7pm .

And Sharmaine kept making me L-O-L throughout .

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