Monday, April 12, 2010

No more work from todae onwards !!! YEAH ~

I had been working from 1st April to 11 April at John Little Expo Sale , under esprit . From 10am to 10.30pm everyday . That left me with no time to do anything else . Every morning , wake up --> go work --> reached home --> bathe --> SLEEP . In between this time , I attended NP orientation also . From 6-8 April . There's nothing much to write abt the orientation cos it was quite boring and I didn't attend the last day of the orientation .

I think that working was more fun than the orientation camp .


The food in Expo foodcourt sucks and it's expensive , so my sis and I would takeaway Old Chang Kee breakfast to Expo for our first break . We would help others buy also . As for 2nd break , we would eat at subway/burger king/foodcourt/order delivery . We ordered Pizza once , and KFC on the last day .

There was a malay dont know what exhibition at the next hall . We wanted to go there and buy our food for the 2nd break . When we went in , the hall was very crowded and we felt so odd because they were no Chinese , except for some attending their own stalls . We probably smell went we got out XD.
There was one time we went Changi Airport to eat . We wanted to eat at the staff canteen actually , but dont really know the way , so we settled at Macdonald . We had to rush becos our break is only 1 hour long . I dont even think that the break was a break . It was even more tiring than working , as we were walking really fast to ensure we got back on time .

At Work:

Continuous folding till the end of the day . You would only see everyone becoming very hardworking towards the end of the day . The faster we tidy up the wagon , the sooner we can leave .

There was one time a China lady came to me to ask me to help her look for another piece of top becos the one she was holding on was dirty . The top she was holding on was M size . So i helped her . After that when i was looking after the fitting room , she came to me saying that the top she asked me to get was S size , but I answered her she called me to get M , not S . However , she insisted , talking in the you're-the-one-at-fault tone . I went to look for that dirty M size top and proved her wrong . I managed to find it and let her see it . Although I was smiling at her , I was actually cursing inside like mad .

Talking when our break was not over yet .

Magic time~
My drink .

Our break time slot on 9th April

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