Thursday, August 11, 2011


I'm very broke now ! I'm only left with 0.70 cents in my bank account and that's pathetic . I have to get my sis to transfer $10 into my account in order to top up my bus card . Luckily I still have a $50 note in my wallet and that should last me till next week , hopefully .

I want a new camera , quite badly . My current camera is quite outdated . So , I've started saving up some money to buy the things I want ... since last month . I've decided to save $50 a month . BUT , the bad news is , my sis's birthday is coming up , in September . The money that I've saved till then will be used to buy her 21st birthday present and my savings will be back to zero again . SAD LIFE ~

I can't wait for exams to end . So that I can start working and earn more money .

Let me list out the things I want to buy:

  • A lot more OPI nail polish

  • I've added 2 more bottles of OPI nail polish into my collection recently . My sis's friend is going to USA and I'm probably getting my sis to ask her friend to buy from there if it's cheap .

  • Camera

  • I've told my sister about this and she suggested each of us pay half for the camera

    This is the camera (Canon S95) she wanted to get , but it's the same as Junxing's one . I don't wanna get the same camera as him . So we are waiting for better cameras to be out and available in the market .

  • External Hard disk

I need to get an external hard disk to back up the stuff I saved in my laptop in case it crashes . Most importantly , I need to back up the songs and pictures . Pictures are the most important as they are memories that I would never get back . I have over hundreds of songs (or maybe near a thousand now)in my laptop , I don't wanna lose them either .

  • Mobile phone

I'm so sick of the LG phone that I'm currently holding onto now . The games are not fun at all and it's super inconvenient for me to reply my aunt's messages in Chinese . I'm waiting for my dad's mobile phone contract to expire (Jan 2012) and I will re-contract his mobile phone plan to get a phone for myself . I will probably be getting the new iphone .

I have a nice plan in mind: Get $100 voucher from Starhub, for the remaining amount , my sis and my parents will pay half each . I would tell my sis the amount she's paying for will be my 18th and 19th years old birthday presents . She still owes me my 18th years old birthday present ! As for my parents , I would tell them that it's my 19th years old birthday present in advance , and I need rewards for good results . HAHAHAHA . I can imagine what my mum's reaction will be when I tell them this in the near future .

For now , my "to-buy" list is only this long . I excluded clothes and shoes from this list as I will never think that clothes and shoes are enough for me no matter how many I've bought .

After exams , I will start to do a banner for my sis's birthday . She wants me to do it for her . I don't mind doing it although it will be a little troublesome . I just like to do simple art-related stuff once in awhile . That's when I can think about colours and designs and let my creativity juice flows .

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