Wednesday, November 30, 2011

An adventure to Orchard Road

I went to school today for CMA and HRM lectures. I know it's quite unusual but... just have the feel to go for those lectures. It might be because of guilt that I went to those lectures today. During HRM lecture, we weren't listening to the lecturer either. Chewyan and I were busy looking at google map to find out the route to Orchard Road.

We went off before HRM lecture ended and Chewyan, Wendies and I took a ride on Yanseng's car to Orchard. It was his first time driving to Orchard Road and it was also my first time instructing drivers which route to take. None of us know the road structures around Orchard, that's why we find it fun figuring out the roads and making turns at the last minute.

I think we spent a total of $7.20 for parking and going through ERPs but it was a fun experience and I didn't mind paying for it since it was a first time experience. But I doubt I would pay that much just to get a car ride there again.

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