Friday, March 2, 2012

Finally updating again

I'm finally updating again!! After a long long time.

This is considered a post exam gathering I think. We went Scape for Kbox and Jpot @ Vivocity on Tuesday, 28th Feb 2012. I had a fun time with those adorable classmates of mine.

TAADAA~ My table had the cheapest bill out of the 4 tables. We were so proud of ourselves. But anyway we have small appetites, except Wendy Chin.

On 1st of March, Friday, Meizhen and Christine organised a Japanese Class outing. This was the first outing we had. We had lunch at Aoba, Vivocity and we sat there and talked for a very long time. Sensei bought us stickies as gifts and he even paid for portion of our meals. The bill totaled up to about hundred over dollars, but he only wanted us to give him $5 each. However, in the end each of us gave him $10 as we were 不好意思 to make him pay so much for the meals. Besides that, he had already bought us a small gift.

After we had settled the bill, we took individual photos with Moriyama Sensei. In the midst of taking individual photos, an indian lady just stood among us and another indian guy was holding on to a camera, wanting to take picture. They didn't even approach us and make a request to take picture with us, so we were shocked by their behaviours and got ourselves out of the camera screen after realising their intentions. When they saw us scattering around, they started to do sign language, wanting us to gather and take a picture with them. In the end, we took a picture with them, but it was definitely awkward.

After the photo session, Sensei left to meet his friends and we proceeded to a hongkong dessert cafe and went home after that. We had been classmates for only 1 semester, but there were really nice people and I really enjoyed being in the same class as them. I have been in 4 different japanese classes and the people in the other 3 classes are very clique-ish. But these people are different and I hope that we will be in the same class again.

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