Monday, March 26, 2012


I was working at the music school yesterday. There were only a few lessons going on on Sunday, and as usual, Hefang would hang around and we would talk for quite some time.

She has been telling me quite a lot about Numerology and she even calculated mine for me yesterday.

For some of you who don't know what does Numerology means, here is the definition of it from Wikipedia:

Numerology is any study of the purported divine, mystical or other special relationship between a count or measurement and life. It has many systems and traditions and beliefs.

Numerology is like horoscope. You can choose to believe it or not. For me, I just see it as a "just for fun" thing. After telling my sis abt it, she asked me to help her calculate hers. I shall try doing it tonight :D

Numerology is calculated from your original and given name, as well as your birthday. So it's more personalised.

So now, I will talk about the analysis of my Numerology.

She had calculated stuff like Destiny #, heart desire/soul urge #, Inner dream/personality#, hidden behaviour and a lot more.

The analysis says that I'm an optimistic person and has great verbal skill. Optimistic wise, I agree, but for the verbal wise, I don't think I have it, or maybe it's hidden.. I don't know...

For heart desire number, here is an extract of what it say:
"You have a natural ability as a counselor and healer. You are an excellent listener, compassionate and understanding. You are able to both sympathize and empathize with a person's dilemma."


An extract of my personality number:
"You are hospitable and domestic. You love children and are a good parent. You are romantic, faithful and very protective. You are artistic. You love music, flowers and gardening. You are a natural interior designer. You have an excellent sense of color and taste. You are more concerned with the content of your personality than your appearance, which causes you to be less conscious of the style of your clothes. You are more interested in comfort and the utility of clothing than the statement it makes. "

Love children? There was once I told Chewyan that I would tape up my child's mouth if he/she makes a lot of unnecessary noise.
Concerned more about personality than appearance? Definitely NO. It should be the other way round.

Life path no. now:
"You are gifted with natural leadership and the capacity to accumulate great wealth. You have great talent for management in all areas of life, especially in business and financial matters. "

He fang and I have the same life path number. She have went to consult a Numerologist before and she said that people with Life path number 8 are good with numbers. People with life path number 1 and 8 are quite similar, just that people with life path number 8 are more flexible, and also more cunning. They will spend time plotting plans for people to fall into their traps. The chinese term for this is called "处心积虑", just like LiuBei, a character in the ancient china warfare period.
Well... maybe I can do that. HAHAHA.

Next is Karmic lesson. Things that I have to learn in my current life: These are the 2 karmic lesson that is missing in my life.

Your Karmic Lesson is 1

You need to show more initiative in your life. You must learn to be more determined.

Your Karmic Lesson is 4

You feel confusion about your life's direction. You will have to establish a methodical and disciplined approach. You need to create a foundation for your life. Otherwise, you will feel lost and tossed about by change.
You have trouble finding the work you do best. You tend to be somewhat impractical and disorganized. You look for the answers to life's problems outside yourself, rather than within.

I think I would agree to both of this. The issue about initiative only gets a little better after I've entered poly.
As for confusion about life's direction, yes it's true. I don't have a very clear picture about what I want to be next time and until now, I still don't know what is the work that I do best in.

Actually, there's a lot more analysis of numbers that I haven't touch on yet, but I will just skip it and explains the picture above. This is called "九宫格". As you can see, I have quite a few circles around the number 1, 3 and 9. 1 stands for leadership, 3 stands for artistic, 9 stands for compassion. I have 3 circles around #1, 4 circles around #3 and 3 around #9. The more circles you have around a number, the more you excel in that particular field. BUT, 5 or more circles around a number isn't good also. For example, if you have 5 or more circles around #1, you would probably end up like Hitler or Stalin.

If you want to know more about yourself, I can help you calculate too! Just that I don't know how to do the 九宫格 one.

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