Thursday, March 15, 2012

Marina barage and Kite Flying !

Met up with Elaine and Sharmaine today !

I met up with Sharmaine first at Cityhall to shop around. I bought a pair of jeans and a top at bershka. Spent a total of close to $70 for both items. I like the jeans a lot. Nice colour and comfortable. We bought sushi and pizza to Marina Barrage after that.

When we were on our way to take the shuttle bus at the bus stop, we walked on a muddy path and my feet and shoes were stained with mud. It was so disgusting!

Sharmaine and I waited at Marina Barrage for Elaine as she went to IMH for interview, and signing contract with the agent after that.


Sharmaine and Elaine trying to set up the kite.

After Sharmaine's dad came to join us, he attached the long tail to the kite and started performing stunts

Nice sunset view at Marina Barrage, so I took a picture together with Elaine.

Elaine's pizza

Sharmaine's pizza

My pizza!

I prefer flying kites at night. It's easier to look up into the sky when it isn't that bright. Moreover, attaching LED lights to the kite and string and put it up into the sky is really nice.

The kite I'm controlling and the led lights attached to the string. Isn't it nice? It caught the attentions of many passer-by.

This is the present Elaine and Sharmaine got for me for my birthday.

TAADAA. The bag is the present that both of my lovely friends have given me. Those are the jeans and top I bought from bershka. I like the bag that they had bought for me. The size of the bag is one of those that I wanted to get long time ago. Small but not too small. And it's black! Easiest to match with clothing.

Overall, I enjoyed my day with the both of them. First time going to Marina Barrage, first time going for kite flying. Hope that there's more kite flying session coming up =D

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