Monday, March 19, 2012

Hard time


But the purpose of this post is not to announce that..

On sunday, which was a few mins ago, I was working at the music school. For the entire day, there were only 3 lessons. Hefang's (Guitar instructor) lesson ended at 4pm, and after her lesson ended, she accompanied me and we chatted till about 8pm with food that I had bought from Heartland Mall.

I've always like to talk to her. By the way, she's 30+ years old this year, but I still feel comfortable talking to her.

She is the only child at home. Her mum gotten married at the age of 42 and gave birth to her at the age of 43. Her mum suffered from miscarriage twice before giving birth to her. Her parents are really old and she has got a grandmother to support. Her dad is physically fine now, but her mum and grandmother are not in good health conditions. Her grandmother is constantly going in and out of the hospital. And lastly, she is the sole breadwinner of her family and currently, the hearing ability of one of her ears is dropping due to some unknown disease/infection.

I just think that this is crazy. She's having such a heavy burden right now but still has to carry on with life. I know that I'm lucky enough to have 2 siblings, although they really piss me off at times.

I feel that people shouldn't give birth to only one child. (Except for situation like Hefang's mum since it was already dangerous for her to give birth to 1 child) The burden they are going to put on their child in the future is totally crazy, especially if they suffered from illnesses in their later years--which is most likely the case.

Something random:
Since Singapore is trying to promote the idea of its people giving birth to save herself from an aging population, it just came into my mind that maybe this marketing idea would work. If they love their children, they shouldn't give birth to one. I know that this is super random, but it somehow shows that I'm a real business student XD

I wonder if I'm able to take on this challenge of life if I were her...

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