Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Things to do after exam

Today is Tuesday!! Attended IEMP revision lecture in the morning. Ms Ho is so nice. She made a slideshow for us which contains pictures taken during this entire semester.

Wendyc and I went Clementi to eat Long John Silver after that and I took a long journey back home. When I was on the bus, I thought about the things I want to do after exam (As usual). At least it serves as a form of motivation for me to last through my exam period. But for most of the time, I don't do all the things I thought of doing before exam when the exam ended.

However, for this time, I only have 1 week of break before Internship starts. So I must really plan my time well so that I will be able to enjoy to the fullest!

This is the list of things I want to do:

  1. Go sing K! 
  2. I want to cycle. The last time I cycled was during WendyC 18th birthday
  3. Bake delicious brownies 
  4. Meet up with all my lovely friends for at least once in that week  
  5. Sharmaine & Elaine, Elaine, Kaixin (wonder if she's still in Singapore) and maybe my 老朋友
  6. Go jogging whenever I have the time 
I think all these are enough to fill my entire week. I want to bake brownies on Thursday before the briefing so that I can let my dear friends try it during lecture on Friday. Let's see what's my laziness meter on Thursday and then decide again =D 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Last presentation for my poly life

I had my last presentation in my entire poly life yesterday (Friday). It was the Integrated Project presentation. My team and I really put in a lot of effort in the report, however it didn't seem like our effort were being paid off well. But nevertheless, it was over. We headed to Mcdonald's and had breakfast together. The shoes I was wearing on that day gave me a lot of pain. But since that was the last presentation, it meant that I no longer have to wear that shoes anymore. Shall throw it away soon..

I headed home after the meal and I reached home at abt 11am+. It was as good as being free the entire day. I went to bathe, watched tv for a while and went to lie on my bed. I haven't been feeling so free and relaxed and upset for various reasons for such a long time. I fell asleep with that upset feeling and woke up with that feeling. It was just there for the entire day, till I fell asleep at night again.

But I'm feeling slightly better now, as compared to yesterday. Maybe it's because that I have a test on monday and it keeps my mind occupied. I tried studying today, but the sense of urgency is not there yet, so I took my time to "study". That means playing with my dad's phone, watching tv and looking at my notes occasionally. I know that reality will hit me hard tmr.

I believe time will heal everything, just like how it was the previous time. It isn't something new anyway.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Last IEMP lesson

Today we had the last IEMP tutorial lesson and we took pictures with the BEST LECTURER, Ms Ho Wei Yee, in NP. Many of us in HCM option would considered her as the BEST lecturer cos she's really nice and good. Nice as in she's easy to approach and good as in she always goes the extra THOUSAND mile for students. I like her teaching style and she's always ensure that students understand what she said.

These were taken after IR tutorial on Wednesday. Mr Lim drew the Garfield on the board. Mr Lim is also a very good lecturer. Ms Fong is also very good. I would rank them on the same level right after Ms Ho.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Training Programme

This is my first post for July 2012. I don't want to complain any more about my busy life because every time I do that, my life gets more hectic than before.

It was my first time staying in school till 8pm for project on Wednesday. Just when I thought that that was the latest time I would stay in sch for project, I stayed till 8.30pm+ on Friday. My group, wendyc chewyan, weijie ryan and alvin, stayed in the library long enough to hear the announcement that said library will be closing in half an hour's time. But at least it was productive... at the later part.

So let's go back to Wednesday again. We had T&D dry run after school and the funniest thing was that, we almost spent the entire dry run session, which was 2 hours long, playing untangled. We were unable to solve it. After the entire dry run session, we went somewhere else again to continue playing it. In the end, we could only solve till a "8" shape instead of a circle.

We managed to run through the whole presentation for 1 time and we ended the official dry run session at 7.30pm. My group proceeded to continue our IP project from there till 8pm.

So, today was the official Training Programme. We agreed to meet in school at 7.45am and as usual, people don't reach the venue at the meeting time, including me. I accompanied Wanqin to get some food from Toast Box and hence we were slightly late. After some discussion, we went to the waiting room and began to start on preparing the things that were needed for the training. From then on, everything seemed to become chaotic. We needed to arrange the tables, set up the computer, lay out the materials and the worst was that, balloons were missing. I had to look for Ms Fong again to get the balloons. There wasn't much time for us to prepare everything nicely and settle down mentally. As such, I got impatient and my "rush" mode was activated. I'm really sorry to WendyC because at that time she spoke to me, I replied her with a tone which sounded pek chek to her, which was really totally unintentional. I realised the "impatient" emotion was rather strong in me before that, so I was trying hard to curb it. As such, I purposely tried to slow down in talking and in the end it sounded angst. I guess I still have to put in more effort in controlling my tone.

I wasn't nervous until I have to present. I was just feeling impatient during the preparation due to the time constraint and problems we had to solve immediately. And probably abit tense also because Jovin called me to relax. That was when I realised I really had to relax.

It was really hard presenting in that big classroom. I felt like I was shouting and I was using my throat to speak. When I do that, my voice sounded unsteady again. My part of presentation took about 2-3 mins, but I felt the soreness in my throat immediately, as if I have been speaking for hours.

The group of students I was taking were quite... dead. But at least they did whatever they had to do. When Wendy and James were conducting the quiz session, the noise level in the classroom really turned unmanageable. The trainees were too engage in bursting balloons.

In conclusion, I think that this training programme is a very good experience. I can't exactly say that it's very fun, because to me, it didn't started off well. But overall, I still enjoyed being there. Lastly, working with Cherry's team was rather easy for this training programme and we had fun working together with them! And now that I looked back, each of us gotten our roles through draw lots, but the "mixture" was freaking even. Ryan working with Cherry to come up with the introduction and ice breaking, Chewyan and Zhiyi working together for activity 1, Wanqin and Alvin for activity 2, Weijie Jovin and I working together for the mini lecture. 1 person from my group and 1 person from Cherry's group partnered together to do on 1 thing. Cool right. We didn't intentionally split ourselves up like that. 

Can really see that I didn't have enough sleep in the picture. My eye bags were so visible.