Saturday, March 23, 2013

Taiwan Grad Trip

I know people are waiting for me to post this. But I'm just too lazy to blog nowadays. And now I'm trying very hard to gather all my motivation to write this post because it will be super long.

Wendy Koh, Wendy Chin, Ryan, Junxing, Alvin, Joshua and I went for our graduation trip in Taiwan from 5th March 2013 to 14th March 2013.

First Day
Woke up at 4plus am to prepare to go to the airport. I was super shagged, but at the same time, feeling excited for the trip. It was my first time going overseas. I gave my first time to these guys. My dad sent me down to amk and I got a ride from JX from there to Changi Airport. Our meeting time was at 6am and surprisingly, NO ONE was late. This group of us were not even so on time when taking exam papers.

My first-time experience of taking the airplane was pretty cool when it accelerated and took off the ground. That was the only cool part. The rest of the journey just felt as if I was on the MRT.  

This is our hotel room in Xi Men Ding.

After unloading our luggage in the hotel and took a short rest, we headed off to the Toilet Restaurant

Our food were served in toilet-related bowls and plates. The food is generally not bad. A meal cost about 230NT and the serving was really big.

We went KTV on the first night. I really love the sound system there. And the food.

Day 2

On the 2nd day, we went to wu fen pu to shop. But due to the season in Taiwan at that time, there wasn't many clothes we could get that suit the weather of Singapore. In the end the guys bought more stuff than the girls.

Before heading to Raohe night market, we stopped by the Rainbow Bridge to chill and take some photos.

When it comes to eating at night market, we usually pool in 100NTD each and buy many different stuff to try.
 Day 3
On the 3rd day, we walked around Taipei 101 and went to Dan Shui in the evening.

Beautiful sunset captured just outside the Dan Shui metro station. It was really cold at Dan Shui.

We walked through Dan Shui Lao Jie and saw people eating ice cream along the way. We went to buy too and the Matcha ice cream was really fantastic! I miss eating it right now.  Wish they have it in Singapore.

Day 4

Day 5
We took the train down to Yilan in the early afternoon. Waited at the wrong platform but luckily JX spotted it and we managed to rush to the correct one before the train took off. I was very tired but didn't dare to sleep cos the rest were asleep. I was afraid that we would miss the stop.

An incident happened in Yilan too. 2 of our friends, Wendy C and Alvin were missing when we were cycling from the min su to the lake. Luckily in the end they came back to us safely, but it's a pity that they didn't manage to take a look of this beautiful place.

Day 6
We travelled back from Yilan to Taipei. After that we did nothing much I guess. I couldn't rmb.

Day 7
We took Gao Tie to Tai Chung

Day 8
Shopping and Shopping

Day 9
Another incident happened here again. We took the wrong train and it brought us to Zhang Hua instead of the place to take Gao tie. But luckily, we had enough time to buffer. It just ended up that we had to eat our food at the Carton King Restaurant quickly.

The matcha pudding was really good. I just realised that the Taiwanese can make real good Matcha stuff.

When we were back in Taipei, we went wu fen pu again and this time we managed to buy quite some stuff cos the clothes they were selling were more for the summer season. By the end of the wu fen pu trip, I almost spent all my money.

Day 10
Back to Singapore. I don't know why but the airplane ride from Taiwan back to Singapore felt more unbearable. Maybe it was because the excitement had died down..

I was feeling sad that I'm back in Singapore, but happy because my bf gave me a surprise. He came to the airport to fetch me despite it was his birthday on that day and he told me that he had to celebrate with his family. Although he appeared at an awkward timing, I was still very appreciative of what he had done.

The whole trip was fun and "exciting" in some ways. I really enjoyed myself but I probably wouldn't consider to go for such a trip again. IT WAS TOO TIRING! I will probably add in activities like going to some places to relax instead of chiong sua style of walking and shopping everyday. 

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