Saturday, January 1, 2011

Oh , it's 2011

It doesn't feel like a new year to me at all . I don't know why . It feels like just another normal day . Maybe it's becos the poly system makes me feels that way . A semester havent end nor starts . We're just halfway thru a semester .

After watching the Taiwan New Year countdown , I want to be there to celebrate new year . Although it's very crowded , I like the countdown concert . Everyone seems to be very high and I wanted to be there because I'm more into CPOP . Then I'll know the songs the singers are singing and sing along also .

Any New Year resolution?
- No . I'm not really looking forward . I don't feel that there will be anything nice which will happen this year .

Okay , maybe I have 1 wish . I wish that my guardian angel will appear and come into my life . It's not that I'm despo or what . I just want someone to be there for me . And of cos , that someone must be someone I want .

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