Tuesday, June 21, 2011

brrrrrrrrrrrr it's cold in here

I'm feeling super cold now, because I'm sitting at a place where the aircon blow straight at me . I just finished my very-short japanese essay. I've tried my best to write as long as possible already. Writing Japanese essay always takes me more than an hour to complete .

This is the last week of my holiday, but I didn't accomplish as many things as planned before the start of the holidays . I'm too used to slack first, work later .

Things are still running smoothly during work . I don't like it when the boss is in the music school . I feel quite uneasy when he's around .

I have tons of books and dramas to read & watch , but I don't wanna start on any . I'll neglect the number of things I NEED to do if I start on that . I wonder why this kind of "stubborn behaviour/attitude" does not take effect on my projects and studies .

I've read up on my horoscope just now from a group in Facebook called the 12星座宝贝. An instructor in the music school recommended me to "like" it because the group posts a lot of interesting horoscope stuffs. But after searching just now, the Facebook group I found doesn't seem like the one she recommended . I read up on pisces, libra and abit of virgo .

I find that I don't exactly suit the description of pisces . The main trait of Pisces people is emotional. They tend to think a lot, which caused them to be very indecisive .
Emotional -- I don't think I'm very emotional . I don't cry easily .
Indecisive -- I'm only very indecisive when it comes to big decision that will affect my future. But after all I'll still come to a conclusion all by myself. Actually, every time when I have to make an important decision, I'll "sort of" have a preferred choice in my mind , but I won't know it until I've decided on that choice . It might be because I don't feel confident about it , I don't know . I will ask others for their opinions , but in the end I would go ahead with that choice , even if the comments don't support my idea . For example, in Secondary school, I fell out with my "bestest" friend and my choices were: to or not to patch things up . I've asked all those I could ask at that time and ALL of their advices were to patch things up . BUT in the end, I went against their advices. Frankly speaking , I didn't regret making that choice but after a very long time , I started to regret . A bit . That was when I became more mature and found that the reason to why we fell out was kinda stupid . After all , this is the process of growing up, isn't it? Becoming more mature and find that things we did last time were stupid.

Okay , it's 1.25AM already . I haven't complete this yet but I wanna sleep already . I will continue on this horoscope thing tmr or some time later . Goodnight !

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