Tuesday, July 12, 2011

2nd part

29 June 2011
After the adults have finished discussing about the conditions with the funeral planner, it was already around evening time . I kept urging my dad to bring me back to my grandmother's house to bathe . I was the one to urge , but my mum and bro were the ones whom my dad sent back first . In the end , I got my cousin to sent me back and when we were on the way back , we saw my dad and my bro stopping the motorbike at the side of the road , meddling with the motorbike . The bike ran out of petrol . As they needed guys to move the casket, my cousin had to send my bro back first , and I became the suay one , waiting with my dad for help by the roadside . After my cousin came with a bottle of petrol , I successfully got back home to bathe . And after bathing , we went back to my aunt's house .

By the time we got back , the tents were already set up , lue lue aunt was already lying in the coffin , with make-up on her face . The first time I took a look at her , I teared abit , but subsequently , I felt quite immune already .

Soon, they started to brought in the paper bungalow, Mercedes Benz with eternal road tax paid and maids and chauffeur .

For dinner , I just ate egg fried rice cooked by my grandmother and went back to burning of the incense paper .

In the funeral , there's this guy who served us drinks . We called him the "Nescafe 仔" . He is very polite , so my cousins and I have an impression of him . We even paired up one of my cousin with him . So when he came , we would be saying ,"Ah Mun, 你的Nescafe 仔来了” .

Below is a joke conversation between my cousin and the Nescafe 仔.
It happened when we were discussing about whether the candle should be changed as my cousin told me that the Nescafe 仔 said that it's better to change the candle half of it is burned .

cousin: 这个蜡烛需要换了是吗. *More of a reminder than a question*
Nescafe 仔: 最好是换咯。

The joke was that , he was and should be the one who changed the candle .

The other thing was , when the ashes of the incense paper in the clay pot was almost full , I went to told the Nescafe 仔 and he told me to hold on for awhile . But his "awhile" was never . And then when I told my dad abt it , I got an even more brilliant reply . He told me "不会满的" . And "-_-" this was what I was feeling at that time .

Throughout the funeral my grandmother cried and stop , cried and stop . But we were also quite immune to that already , won't cry when she cried .

So the later part of the day my aunt died was , burning of incense paper and go home to sleep after that .

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