Thursday, February 14, 2008

~happy valentines day to everyone !~

todae got back 2 common tests . physics and hcl . both oso fail . lols ! tzutai told me not to be too happy coz saliya got lower than me . hcl was expected to fail .

when teacher was giving back our test .
me : i predict i will fail .
elvina : dont need to predict . confirm fail . wan bet ?
me : *smack her*

lol . in the class of i tink 40 , onli 7 passed according to kim joo . when we got back our test , me and elvina like got a bit siao siao liao . keep laughing and laughing . the chinese teacher sucks anyway . small small mistake (she tinks tt mistakes) den minus marks . i got one word write until not tt clear . but still can see , onli de "heng2" like stick together to the lower part of the word den she minus marks . zzz . this onli half a mark , wrong punctuation for the yanyu is 1 mark !! de "dou4 hao4" and comma make no difference but instead of dou hao , elvina wrote comma den minus one mark . elvina was like " onli the thing face wrong direction oso minus mark . " funny loh .

de other funny thing was during history lesson . someone told tan gim hua tt miss kaur lend them her thumbdrive to copy the ss notes , but when she went to check wif miss kaur , miss kaur said no .
tan gim hua : i went to check wif ms kaur she say tt she nv lend anyone her thumbdrive . dont try to lie to me arh . ms kaur is my friend + colleague , ur lie to me anything i can check wif ms kaur .
after she finish saying this den ruihan suddenly said : age gap . (ms kaur is young while ms tan is old.)
everyone laugh . he said quite loudly , even alex sitting rite in front can hear so i tink tan gimhua heard it too , but nv react . haha .

tt's all for todae . go and sleep le . haha .

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