Saturday, December 1, 2012

Busy week

This week is considered as one of the busiest week ever since internship started. Mainly is because of the interim report. This is the first time I'm writing a 5k words report all by myself. I miss my teammates, I miss doing group projects. Honestly speaking, doing group project is a lot more tiring than doing individual work, especially for the integrated project we had last sem, but there's a sense of satisfaction after completing it together as a team.   

And yes, I'm sick of working alr. Every day I have to wake up at 7am to prepare for work, do mundane work, go home and sleep. Next day, the whole routine happens again. In school, if I woke up late, I just skip lectures.. No big deal. During the last sem in school, I was thinking that sch became very boring, but working is worst. At least in school, I still have friends to talk to, got Wendy Chin to disturb every time during IR lectures, sticking crayon shin stickers on my lecture notes to "beautify" it. I'm not saying that my colleagues are not nice to talk to, it's just that we are on different channels or frequencies.

2 more months to go... ...

Okay, back to topic. I went to watch Breaking Dawn on Tuesday night. I actually made an online booking on Saturday. All the while, I had been thinking that I booked the tix at AMK Cathay, but when I wanted to retrieve my tix, I realised that I had made booking at Cineleisure instead. Stupid me. But luckily they allowed me to make changes. However I ended up paying more because the tix at Cineleisure are more expensive than AMK. They allow you to make changes, but won't refund you the extra.

I feel that the movie is just so-so. It's no very awesome as compared to Breaking Dawn Part 1. But if you haven't watch, you can go and watch. I wont discourage ppl to go and watch it, because after all it isn't that lousy.

I spent tues night watching movie, Wed night on jap class, I had only left with Thursday to complete my report. I did my report until about 2.30am before I went to sleep. On fri morning, my sup gave me feedback on my report and I just spent my whole day at work multi-tasking. When I had ad-hoc duties given by my sup and colleague, I would complete it, and then go back to work on my report again. That carried on until I submitted by report at about 4 plus pm. And for my interim report, I've told my boss to go ahead to submit the one she had done previously. Yes, the one with the low score. Because came to think of it, she gave me 7 out of 10 marks, but the rest gotten about 8-9 marks out of 10. The difference between us is only about 1-3 marks. That's quite minor.

However, I had already told her that I couldn't afford for her to give me such low marks for the final report, because the weightage is 30%. She does seem to understand though, so see how it goes for the final appraisal. 

Well, I'm having my Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) tmr but yet I'm writing my blog here. I've hardly studied for it.

This was the small gift given by my Jap class teacher to wish us luck for the test. She made the flowers by herself. Simple yet nice. She's such as nice and good teacher, I hope that she will be teaching me for the vacation module next year. But she's pregnant now, she may be away for confinement or maternity leave by then.

This is all I have for this post. Goodbye!

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