Thursday, January 31, 2008


although tmr have amaths test , i still went out wif my sis to shop for cny clothes . but after gg bishan far east and toapayoh , i stil haven found any i like . tt's means i nv buy anything . at around 7 , me and sis went to meet my parents for dinner . i was damn tired . after dinner , i take bus back home alone , while my family went to shop around . first thing i went home take out contact lens and sleep . *bathe at 4 den go bishan de*

i slept till 10pm and wake up do hw and study . hais . but i'm still very tired !

*i tink i getting sick soon ?? my throat feels funny and nose block every sleep time .

i got my 1st demerit in my sec sch life . thanks to the stupid ah lian lao shi . my hcl teacher . she gave to everyone in 3e5 taking hcl . becoz yesterday last period , the relieve teachers allow all the lit students to go becoz they have got test . we nv take lit but we went off becoz there's nth for us to do . she call us to write jian bao which onli nid to be handed in on monday . -_-''' . i hate her !

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


todae was quite a boring day . got nth interesting happen . during amaths lesson , tnsoolan was like gg thru all the qns in a fast mode . all the basic all understand , but all the hw dunno how to do . she got me so confused . todae suppose to stay back for class deco . we went back to the class at around 2.25 . but nobody was there to start work . me and charlene waited for like 10-15 mins in the class but still no one came . so me and her went home instead . maybe staying back awhile on monday to help .

tt's all for todae .

and i slept ... hahah .

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

~my dumb dad~

dad say to me this . *in chinese*

dad : hahah .. now i got ur teacher no. . i got anything not happy abt u i go complain to ur teacher .

there's actually something which leads to him saying this . it happen yesterday and it goes like this ... ...

(my mum went back to malaysia to settle something.)

*dinner time*
dad : i finish my dinner already . last one to eat wash all the plates . (referring me . )

me: wher got like tt one ?!
dad : who call u last to finish ?
me : fine !

*monday**after art club**reach home**me and my dad last to eat.**my aunt said my dad waiting for me back home to eat*

my father always eat alot more than me , so obviously i will finish 1st .

me : heheh . i finish my dinner alr . dad , u wash plates .
dad : wad i wash plates huh ?!
me : yesterday u say de mah . last to finish go wash all the plates .
dad : no . the rules change todae .
me : where got like tt one ? say change den can change de meh ?
dad : of coz can lah .
me : yesterday i help u wash liao . todae should be sis help u wash .
sis : hey . none of my business sia .
me : yesterday nv wash plates leh .
sis : have ! i wash my own plates . and the plates to put the food de .
dad : u todae nv work rite ? u wash ..
me : yah . i got sch . so late come back very tired .( fake one )
sis : dont hav like tt de loh . i dont care .

i ran into my room immediately , lols .

interested to noe who wash the plates in the end ??? ans : my aunt .

hahahah !!!

~link back to mr lim de thingy~

dad to mum : yesterday ur daughter call me wash plates arh ..
dad to me : next time u dont listen to me i call ur teacher ..*act* hello ?
lin lao shi arh ? lee ke ying call me wash dishes . she dont listen to
me .
me : mum ! why ur husband like tt one ?!

everything was translated from chinese to english . heheh .

~call from mr lim~

(new info after my dad came back)
(standing at the door, haven even come in)dad : *in chinese* teacher call rite ?
mum and me : yah , how you noe ?

dad : he call me oso . he call and ask me how is ke ying's behaviour and blah blah blah . he call me tt time i'm not free . den i said , this type of things ask mother better . mother understands more .
mr lim says : oh ya . nv tink of it .
dad : u call my hse no. can alr .
mr lim : is her mother and home ?
dad : yah . u noe wad's my hse no.
mr lim : izzit 6*******?
dad : yah .

i was laughing again , and my mum suddenly reminds me abt wad mr lim had say and i forget to type in juz now . )

mr lim : *in chinese* all the 40 are my bao beis . i oso wan them to be good .

(all the blah blah thing is i type de . coz cant rmb tt detailed . )______________________________________________________________

hahahahahahahahah !!!

ok , i will say abt this from the start . charlene is so interested .

my phone rang and my mum call me go pick up . "hello , may i look for mrs lee ?"(a female)
"hold on ."

~tok tok tok tok inside the room~

*in chinese*

mum : u noe who call juz now ?
me : dunno . a lady speaking english .
mum : ur form teacher lah ! a guy rite ?
me : ya . but juz now i listen is a girl !! wad he say ?
mum : he say u're too quiet .. he thought ur results very good one ... ... dunno anything muz ask teacher arh . everything ur form teacher will complain abt u being too quiet . i ask u lah , got which time ur form teacher nv say this de arh ? ur teacher say look at u tt time u look like understand . but dunno u really understand anot . blah blah blah blah ......

*i was laughing . somehow expected was my mum will say . she repeat " got anything muz ask teacher . dont sit there quietly ." alot of times . i mean every year the parents meeting session after tt she will sure tell me this . keep on repeat and repeat in one sentence .

mum : ur form teacher chinese quite good . not like other english teacher , when tok tt time keep , err-ing .

mum : ur teacher say if got anything call him . den i tell him saying tt i oso wont call teachers de . ( my mum is really like tt , if teacher dont call her she wont even call de teacher . even for parents meeting session i muz drag her go those type . *my mum's so cool*)

and my reaction to her "nagging" was , ehhh ... yahh... ok.... i noe ... ehhh..


i nv sleep this afternoon !!! yeah .. lols . i mean tt , i will always go to sleep in the late afternoon during weekdays . but todae nv . hehe .

got our physics test todae . although the test qn got alot miss tingle go thru in the class before the test liao , but i still dunno how to do . coz i dont understand wad she's toking abt for a particule thing and i shut myself from listening = dreaming . alot of ppl nv realise tt last page of the test paper still got qns . so alot nv do . i noe there's qns , but i dunno how to do . zzz ...

oh yeah ! todae 1 hour of chinese period was so slack . we were suppose to complete one exercise of the assessment book . but i nv do . so does elvina and chingmay . not nv do , but onli did few qns . we juz hand in our book like tt . elvina and chingmay they all are chionging their lit hw . but i'm sleeping . heheh . i'm like half conscious and suddenly my stomach pain , after awhile , not pain le , but one ppl come and pass me my worksheet . wake up den and continue to sleep .

and tt's all for todae ...

Monday, January 28, 2008

~compo~ *deleted



todae charlene went home becoz she was sick . i'm like a loner loh . no one toks to me . but for todae , i love hcl period . teacher nv come for the 1st period . so me and elvina was like gossiping . we had so much fun ! after tt juz keep chionging our gong han . nth much until after sch .

my class celebrated mr lim b'dae todae . but his b'dae suppose to be on 30th i tink ?? he will be gg on dunno wad thing so he will not be in sch . i nv stay in the class and celebrate but still hope mr lim ADVANCE HAPPY B'DAE . i went around wif elvina rachel and nisa . they were cool man ! nisa and rachel are so funny . after tt i went opposite sch to drink bubble tea wif them . den after tt is art club . we planning on the tea party for sec 1 next monday . so , todae art club was very slack .

no hw todae but got physics test tmr . i tink i'm gonna fail it . hais . tt's all for todae .

Sunday, January 27, 2008

~i wanted to say !~

toking to elvina can really makes me pekchek . trying to explain my idea on how to do the toilet . but she simply dont understand . lols ! she told me some funny things oso . i feel dread gg to sch tmr . hais .

i will nv want admission ticket to the piggyland !!

~in action~

todae went to studying wif mama charlene and one of her 3 kids . we were to meet at toapayoh library at 2.00pm . but before tt , i went to sleep and i wake up at onli 2.05pm and leave hse at 2.30 pm . sry charlene to make u wait so long . there wasnt any place at the library . so we went to the macdonald instead . but after we settled down for around half hour , someone came to us and told us tt there's a party gg to go on . so we have to move again . this time we went to the 1st floor of the mac . we kept on doing your hw . somehow like chionging . but at around 6+ . charlene and i was so bored of studying and doing hw . but charlene's kid seems to be enjoying . lols !! me and charlene started playing the games in her ipod . we were toking and toking but the kid still sat there quietly . HE NV TOK FOR 4HOURS ++ AT ALL !! i was somehow surprise as i thought he's a always high and will tok de person . haha . charlene and i communicate through typing words in our phone abt how odd the kid was . i was aemm-chionging . i was super duper bored !! we leave mac at 7 ... charlene wanted to go my hse . and ... ...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

~story of romance~


很久很久以前的某一天, 天使在空中飞翔 .
很久很久以前的某一天, 魔鬼在森林游走 .

天使与魔鬼的相逢, 像是偶然, 似乎又像必然. 偶然中带着某些冥冥注定的联系, 必然里画满奇遇的符号.
森林与天空相会的地方, 是一片广漠无际的沙漠. 天使收起双翼, 魔鬼停住双脚. 在浩瀚的宇宙中, 他们听见彼此心灵的声响. 那是亿万年中时间与空间的呼唤, 化为颗粒存活在天际的空隙, 当应该相遇, 细小的单元便被注满了巨大的力量, 承启乾坤的能量在无限的释放.


天地之间, 万物长存. 天使, 魔鬼, 抚慰着各自的心灵. 天使看见魔鬼, 丑陋的面孔却也闪烁着温暖的光熠; 魔鬼看见天使, 善良的微笑竟然是那样的令人心动.
刹那间, 天使和魔鬼诧异... ... 原来在远离天堂的地方, 不仅有善还有恶; 原来在远离地狱的地方, 不仅有恶还有善. 善恶本是势不两立, 如今确是如此互相敬仰. 上帝在午睡, 天使与魔鬼交织出热的火花, 爱的火, 爱的花.
洒在远离天堂与地狱的角落, 静谧的让人感动.
天使: [为什么你要是魔鬼? 我们是两条平行线.]
魔鬼: [为什么你偏偏是天使, 住在遥远的天堂? 就算是平行线, 也会有相交的一天.]
天使: [真的吗? ]
魔鬼: [真的. ]
天使: [你带我走吧. 我们远走高飞. ]
魔鬼: [借我一只羽翼, 我带你远离天堂与地狱. ]
天使忍着疼痛, 摘下一双翅膀. 魔鬼插上翅膀, 在天空打了几个旋转, 它会飞了.
天使: [我们走吧!]
魔鬼: [好的, 走!]

魔鬼载着天使, 他们飞呀飞呀, 飞过千山万水, 飞过草地河流. 天使忘情的欣赏一切美景, 从前, 它只知道在天空忙碌的飞来飞去, 却从未仔细瞧瞧地面的景色.
魔鬼享受这飞翔的感觉, 太美好了, 怪不得人类都争着做天使, 原来飞是这般的舒适. 背上还驮着一只可爱的精灵, 真的想冲破圣魔的界限与它厮守终生.
天使把头放在魔鬼的背后, 感受着它呼吸的气息. 虽然陌生, 可是友善, 正因为这种友善的感觉让它感受到爱, 让它敢不顾一切的跟魔鬼走.
魔鬼嗅着天使的气味, 那是天堂的味道, 像晴朗的空中飘来一朵洁白的云, 清新, 洁净. 互相的气味不同, 可这恰恰成了互相吸引的地方.
天使: [带着我飞, 飞到你飞不动为止, 我们就在你飞不动的地方安家.] 魔鬼笑笑, 它一定要为天使建筑一片美丽的家园.
飞翔, 在阳光里飞翔. 飞翔, 在清风中飞翔. 前面是一条宽阔的道路, 通响幸福之路.

上帝发现天使的出逃, 勃然大怒.
美好的开始是悲剧的结尾... ... 脚下的草原变成大海, 森林变成大海, 荒山变成大海. 魔鬼摆着疲惫的双翼, 找不到降落的陆地. 一行情泪滚落天使的脸庞, 天使: [上天不满意你我的结合.]
魔鬼紧紧的咬着双唇: [不, 我们一定可以在一起.]
天使: [不, 不可能的.] 泪已成河.
魔鬼: [你一定要相信我, 求你, 相信我.]
天使无语. 它不愿看到心爱的人坠入滚滚的海洋, 多麽残酷. 魔鬼飞到了自己的极限, 再飞, 它就要从空中跌落. 突然, 背上一阵轻松, 一个白色的物体从高空掉入大海... ... 是天使, 不愿再增加魔鬼的负担... ...

在天地新生的时候, 原本魔鬼也是善良的. 只是那场刻骨铭心的爱, 让它从此心里充满仇恨.
天使就是天使, 魔鬼就是魔鬼, 各自属于不同的类别. 平行线, 永远不会相交.
天使与魔鬼的爱情, 可以产生, 却永远不会实现, 就像飞鸟和鱼, 不能相恋... ...


new blog skin !! purple !!

Friday, January 25, 2008

~e maths test~

i tink ms tan gim hua period is better than tansoolan period . tansoolan simply juz like to compared us wif n1 ? and she dont juz do it for e5 and also for her form class : e2 . todae after sch saw leechin at the bus stop . chat wif her abt sch . and from den , i knew tt tansoolan oso use n1 to compare wif e2 .

during tansoolan lessons was practically boring . we are not allowed to tok to friends AT ALL . like even juz for 1 or 2 sentence , she will call u to "shut up" . we cant even discuss wif friends abt amaths work too . i was like so zzz ... and for the comparing thing , maybe should tink de other way tt she was trying to pressurize us to do better . ( but i cant make myself to tink of it tt way )

tangimhua lesson oso cant tok alot . but at least 1 or 2 sentences is still allow . sometimes she's really funny . i still rmb last year i hate every tuesday coz she has got 2 periods of history . but now it's like more fun than other lesson ? this year the teacher like quite strict . cannot joke those type . quite scary . haha .

i find tt teachers this year is using weird methods tt student dont like to "push" their students and wanting them to do well .
  • ms onglayhong : she wants us to memorise all the valency and if we got 1 wrong we nid to write 20times for each wrong .
  • higher chinese teacher : giving us all the chim chim worksheet to do . and the test coming up soon really makes me so "argh" . nid to memorise chengyu 1-25 which we had alr been tested during sec 1 sec 2 . and ming yan jing ju ( those chim chim sentence said by all those famous chinese ppl ) . for this , we hav to memorise 10 of it . and oso got ci2 yu3 . all those words too chim for me . i dont understand . according to the teacher , for ci2yu3 , onli giv sentence den fill in the apporiate words . no hanyupinyin given . it means tt we muz memorise all the words oso . zzz .
  • ms tan soo lan : keep on comparing us wif n1 . she keep like wanting to tell us how lousy we are . tt's how i interpret her meaning . maybe is not .
  • ms tangimhua : we muz at least get a b3 for combined humans .
  • mrs teo (emaths teacher) : keep telling us how well previous sec 4 scores for their o-level maths .
  • ms tingle : although she nv did anything to pressurize us , but she dunno how to teach which make us dont understand wad she's toking abt . so i'm worry tt i cant pass for my physics . ( quite nonsensical )
  • mrs raj : for english is still ok bah . quite slack . but i dont like english lesson coz i hav to sit juz rite in front of the teachers table . ( this oso got no link )

Thursday, January 24, 2008

~continue from the crap post~

well , since u wan it to be the prawn post den i shall call it the prawn post .

prawn post . continued version of the crap post .

friend : ur classs is the artistic class, my class is the notorious/sports class . zzz
me : haha ! my class got alot of arts person ( those art niche like aaron leechin tanyun elvina and charlene .)
friend : den ur whole class is sleep in lesson de ar ?


i tink someone is unhappy wif my post rite . well , i didnt noe tt u will be so sensitive towards this . and i tink somehow u misunderstood the meaning . i didnt mean i look at them differently , and i noe they got no choice to choose wad they wan . and i juz thinks tt for my ability , i couldnt work wif them well ? juz like wad mr lim had said . it isnt easy .

~ arts of sleeping ~

crap post

the arts of sleeping needs to master . lols .

conversation between friend :

friend : zz sian
me : yah . hais .
friend : tmr more sian . so early sch end come back home also nth to do -.-
me : sleep ! lols .
friend : LOLS . u think i can sleep the whole afternoon ?
me : cannot . haha
friend : den -.-
me : ur arts of sleeping onli master after half sia . haha
friend : lols . pls la master is master leh . u think i can win u meh
me : yeah . thank you
friend : np

~dont feel like doing it at all~

i feel so bored staying in class everyday wif lessons . and finally , 1st time of the year tt i have free periods . yeah ! so everyone is doing a part for the class deco , but seriously , i dont feel like doing it at all .

last year class deco was like willing to stay back until 7pm to do the class deco . and we really stay back until 7 . me elvina charlene yu cheong zihui tzutai chih gang aaron and joo hou . and our effort pay off by getting de nicest class deco prize for sec 2 level .

but now u wan me to do until 5 for the new class i tink i will grumble alot . (but maybe next year will be different ? ) i rather sleep . haha . i miss 2e2 . i still rmb de kinder garden deco for sec 1 and the house of pigs deco for sec 2 . i tink we will get the prize for class deco is becoz there's alot of art niche student in the class . ( our class got the name of "the artistic class " ) hehe .

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

~bad news for me and char~

hais . todae got the news of chem test on 5 feb . it means tt i cant go back to malaysia on monday night !!! big bad news . we went to ask mr lim abt it .. but he call us to go on 5 feb night . zzz . anyway , mr lim change charlene to the back ! yeah ! juz beside me , den at least i got things dunno got ppl to ask . todae during recess i brought green tea to drink , and kaixin was like " keying ! why u drink green tea !? " lols ! den felicia says to suck until it dry . haha . ( onli some ppl will understand this " )

my class got ppl wanna to go to the MINDS for the service learning project . i dont wan !! imagined working wif a spastic ppl . lols . i rather go to an orphanage . but orphanage is so much better than the spastic sch loh .

todae got english compo common test . as usual , got quite alot of spare time . bored until i go count de words which i normally dont . hehe .

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

i seriously dont like amaths at all !

i dunno how to do amaths !! seriously feel like dying loh . hais . so the conclusion is : drop a maths next year . lols !

Monday, January 21, 2008


a conversation between me and my friend nickname lala .

~roughly goes like this ~

friend : my class gave me a nickname call lala .
me: lalalalalalalalalalalalalala
friend : den you wad ? tepsy ?
me : not nice . i use to like lala . lols !
friend : dont say is po la .
me : po too fat .
friend : zzz . then u tinky winky . big sized
me : tinky winky is not big sized . is tall .
friend : and big
me : i dont like tepsy ... coz i'm a racist .

~sch is bored~

i seriously hate sch !!!

todae hav 2 periods of physics . damn bored loh . tmr still hav three periods of it .. hais .. well , todae after a maths SSP when to eat lunch in the canteen . tzu tai was like making us laughing like siao until we cant eat our food properly . he keep trying to make fun of kaixin , dont let her complete wad she wants to say to us . and blah blah suddenly he say abt dunno wad hairdresser de . but he dont noe how to say and he said " the cut hair tt one .. haircutter .. " me and charlene was really laughing like mad went we heard . and he did alot of funny stuff too . haha . he's a good entertainer .

during art club , kaiwen split us up into the "toilet" group . she purposely split all the friends up and says tt if we all stay together we will like keep on toking . we kept on grumbling . in the end me and elvina kena the toilet group . we are to design the toilet , everything . and we onli got 1 month to do it ... it's kind of crazy loh . but we were quite excited to see the result . imagine gg into the toilet which is so nicely design by us ?? lols !! but we gotta finish de 2 designs by next monday . sian . got so many sch work alr still muz do art club de stuff . hais .. and now , i feel like sleeping ...

kaixin says tt she will nv drink jasmine green tea again . lols .

Sunday, January 20, 2008


i'm so tempted to change my blogskin again coz i had dl some new skins few days ago . and + the previous ones , i tink i hav 20+ skins tt i can change to . haha . do these things becoz i got nth to do . i search alot of themes for my hp too . 1 theme onli last for not more than a week , but sometimes i change alr will change it back to the old ones after few days . haha .

once again , i feel like sleeping .

Saturday, January 19, 2008


funny conversation btw me and elv .

me : my mom dont giv me $ buy clothes
elvina : lol . go rob a bank .
me : yah
elvina : you can rob me too , just donte let me find out .

elvina: robbing a bank is too risky . the best solution is......
me: rob u .

it's time for me to wake up and face de reality .

today did nth much except for hw .. i dont feel like doing at all . but die die hav to do it . i wonder y charlene can go to library by herself .. haha . i will nv do tt unless someone accompany me there .

well , i'm not gg to make any comments abt it . i noe tt it will defintely lead to a quarrel .

友情与爱情是需要用心经营的, 不用心经营的友情与爱情跟本就经不起考验 , 也不会长久 .

我一直都不肯面对现实, 以为不去想就没事. 但是我发现我错了.

Friday, January 18, 2008

nice videos . .

feeling down ? catch some videos man !

these videos are damn funny . muz watch !

no proper meals~

me and char find tt we cant hav a proper recess at all ! there's always alot of ppl queuing up for food during recess . and juz like wad tiffany had said , alot of the sec 4-5 cut queue while we cant even see a single friend queuing up so tt we can cut too . so we can onli queue up for the bread stall as there's not as much ppl queuing for it . plus , from wednesday to friday immediately after recess is ong lay hong lessons . and she will , dunno y , appear in the chem lab once the bell rang . and she always says tt we are late . every time me and char hav to chiong our food . hais .

todae for tan gim hua lessons were quite funny . she kept on making funny sound and reaction . she oso call faris to ans all the pork halal qns . cant really rmb wad the class asked , but it's quite funny .

i have got alot of hw !! sian . jianbao(300-400words) zuowen(500words min.) amaths emaths chem(alot !) english journal . still got camp reflection . (forget when is the deadline) . so busy yet so free . *so contradicting* .

i cant wait to move into my new house ! but still need to "wait long long" . hse key haven even got it .

Thursday, January 17, 2008

let it go...

now i love the bus rides back home . actually can tink abt quite alot of things during these time . and the most of all , it's cooling ! i love bus 238 ! coz there's always not much ppl on the bus during 2-3++ . 105 too much zhonghuarians and others . dont hav the thinking atmosphere . haha !

todae lessons have nth special . onli during chem period i feel like sleeping . alot . when we were getting our seats in the chem lab . ruihan was like ( somehow i feel ) give those sian sian de face when dickson asked him if he wanna change place . i was like wth !!! i'm de one who suai suai sit wif u can ! and KUAHRUIHAN , its ur luck . lols ! ( juz joking ) . after sch rush to rent lockers for de year . i share wif alicia again . after tt i rush back to classroom to finish de SSP english worksheet . i didnt care if i'm wrong or not . haha . saw the "s" den circle "are" . lols ! finish it in a few mins time . when i'm walking out of the classroom , i saw charlene and kaixin . they are juz gg back to their classroom for SSP while i had finish my "SSP" . hehe . now practically everyday have SSP . sian sia . tmr having amaths SSP . but luckily is onli for half an hour .

after tt SSP of coz is go home . i feel like i was rushing home . coz i'm walking very fast (to me) . boarded the bus den start to tink of crap things . feel like crying due to some disappointment here and there . but of coz muz ren lah . if not tt's not me alr . i have got good "ren3-ing" skills .

我曾经像个白痴, 傻傻地以为你所说的话是真, 但是现在我知道也看清了事实, 我已不再相信你所说的话了.

我曾经以为如果时间可以倒转, 那该有多好! 但是现在我已不再那么的天真, 也不会再想那些有的没的的事了. 我只希望我可以不要把这件事看得太重.

我已经了解什么叫做 "天下没有不散之宴席"


友情, 它是什么?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

changes ~

there's nth for me to do , so i shall blog AGAIN . everyone and everything change drastically fast . dunno y and for wad reasons . maybe tt's juz human nature . so juz keep things in this unclear state ... dunno wad to say liao . so..........................................................................end here ..

argh ! cant take off after new year .

todae tan gim hua break de news of when is the ss and history common test . i wanted to take new year leave on the following monday but there's history common test . hais . now i oso dunno how liao .

todae having ong lay hong chem lesson in the chem lab . although it's not as boring , but i juz feel sleepy . and the period end quite fast . next was a maths . 2 periods oso . it was damn boring and i hate surds !! i juz dont understand wad she was teaching . onli at the end noe a bit . during the lesson , she call me to ans one of her qn . i was shocked . lols . but luckily tt thing she ask i noe . if not i tink she's gg to make me stay back and study amaths wif her .

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

homework and homework ..

nowadays feeling so bored . now everyday oso hav hw de . so sian . i'm in ong lay hong class for chem ! argh ! i pray hard for not gg into her class but the still end up in her class .. i hate it ! it's gonna to be very stress rite ? hais ..

Monday, January 14, 2008


juz back from art club not long ago . i seriously love art club todae . haha . can find back de "taste" of last year . lols . before art club , me char and kaixin went mac for lunch . on the way back , i saw a indian or malay middle age man looking up taking photo of the community centre . when i saw him i kept on laughing like mad . becoz he has a very big tummy . it looks like he had stuff some balloon inside . haha . and kaixin they all say tt i'm a racist . zzz ... during art club , we are suppose to draw a sketch for the art room design , but we juz slack through out . hehe . me kaixin char and elvina kept on chatting . juz like usual , me and elvina will do those type of lame lame stuff . i dunno y i kept on laughing . haha . de end product of the drawing was "..." . todae de duration for art club was quite short . maybe is becoz we play thru out so will tink tt time passes fast .

Sunday, January 13, 2008

new blogskin

got a new blogskin . but i dunno wad's wrong wif de date!!

ok . done . mozilla firefox , internet explorer . both use to surf net rite ? elvina extra ..lols !


yesterday i was like so guai . keep doing hw . haha . i tink my amaths de common test gg fail for sure liao arh !! a maths got 3 qns and i onli noe how to do 1 . as for english i juz anyhow do . chem oso got some is tikam de .

i dunno y this few days keep pressing my hp although ther's nth for me to play wif . always go calender see awhile , come out , change theme and always change back to the same old 1 i used , look at the contacts and scrolling up and down , go type some crap in message and delete it again , scroll to main menu and go left right up down . why is my life so boring ?

Friday, January 11, 2008

sch day .

todae have 4 tan gim hua lessons . all history . it was damn boring . did nth during her lesson . onli listen to her toking . i tink she's the class entertainer . even her toking could make the class laugh . during the last 2 periods , alex beg me to change place coz he wanna tok to the 1 sitting beside me . but tan gim hua somehow seems to noe . she check de sitting plan . den we juz change back , but after awhile alex change place again to sit near his friend . towards the end of the sch , ruihan go n tell tan gim hua tt alex changes his seat again . sabo his friend sia . so bad . everyone was like laughing when tan gim hua call for alex . alex later come back wif a black face . lols .

after sch , i waited for elvina to go and buy socks together . i waited her for 25 mins !!! but de stock for the socks still haven come yet . mdm lau cheated us ! we was like "wth" . after tt we went for lunch in mac . we r like very long time nv eat together and chat like . i miss de time when the clique will always go mac quite often . still rmb very clearly on the day when we played debate on the subject on should char accept joel and its somehow link to joel can squeeze milk . at tt time we laugh like mad . !! i really miss 2e2'07 !!
juz like usual , we tok and tok and tok until we finish eating . den went to take bus . like got quite alot of things to tok abt ..

Thursday, January 10, 2008

normal sch day .

1st thing go sch todae was to copy hw . haha . juz like usual . den went for morning assembly . 1st lesson was chinese de english . charlene cheat on my feelings !! she told me tt i'm in tobias class . but actually i'm in mrs raj class . it was pe after tt . nv bring pe attire becoz not dry . mr wong (if his name is really so) gave 1 merit point to those who bought their pe tee . he teaches us shotput but me and char didnt really listen . we were very irritated by the sun . after this was recess . we faster eat and went to take photo for ic . mdm lau was ther too . luckily she nv caught our socks . during chem lessons i felt so much like sleeping . i dont understand wad mr lim was toking abt . it was a maths after tt . did nth much . despite the facils (like me) when for 2 continous camp , she doesnt care and wanted us to hand in our hw todae . e maths was the last 2 period . her make up was damn thick loh . after emaths . we kept on chionging for amaths hw . i call ruihan to help me do the last qn . but his ans was wrong !! waste my time . haha . we were like so stress up copying hw . lols !

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

back from sec 3 camp .

sec 3 camp was quite a fun 1 . in the 1st day of camp , we played all de low elements . it was quite bored . but de 2nd day was very fun . we played de high elements , kayaking , and played in the river and mud . i will start wif the details of the 2nd day .

2nd day
early in the morning , we gathered at 6.45 for canteen duty . we got to eat 1st . yeah !! after all the sec 3 finish eating , we juz stand aside and see the boys clear rubbish . quite slack . haha . after this , we went to the nature rumble . we walked to the river . on the way , we cheer and sing . it was fun at the river side . yugan wanted juz to dived inside the water and crawl thru a big fat wooden block . the girls dont dare to do it at 1st becoz de water was dirty . eliada even cried . but after tt , we juz like have those type of die den die attitude . haha . after getting all wet , we walked all the way out to play the mud . we were suppose to sit down on the super super dirty mud water . i felt so "argh" . but still sat down . we played simon says . and i dunno wad happen , yugan started to splash all the mud onto ppl . and everyone do it back to each other . my first reaction was to get out of the pool . the water smells like shit loh . everyone got themselves so dirty . i managed to hide myself behind char for awhile . but after tt i tink was either eugene or ivan found me clean and they shouted something like " keying , y u so clean ?" the instructor yugan heard it and wanted to make me dirty . i ran . but not too far . they took all the mud and put it on my hands and clothes . tt's a terrible moment man . i treat char as my towel . i wiped it all on her . lols . sorry charlene . haha . after tt we went kayaking . i tink kayaking was the most fun . me and char team up . my hands were very tired . it was oso raining at tt time . we were not suppose to kayak in the rain , but the incharge let us do it and not for other groups . whooooo ! when we were in the sea , we were like super cold . when we landed , i was alr shivering . we when to bathe after tt . felt so clean . we gathered and tink of performance and cheer . but we kept so quiet except ivan gave some idea . yugan was like angry wif us . but after tt we went for lunch and he did not care abt us . we went for the high elements after tt . i didnt get to play . simply dont felt like playing . de sun was so hot i sat ther and sleep . nearly fall asleep . den lalalalalala ... we proceeded to play the flying frog and abseiling . i onli played the abseiling . we sat down and wait for the others . ivan was juz sitting beside me and he really fall asleep . me and char was like , "how he can fall asleep de ?" den blah blah blah . we practiced awhile for the marymoon dance . our performance . den after tt dinner time . after tt gathering in the hall . my class , group 7 and 8 went other place to practice marymoon . we got so high ! and from den , charlene gave eugene a name " emokid " and ivan got a name " sadistic " . haha !
we got back to the hall and the campfire starts . as it was raining , we went indoor for campfire . eugene , ivan was like sitting beside me and char . audrey oso sat beside us . elvina and joseph came to join in at a later part . we were very high . kept on screaming and screaming . *when we were in the hall , eugene put a finger in front of my mouth . i ask for his permission to bite . he said ok . but after tt his reaction was like super funny . ivan wanted to try the pain but eugene was like "dont try , very pain" . we high high high alr den went to canteen for supper . eat a chocolate cake which makes me wanted to puke . from den eugene and ivan kept on calling me and charlene da jie , jie jie . but after i call eugene "mei mei , shut up ." they juz kept calling us kor kor , di di . i oso called ivan jie jie and eugene didi . after debrief we went to sleep and wake up den breakfast and clean up . we clean the cleanest toilet . staff toilet . me and char slack ther . after tt take school bus went back sch . eugene and ivan wanted to eat lunch wif us but after tt i took alicia's mum's car home and nv go wif them . sry , ur waited us for so long time and i juz go off . lols . sorry char oso . leave u alone .

Sunday, January 6, 2008

tired .

i was so tired . the 1st thing reach home yesterday was to take out all my dirty clothes and leave it out for my mum to wash . i juz went to sleep in my uniform . too tired to bathe liao den sleep . hehe . slept from 2++ to 6++ . i slept so much in the afternoon le but i amazingly fall asleep at 12 and wake up and 11am . i tink i sleep too much . now i feel my eyes very small . haha . hav to do homework today . getting bored le . hais .

Saturday, January 5, 2008

sec 1 orientation camp

back from sec 1 camp !! yeah ! sec 1 camp was quite fun in some sense . lols . can make friends easily . tt's a very good thing . de mass dance and campfire were the most fun activities . i'm the facilitators of 1t1 . 1st listen of it alr have a very bad feeling liao . i dont like the class . they were not enthu at all , talk to them no response 1 . nid nini in action to help us . nini and ivan counsel them . luckily got some use , if not campfire we oso dunno how le . now can understand how the teachers feel when they ask the class something and got no response from the class . hehe . i like my class de facil , but i dont like the class . got to noe some nice friends like jetaime , tzin yi and ivan . when we have got the free time , we will sit down and chat . during the 2nd day we chat until we miss the debrief . lols .

got alot to say abt the class 1t1 . the class is a funny class wif weird weird ppl de . haha . our hot topic was the ah lian in t1 . she doesnt hav any point which makes her dont look like an ah lian . she got a zi bi zhen girl . every meal time dont wanna eat de . and it's ironic becoz she was not a skinny ppl . they oso a mental guy . he's very weird . like to do things which we do not understand . he's oso an irritating ppl . we oso gave nicknames to some of the ppl . haha .

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First day of sch .

1st day of sch was so suckie . i dont like my class !! 2e2'07 was so much better . Alot better ! hais . mr lim go arrange us in index no. . tt was so stupid . i dont noe those ppl sitting around me . todae was a damn bored day . feel like dying . my class got alot of wierd wierd ppl . yuck ! the teachers oso de same . other than the hcl teacher , the rest quite sucky . at 1st i tink de form teacher was ok . but he stupid stupid go change our place . SIAN ARH !

tmr gg for sec 1 orientation camp . i'm de facilitater . haha . but the rest of my friends not being choosen . hais . other than alicia . i tink she sure pang seh me de loh . now dont feel like gg to sch at all .