Friday, January 11, 2008

sch day .

todae have 4 tan gim hua lessons . all history . it was damn boring . did nth during her lesson . onli listen to her toking . i tink she's the class entertainer . even her toking could make the class laugh . during the last 2 periods , alex beg me to change place coz he wanna tok to the 1 sitting beside me . but tan gim hua somehow seems to noe . she check de sitting plan . den we juz change back , but after awhile alex change place again to sit near his friend . towards the end of the sch , ruihan go n tell tan gim hua tt alex changes his seat again . sabo his friend sia . so bad . everyone was like laughing when tan gim hua call for alex . alex later come back wif a black face . lols .

after sch , i waited for elvina to go and buy socks together . i waited her for 25 mins !!! but de stock for the socks still haven come yet . mdm lau cheated us ! we was like "wth" . after tt we went for lunch in mac . we r like very long time nv eat together and chat like . i miss de time when the clique will always go mac quite often . still rmb very clearly on the day when we played debate on the subject on should char accept joel and its somehow link to joel can squeeze milk . at tt time we laugh like mad . !! i really miss 2e2'07 !!
juz like usual , we tok and tok and tok until we finish eating . den went to take bus . like got quite alot of things to tok abt ..

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