Thursday, January 10, 2008

normal sch day .

1st thing go sch todae was to copy hw . haha . juz like usual . den went for morning assembly . 1st lesson was chinese de english . charlene cheat on my feelings !! she told me tt i'm in tobias class . but actually i'm in mrs raj class . it was pe after tt . nv bring pe attire becoz not dry . mr wong (if his name is really so) gave 1 merit point to those who bought their pe tee . he teaches us shotput but me and char didnt really listen . we were very irritated by the sun . after this was recess . we faster eat and went to take photo for ic . mdm lau was ther too . luckily she nv caught our socks . during chem lessons i felt so much like sleeping . i dont understand wad mr lim was toking abt . it was a maths after tt . did nth much . despite the facils (like me) when for 2 continous camp , she doesnt care and wanted us to hand in our hw todae . e maths was the last 2 period . her make up was damn thick loh . after emaths . we kept on chionging for amaths hw . i call ruihan to help me do the last qn . but his ans was wrong !! waste my time . haha . we were like so stress up copying hw . lols !

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