Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I went out with Sharmaine and Elaine on my birthday . Sharmaine and I went to walk around in Orchard and Elaine met us later . They wanted me to choose my own present

So this was what they bought for me .

We had dinner and Sakae Sushi . We talked non stop throughout the whole time we were together . It was also a good catch up time as I didn't see Elaine for a very long time (I have 2 friends who's called Elaine . Don't get confuse) We went to eat cake at food paradise as dessert . The cake is quite expensive but it's really nice . Both of them paid for my slice of cake . Love them much XD

By the time I reached home , it's already 10.30 pm . I still had to help my sis in baking cookies for her boyfriend . We had to divide the mixture into 3 batches for baking .

This was what happened during the process of baking:
My sis put the 1st batch of cookies into the oven and not long after , the cookies turned a little brown . She went into the room , got me papers and pens to draw names for the guest book . So I started drawing the names in the kitchen , with my back facing the oven , and my sis went to do don't-know-what stuff . When she came back to the kitchen , smoke was coming out from the oven without me knowing . It turned out that the cookies were badly burned and the whole house was filled with chao-ta smell . She cleared the baking tray and was preparing the 2nd batch when my mum came out of her room . I said , "mum's coming" and the next thing my sis did is slammed down the cover of the dustbin . We didn't want her to know , because the thing she would do when she found out is nag .

The 3rd batch was also burned because my sis didn't take out the cookies immediately after she switched off the power .

That's all for the night on 19th March .

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