Friday, August 3, 2012

Last week of school

This week is the last week of schooling for my entire poly life. Time passes too quickly. I will be going for internship in exactly 1 month's time.

I went back to school on Thursday for Internship briefing, and I met my LO too. He's Edmund Ang and so far, my impression of him is that he is a nice and friendly person. I will get to see him 3 times during my internship. I think he will be the one marking my reports too. I MUST score A for this internship in order to earn myself a slight glimpse of chance of entering into a local uni. But before talking about the internship, I must manage my upcoming exams well.

I'm feeling excited about the internship but a part of me is scared about it because people like to make it sounds very scary in the working world. I know it's true, but it doesn't exist everywhere. Even if my future colleagues have some ongoing office politics, I will try as much as possible to stay clear from it.

I think I entered the holiday mood after IP presentation ended. All my motivation has seemed to travel to some faraway land. 

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