Friday, August 17, 2012


I went TTSH with my mum today for check up. Actually there was nothing much, just non stop waiting. My mum went for consultation with a doctor and the doctor told her to go for physiotherapy to treat her stiff shoulder. We waited for 2 hours for the physiotherapy, so my mum and I went to walk around at the various shopping malls in Novena.

When we were walking around, my internship company called me asking me if I want attend their D&D which is in November cos they have to consolidate the number of people attending. I can't possibly say no because she said that those who are attending the D&D will be given early dismissal on that day to prepare. So if I don't go, I would probably be the only one in the office staring into blank space. By the way, their D&D is held at MBS. So high class. That means must prepare nice dress to attend the function..

The physiotherapist attending to my mum is a real cute, good looking Caucasian guy. My mum doesn't understand English so I have to be the translator. So HE HAS TO TALK TO ME wahahaha. Can look at him without feeling weird cos have to maintain eye contact. Hahaha! I feel like a fan girl now, but he's really nice looking though. Great eye candy. So that's the highlight of the day.    

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