Wednesday, November 30, 2011

An adventure to Orchard Road

I went to school today for CMA and HRM lectures. I know it's quite unusual but... just have the feel to go for those lectures. It might be because of guilt that I went to those lectures today. During HRM lecture, we weren't listening to the lecturer either. Chewyan and I were busy looking at google map to find out the route to Orchard Road.

We went off before HRM lecture ended and Chewyan, Wendies and I took a ride on Yanseng's car to Orchard. It was his first time driving to Orchard Road and it was also my first time instructing drivers which route to take. None of us know the road structures around Orchard, that's why we find it fun figuring out the roads and making turns at the last minute.

I think we spent a total of $7.20 for parking and going through ERPs but it was a fun experience and I didn't mind paying for it since it was a first time experience. But I doubt I would pay that much just to get a car ride there again.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shop shop

On Monday, Hari Raya Haji (7/11/2011), I went on a shopping and good food trip with Chew yan looking for shoes and inspiration for things we can sell for our ECD project.

Firstly, we have lunch at Sushitei. The food there are really expensive. A normal chawanmushi costs $4. A few plates of sushi cost us $15 per person. I think their california maki is the one that stands out most. The rice is really soft.

After eating, we shopped around Orchard for quite a while and decided to head to TCC for high tea.

My new camera in action~
This is the toy camera effect. Nice?

Both of us ordered Choco Mint Frape. OUR FAVOURITE !! But sadly, the price increased to $8.50 per cup.

We ordered this wedges also. Nice and filling.

When we were sitting happily in TCC until Ryan called. A shopping trip turned into a searching for present trip. That person is seriously damn demanding. Wants laptop bag, but must be made of leather. Sunglasses are also fine, but wants it to have the function of uv protection and whatsoever.

We went home after a fruitless trip.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Beginning of another cycle

Today is the 2nd day of the 4th semester and I'm already skipping lecture. This would be the first for the sem but won't be the last.

I kinda regretted not going to school today. I've finished watching 洪武三十二 (hongkong drama) and I have nothing much to do today except for my japanese holiday homework. There's drilling going on now and I'm extremely irritated by it. Why can't they drill yesterday or tomorrow where I wont be at home ?! Luckily they've only started drilling after I woke up, if not I would be cranky for the rest of the day. What I can do now is pluck in earpiece and blast loud music. After a few more hours, I'll probably be deaf.

My neck has been aching for many many days, ever since I stopped working in Fedex. Maybe I might be paralyze one day ...

Monday, October 3, 2011


I've spent my past 1 month working at Fedex, under the cash application department.

This is my electronic pass. To tap in before and after work, as well as to unlock the doors.

Basically, I have to print emails and faxes, do credit card transaction, send emails, clearing remittance and ROD. The workload everyday was truck loads, but because of that, time passes very fast.

This is the stack of credit card payment forms I've transacted for the past 1 month.

Today is considered my 1st official holiday after my job ended and I'm already feeling bored at home. Still don't have the feel to start watching shows which I want to watch. But tmr , I will be going out with Elaine. To get my phone fixed.

My touchscreen phone is giving me a lot of problem . The screen is not responsive at times and I have to lock and unlock the screen in order for it to react . I want a new phone and I'm saving part of my salary so that I can get myself a new phone next year.

Monday, September 26, 2011

still like damn sad leh ... how ?

Sunday, September 11, 2011


When I reached home yesterday, my mum told me that my dad went back to Malaysia. It was so sudden . I was already expecting something bad, because my dad won't go back without any plans made beforehand .

The first thing I thought of was, "did my grandmother landed up in the hospital again?"

No, it wasn't. My mum told me that my dad's 堂哥 (my 伯伯) passed away. Good news was that there's nothing wrong with my grandmother but the bad news was that someone i know passed away ..

I saw him 2 months ago, at my aunt's funeral. He was alive and looked like a perfectly normal person to me. Able to talk , walk , ride motorbike, etc. We even took the same coach bus back to Singapore, just that he alighted at Johor.

My mum told me that he had gotten cancer also. I don't know what is it called in english, but in chinese, it's called 前列腺癌. She also told me that a guy who attended the funeral, died of brain cancer one week after my aunt passed away . I saw him once when we were eating dinner , but at that time , he was already in great pain .

2011 is not a good year . So many people whom I know passed away , even my grandmother's best friend (they called her my grandmother's 姐妹) also passed away .

There's nothing one can do . That's just reality.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I'm very broke now ! I'm only left with 0.70 cents in my bank account and that's pathetic . I have to get my sis to transfer $10 into my account in order to top up my bus card . Luckily I still have a $50 note in my wallet and that should last me till next week , hopefully .

I want a new camera , quite badly . My current camera is quite outdated . So , I've started saving up some money to buy the things I want ... since last month . I've decided to save $50 a month . BUT , the bad news is , my sis's birthday is coming up , in September . The money that I've saved till then will be used to buy her 21st birthday present and my savings will be back to zero again . SAD LIFE ~

I can't wait for exams to end . So that I can start working and earn more money .

Let me list out the things I want to buy:

  • A lot more OPI nail polish

  • I've added 2 more bottles of OPI nail polish into my collection recently . My sis's friend is going to USA and I'm probably getting my sis to ask her friend to buy from there if it's cheap .

  • Camera

  • I've told my sister about this and she suggested each of us pay half for the camera

    This is the camera (Canon S95) she wanted to get , but it's the same as Junxing's one . I don't wanna get the same camera as him . So we are waiting for better cameras to be out and available in the market .

  • External Hard disk

I need to get an external hard disk to back up the stuff I saved in my laptop in case it crashes . Most importantly , I need to back up the songs and pictures . Pictures are the most important as they are memories that I would never get back . I have over hundreds of songs (or maybe near a thousand now)in my laptop , I don't wanna lose them either .

  • Mobile phone

I'm so sick of the LG phone that I'm currently holding onto now . The games are not fun at all and it's super inconvenient for me to reply my aunt's messages in Chinese . I'm waiting for my dad's mobile phone contract to expire (Jan 2012) and I will re-contract his mobile phone plan to get a phone for myself . I will probably be getting the new iphone .

I have a nice plan in mind: Get $100 voucher from Starhub, for the remaining amount , my sis and my parents will pay half each . I would tell my sis the amount she's paying for will be my 18th and 19th years old birthday presents . She still owes me my 18th years old birthday present ! As for my parents , I would tell them that it's my 19th years old birthday present in advance , and I need rewards for good results . HAHAHAHA . I can imagine what my mum's reaction will be when I tell them this in the near future .

For now , my "to-buy" list is only this long . I excluded clothes and shoes from this list as I will never think that clothes and shoes are enough for me no matter how many I've bought .

After exams , I will start to do a banner for my sis's birthday . She wants me to do it for her . I don't mind doing it although it will be a little troublesome . I just like to do simple art-related stuff once in awhile . That's when I can think about colours and designs and let my creativity juice flows .

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Photo Shoot

Went back school early in the morning for photo shoot . I woke up at 8.50am to do my make-up but in the end , the make-up artist in school helped me to put again . Shouldn't have spend such a long time at home to put make-up , if not I could sleep longer .

I didn't like how the make-up artist did the make-up . It was sooooo thick and the blusher was so red . The hairstylist didn't know how to style my hair , so she just spray some smelly spray on my hair . After taking the photo , I used tissue to remove the blusher and only took some photos after that .

While waiting for the bus, we took some more

Friday, August 5, 2011

Fun day

Have a fun-filled day at East Coast Park with WendyC WendyK Chewyan Yanseng Joshua and Zhengtat. That was the first picnic we had after saying, "we should go picnic somedays" for a very long time .

We planned this picnic as a birthday celebration in advance for Wendy Chin .

I woke up at 7am and Chewyan came down to Toa Payoh to help me prepare food . She reached at about 9.30am. We went ang mo supermarket to buy all the ingredients we need and started preparing once we reached home .

The sandwiches we made were kinda ... okay ... if you don't open up and look at the shape of the eggs inside . We toasted the fish balls and sausages, bought the cake, packed the jelly and rushed out of the house to meet yanseng at the interchange . Because we were rushing , first we forgot to bring monopoly deal , second we forgot to bring poker card . So in the end we went up twice after leaving the house to take the stuff .

We took bus 31 to Parkway Parade and the bus ride was about 35 mins long . The bus ride feels very short as we were chatting throughout the journey . After finding a place to sit at ECP , we waited for an hour before the rest came . The picnic officially started and ended very soon also because everyone was full .

We went cycle after that . First time cycling after a long long time , but cycling for 2 hours consecutively was very tiring . Although it's tiring , I could feel a sense of satisfaction cos at least I did some form of exercise this week .

We rested for awhile , ate the food , and then went home ...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Totally agree


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Had my last presentation of the sem today. The E-portfolio presentation . It wasn't too bad I guess. Pass-able , hopefully .

Went to dye my hair today and the colour turned out to be too dark , not the one I like and expected it to be .

It's the ghost festival now , but I don't have any feelings for it . I remembered that I was still feeling abit scared during the ghost festival last year . Not really scared , but I would tend to imagine abit more . But now , it just feels like normal days to me . It's probably due to my aunt's death .

There was this period after my aunt's death , I was hoping that I could see her , to ask her if she's doing well . I was thinking that her appearance might give me a scare , but I'm not afraid of her .

Writing this just reminded me that wounds are still new , so I should stop here .

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I'm seriously feeling very lost now. The presentation is tmr morning , but everything is still not settled by now and I don't even know about the progress . It's 8.05pm now and I haven't even received the final powerpoint slides. I don't even know which part I'm going to present on .

I seriously don't know am I the one who is being too anxious about things or my group mates just enjoy doing things slowly .

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I haven't completed my 4 days story for my trip back to Malaysia, but I'm getting a little bit lazy , cos there's a lot of things for me to write . I think I will probably continue when I get too bored of studying for exam during the study break , or after exam .

Exams are nearing .. I haven't been very consistent in doing my tutorials , need to spend some time looking at the past tutorials and study and study and study .

I want to improve my overall GPA again . My goal for now is to enter local uni, find a job, make a lot of money , build a big house in Malaysia for my parents and grandmother , and bring them overseas for holidays XD

So ambitious right

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I didn't know that changing bedsheets can make me feel like crying

I finally changed my bedsheets after telling myself to do that few days ago .

When I was halfway through changing my bedsheets , I suddenly thought of my aunt .

She used to be the one who helped my sis and I change our bedsheets once every 2 weeks . She did that ever since we were young right until last year , when she went back Malaysia to treat her illness . When I was tying the strings at the ends of my bolster cases , I remembered that she was the one who taught me how to tie them up . She taught me that when I was helping her to change the bedsheets when I was young .

I still couldn't really get use to the fact that she's no longer alive ..

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

1st official day of funeral

30 June 2011, Thursday

I woke up at about 11am . My mum and bro were still asleep , and my dad was missing in action . After I went to brush up , my mum and bro woke up too and we went to eat breakfast together . As there was no mode of transport available , we have to walk to the coffee shop right at the front of the street , but when we reached there , the coffee shop was already preparing to close . This is what it is like in Malaysia , only 早起的鸟儿又虫吃 。

The lucky thing was that , we saw our relative who was driving a car and she's on the way to my aunt's house too . That saved us from walking all the way to my aunt's house under the scorching sun . By the time we reached , many of my relatives were already there and as for me , I sat down and ate sea coconut dessert . Not long after , my dad and his siblings came back . They went to take a look and chose a place for my aunt's urn to be placed . They reserved 2 places . One was for my aunt , the other is for Ah Fa's uncle . That was my aunt's last few wishes , for Ah Fa's uncle urn to be placed beside hers in the future .

After lunch , I continued burning incense paper for quite awhile until my cousin came back from school . My bro and I have this agreement: to bluff my cousins and told them we started burning since 8 am so that they won't have any excuse to push the job back to us . Oh well , in the end my sis spoiled it .

At 3 pm , we have to change to a plain white tee to prepared for the ritual and at about 5 pm , the ritual started . At first , I was wearing a pants which covers up to my knees when I'm standing , my after the 1 part of the ritual , I went to borrow a 3 quarter pants from my cousin and wore it instead . The pants I was wearing initially didn't cover up my knees when I kneed down , and it hurts a lot . The ritual was divided into many small parts , and after each part , we could take a rest before the next one started .

The 2nd part of the ritual was after we ate our dinner . The priests read/sang out the names of who took part in the ritual in Hakka . There were a lot of names to read/sang and I couldn't understand up to 99% of it . We were supposed to sit down and wait till the priests finished reading/singing the names . It was boring at first , until the priests stopped suddenly , TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO READ ONE OF THE NAMES . The situation at that time was quite a joke . Those who took part in the ritual were relatives and siblings with status equal to or younger than lue lue aunt . Those whom status were older or greater than lue lue aunt could not take part , for example: lue lue aunt's elder brother and sisters .

After the 2nd part , I couldn't really remember some of the parts . I could only remember the significant ones .

There was one part when we were supposed to tie a red and white ribbons around our waists . They called it “戴孝” When we were in the process of tying those ribbons , the priest said called ah fa uncle to tie it on the dogs too . After ah fa uncle went off to tie the ribbons on the dogs , my 表哥 posed a funny question "那些鸡需不需要绑?" .

I heard from my cousins that one of the priest even called the chicken to "shut up" because the chicken kept on making a lot of noise when he was chanting .

For one of the parts , one of the priests wore an old man mask and acted like an old man . The role he was acting is called the "哭宝" That part was also one of the longest part . The 哭宝 was walking in front of the priest and the priest was chanting , but halfway through the priest stopped to cough and the rest of the priests actually helped to cover by continuing his lines for him . However , the fact was that the priest wasn't really coughing . He coughed to cover up his laughter . My cousin actually saw the priest kicking the 哭宝's backside and was laughing after that . Most of us couldn't see what was happening as they were behind a huge table .

Next, we have to run after a priest and the 哭宝 . I heard from my mum that they would run very fast and we would chase until we start panting . However , as they were too many people taking in the ritual , and quite a few aunties uncles blocking the way , it seemed like the priest and the 哭宝 were chasing after me instead . They were right behind me in a circle . I heard that the purpose of chasing was to chase after my aunt's soul .

I forgot to mention that my aunt was only 46 years old , and one of her last wishes were for her funeral to be treated as if she had married to Ah Fa uncle . So at the corridor , there were this 2 big signs which put “蘆门李氏” . "蘆" is Ah Fa uncle's surname and 李 was my aunt's surname .

After chasing , it was the "哭宝" turn to show off his ability . He was supposed to chant in a way that it seemed like he was crying . For that part , my aunts and some other people cried because they were able to understand what he was chanting . My cousins , siblings and I didn't really understand what he was chanting , so we were feeling very normal . I knew this part was going to happen also because my 婶婶 told me . My mum told me that we might find it funny . Initially , I only found it weird , but not funny . Suddenly , my bro tapped me on my shoulder and asked me to look at my 婶婶 . She was laughing . After I saw her laughing , I felt like laughing too , but I tried to suppress it .
We went to find out the meaning the next day from another older cousin of mine .

It meant something like

That was all I could remember .

Before the 哭宝 part ended , each of us was to collect one cup of rice with 20sen inside it . We were supposed to keep the 20sen and bring the rice back home to mix it with the rest of the rice we have at home , and eat it .

Another very memorable part was "招魂" . We were supposed to call lue lue aunt to come home , then the priest would throw a bunch of coins on to the floor to see if she came back or not . This part almost made me cried . It was the first time I was calling lue lue aunt's name after her death . As I was supposed to call , and tried to hold back my tears at the same time , I ended up breaking a sentence into many parts . This was how I call, "luelue 姑姑," paused for quite a while , "回家咯" and kept on repeating .. Cuiling aunt was spamming "Luelue 回家咯" beside me . We've called many times but she still refused to come home , even the priests were shaking their heads . On the 3rd time , they got my grandmother to sit beside . I didn't dare to look at her cos I knew that she was crying . It was the fourth time when we succeeded in calling her back .

During the breaks , my cousins , siblings and I would sit around one table . The waiter & waitress would serve us food such as bao and siew mai . After eating bao and siew mai , we would start munching on peanuts and throughout the whole ritual , we have finished munching on many packets of peanuts . Even the waitress commented that we really munched on a lot of peanuts . Sitting together means chatting would take place , however we were chatting about serious stuff , but dirty stuff . ALL BECAUSE OF MY COUSIN . It seemed like for every thing we talked abt , she would be able to link it to those dirty topics , but it was super funny . For a moment , I thought that we were having a gathering instead of attending funeral .

Burning of the incense papers , paper bungalow , mercedes benz , maids and chauffeur was the last 2nd part of the ritual . We brought all those stuff to the main road and burned there . I carried 2 bags of folded incense paper , while the rest carried the bungalow , mercedes benz , maids , chauffeur , horse and rider and many many bags of folded incense paper . The mercedez benz was the last to reach and it was kinda funny when the priest said that to park the car at the backyard . The backyard referred to the back of the bungalow . (There were car plate number and unit number on the car and bungalow , and of cos , almost all of the adults bet on it)

We poured all the folded incense paper around the bungalow , car and etc so that it would burn easily . After we were done setting up , all of us hold hands and formed a very big circle . The priest said that that was to prevent other ghosts from stealing . Before they started burning the whole thing , the priest had to "开光" for the Mohammed Ali . "Mohammed Ali" refers to the paper chauffeur . I have no idea why they called chauffeur "Mohammed Ali".

This was what he chanted when he "开光" for the Mohammed Ali
"你要听听话话,听你主人婆的话。叫你去东,你不要去西,叫你去南你不要去北。青灯过,红灯不要过。是要过,中summon 自己还。不然打包回家吃自己"
*Direct translation from Hakka*

We were laughing when we heard this . What an interesting way to "开光" . After the priest 开光, they started burning . We walked quite a far distance away from the big fire as the heat was unbearable . After burning , we went back to the house , and continued the last part of the ritual . It was about 2 am at that time .

For the last part of the ritual , one of the priest will chant a chunk of words and up to a point , we must shout "有钱!" and threw a coin into a big container with water in it . I've asked my dad what was the purpose of it and he said it was to help my aunt "开路" . Sort of bribe the "officials" in hell to ensure a smooth journey for her . We were supposed to repeat the whole procedure 12 times . That means , the priest chanted the same thing for 12 consecutive times .

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

2nd part

29 June 2011
After the adults have finished discussing about the conditions with the funeral planner, it was already around evening time . I kept urging my dad to bring me back to my grandmother's house to bathe . I was the one to urge , but my mum and bro were the ones whom my dad sent back first . In the end , I got my cousin to sent me back and when we were on the way back , we saw my dad and my bro stopping the motorbike at the side of the road , meddling with the motorbike . The bike ran out of petrol . As they needed guys to move the casket, my cousin had to send my bro back first , and I became the suay one , waiting with my dad for help by the roadside . After my cousin came with a bottle of petrol , I successfully got back home to bathe . And after bathing , we went back to my aunt's house .

By the time we got back , the tents were already set up , lue lue aunt was already lying in the coffin , with make-up on her face . The first time I took a look at her , I teared abit , but subsequently , I felt quite immune already .

Soon, they started to brought in the paper bungalow, Mercedes Benz with eternal road tax paid and maids and chauffeur .

For dinner , I just ate egg fried rice cooked by my grandmother and went back to burning of the incense paper .

In the funeral , there's this guy who served us drinks . We called him the "Nescafe 仔" . He is very polite , so my cousins and I have an impression of him . We even paired up one of my cousin with him . So when he came , we would be saying ,"Ah Mun, 你的Nescafe 仔来了” .

Below is a joke conversation between my cousin and the Nescafe 仔.
It happened when we were discussing about whether the candle should be changed as my cousin told me that the Nescafe 仔 said that it's better to change the candle half of it is burned .

cousin: 这个蜡烛需要换了是吗. *More of a reminder than a question*
Nescafe 仔: 最好是换咯。

The joke was that , he was and should be the one who changed the candle .

The other thing was , when the ashes of the incense paper in the clay pot was almost full , I went to told the Nescafe 仔 and he told me to hold on for awhile . But his "awhile" was never . And then when I told my dad abt it , I got an even more brilliant reply . He told me "不会满的" . And "-_-" this was what I was feeling at that time .

Throughout the funeral my grandmother cried and stop , cried and stop . But we were also quite immune to that already , won't cry when she cried .

So the later part of the day my aunt died was , burning of incense paper and go home to sleep after that .

Friday, July 8, 2011

Crying day

28 June 2011 , Tuesday
That day was the only time I had a proper sleep . I was feeling okay until Cuiling aunt sent me a msg during Bcomm lesson at 11.26am

Cuiling Aunt: 你知道吗?你阿姑一直求医生要救她。好心疼,医生跟她说已经尽力了。
Me: 她今天怎么样?还好吗?我看医生也真的没有办法了。
Cuiling Aunt: 她的氧气开到最大。她还是很辛苦,你阿婆刚才又打电话来哭。我跟他说尽量去医院看她能看几眼是几眼。她现在抽水都帮不到她了。
Me: 为什么抽水还是很难呼吸?阿婆还是一直不去医院看她?
Cuiling Aunt: 我叫她去,她昨天去一下子就回来了,抽不到水出来了。

When I saw the first msg , it felt like my heart really cramped together . 我也很心疼她, but there's no way I could help her .

Once I reached home after school , my mum told me that lailing aunt called , saying that the doctor could no longer suck out any water from her lungs . From the X-ray scan , it shown that the cancerous cells were blocking her windpipe so only little air could go into her lungs . I listened to my mum as if there was nothing much but it was killing me inside . It was at that time when I fully understand why lue lue aunt begged the doctor to save her . When the doctor could no longer do anything , she decided that she wanted to go home . Not long after I came home , my dad also came home from work , saying that he would be going back to Malaysia tonight . I asked if it was okay for me to go back with him . Initially , it was only my dad , sis and me going back . But after my dad confirmed that luelue aunt's condition was very critical , my dad decided that my whole family should go back . And also initially , Cuiling aunt wanted to go back on Wednesday night but after that , she decided to go back with us . When we were packing our luggage , my dad came into the room and said this

Dad: 阿姑还有散钱放在这里啊?
Sis: 有啊。这个*holding to the coin box*
Dad: 她说如果她走了,叫你们拿来分了它

We went golden mile and took a coach bus back to Malaysia together . Same as the previous time , I didn't get a lot of sleep also .

29 June 2011 , Wednesday
This was the worst day in my life ever . Lailing aunt kept calling Cuiling aunt to ask if we were reaching soon . We reached at abt 5+am and LaiLing aunt came to fetch us to luelue aunt's house to see her . In the journey, lailing aunt told us that lue lue aunt was hungry , but she could not eat as the oxygen mask was irremovable . She relied on it to live . When walking towards the room , I was walking ahead initially . But when I was nearing her room , I turned and looked at the rest of my family members . I was kinda afraid to go in first , but in the end , I was the first to enter .

We stood around her and we called her "阿姑" . She looked very very sick and her eyes were half closed . Once I entered the room , I was trying extremely hard to hold back my tears . She looked very different as compared to the time I saw her few days ago . Much skinnier , much sicker , with an oxygen mask covered over her face . The contrast was too much !

Cuiling aunt sat at a chair by her side , held her hand and talked to her , asking if she's 辛苦,does she has any wishes not fulfil yet and some other stuff which I couldn't hear clearly cos she was crying when she said that . That was also the time when all of us burst out crying . I swear that my sis and bro were super irritating . They kept making that sniffing sound and I was super irritated because it made me felt like crying more . Even my dad was tearing too . At that moment , that kind of heartache was something I've never experience before and it made me felt like dying . I WOULD NEVER WANT TO GO THROUGH THAT ANYMORE . We knew that she was suffering a lot , but when we asked her if she was suffering and was it hurtful, she just shook her head . She couldn't even talk already . The replies she managed to give us were nodding her head , shaking her head and "em" . Although I was crying already , I still tried very hard to control myself , to shake away all those thoughts that would make me cry . But every time I managed to shook off those thoughts , they came back to me a few seconds after . LaiLing aunt and Cuiling aunt kept talking to her , asking her if she wanted to drink anything , was she hungry , did she want to see ah fa uncle , could she last till my 2nd aunt comes back to see her . My aunts kept asking her if she wanna drink anything . At first , she shook her head , but because my aunts kept asking , she gave in and nodded her head . They put a straw inside a coke can , removed the oxygen mask slightly and let her suck . My parents didn't say anything , they just stood there , and see . My aunts even called her to try smiling . She forced a smile . Although it's a smile , 我们看了却是很心痛。

Lailing aunt told us that at a earlier time of the day , luelue aunt was still able to talk . When she asked lue lue aunt if she was able to wait until we come back to visit her , she nodded her head . But when she asked was she able to wait till my second aunt comes back to visit her , she replied ," I don't know" My 2nd aunt intended to come back on 29 June night . But I think my other aunts kept calling her that luelue aunt cmi already , then she decided to come back that morning . By the time she reached , it was already 8-9pm . Too late ..

I got a cousin , who is 7 years old . We called her ah girl . When everyone was in the room crying , she asked her mum ,"为什么他们全部都在哭的?" Clearly, she didn't know what was going on .

A lot of relatives came to see my aunt . For a period of time , I stayed by my aunt side , warming and massaging her hands and legs . Her hands and legs were cold , and skinny . That was the time when I stopped crying and was able to control my emotions . When I was helping her to massage , she was still able to change the position of her hands and legs once in awhile. But slowly, she began to fall in deep sleep . When Lailing aunt told her blah blah blah came to visit , she no longer replied , no longer tried hard to open her eyes for a second to see them . Ah Fa uncle told us to let her go slowly , don't call her , don't disturb her , just let her go . My heart turned cold .

When my aunt was still conscious , my grandmother was crying until ... ... (no words to describe) besides her . And of cos , she made us all cried also .

From able to drink and talk , to nodding of head , to unable to suck from a straw , to no longer open her eyes big for a second , to no longer move , no longer respond , all within a few hours .. It was too fast .

After some time , I passed the job to someone else , and I went out of the room . Ah fa uncle gathered some people to choose her 遗照. I looked over to their directions and I saw a few photos of luelue aunt smiling cheerfully . Those photos were taken last year . After I saw the photos , I went to the toilet , to cry . But not long after , I stabled my emotions and came out . I went out to sit on the sofa again , and I fell asleep for a moment . I was very very tired . My head was feeling heavy from trying very hard to control my tears . My dad woke me up to eat lunch . After eating and wandering around the house for awhile , I went back into the room . It was about 2:50pm I guessed . There was other people in the room . After a long time , someone finally went to touch her , and she said that luelue aunt was warm ! After confirming she was really warm , she went out to call others and everyone ran into the room and starting to call her name . Ah Fa uncle was by her side . Slowly , we saw her eyebrow twitched , and her fingers moving . I held my breathe . Her eyebrow twitched for the 2nd time and her eyes began to open until it was half opened. She also tried to raise her hand . I heard Lailing aunt saying “luelue,你睡醒了啊?” in Hakka . I mentioned previously that I stopped crying already , but at that point of time , I cried again . I thought she had really woken up from sleep . She was still conscious , she had woken up from her deep sleep . Just when my hopes had risen , it hits back hard on the ground . Real hard . At that time , only my big aunt was sober , she shouted, "luelue 走了” Suddenly , many people broke down . A few of my aunts and uncle was kneeing on the floor , crying . After her tears flowed down her cheeks and she 吐2口气 , she really passed away . Her face turned dead white . It was 3:00pm .

Not long after , all of us went out of the room . My dad went off to buy mahjong papers . My grandmother was crying until 哭天抢地 . My sis went to comfort her , but ended up crying together with her and trying to comfort her at the same time . And of cos , I was tearing non stop after stopping for awhile . After my dad came back , we got "off to work" . We have to cover up all the deities status , mirror and reflective glasses . I was the one distributing scotch tapes and I was trying to distract myself by doing that . After we covered everything , I sat in the living room and stoned , my grandmother had stopped crying . After some time , I found that my mood was very calm , very peaceful . My heart no longer felt like there was a heavy weight on it . The adults have already contacted the funeral planner and a few cousins and I were sitting around , talking and eating tarts that Lailing had bought .

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I want to write this down because I don't want to forget what had happened in the past few days .

On 24th June, Friday night, I went back Malaysia with my dad to visit luelue aunt as we were notified that my aunt's condition had worsen . She was admitted to the hospital a few days ago, but no one told my family until 23rd June, when her condition became worst. By the time we reached Malaysia, it was abt 7am (Sat, 25th June) in the morning. After eating our breakfast, I woke my cousin up to bring us to the hospital. By the time we reached, it was almost 9 am. As it was not the visiting hours, thus the security guard didn't allow all 3 of us to go up at the same time . Hence, my dad went up first , bringing the porridge my grandmother cooked with him . My cousin and I found a place to sit and wait . Not long after , Ah Fa Uncle (lue lue aunt's bf) came down calling us to go up and we were able to do so because the security guard went off to slack or something . Ah fa uncle went back to rest while we went up to accompany her . When I first saw her at the hospital , I was shocked . She became so skinny , even skinnier than that time I saw her during Chinese New Year .

We didn't have much to talk about . Just some words of concern here and there . We stood around for awhile until the nurse came to chase us off because the doctors were going to go around to check on the patients. Only 1 person were allowed to stay and that was me . My dad and cousin went off to eat . I had nothing to say at that time . I was afraid that things I say might be some insensitive things . She asked me if I need to work because it was weekend that day . I told her that I told my boss I'm not working . Somehow , I linked to telling her that my bro was selling toothbrushes previously . She also asked me about why my grandmother didn't go and visit her . For this question , I didn't know how to answer . My grandmother told people that she wanted to go but was not allowed to go and visit my aunt (because my other aunts and uncle were afraid that my grandmother couldn't take it), but when my dad asked if she was coming along with us when we went to get the porridge , she shook her head . After my aunt asked me that question , I paused for awhile and replied, "I don't know why she didn't get on the car just now when she said that she wanted to come."

I kept yawning when I was sitting on the chair besides her .
“很累啊?” She asked
“有一点,在bus上面没有什么睡到。” I replied.

I stood aside when the doctors were checking on her and when the nurses were washing her wounds . I used her phone to call my dad asking why they haven't come back after such a long time . I wanted my dad to come back as I was kinda scared . My dad told me that they were stuck . The security guard didn't allow them to come up . For a period of time I was by her side , she dozed off repeatedly for a few times until a nurse came to ask if she wanna eat . The time when she dozed off was quite scary . She was breathing very hard and it seemed very difficult for her to breathe . I was all alone and I was afraid that something might happen to her , like suddenly couldn't breathe . The thought of it made me even more afraid to be alone with her . I was scared that I couldn't help her .

I was alone with my aunt all the way until 12pm. 12pm- 2 pm is the hospital's visiting hours and my cousins, my dad, my youngest aunt came to the ward to visit my aunt once the clock struck 12. My aunt had difficulties talking , she panted when she talked , so most of the time she would listen to us talk unless we asked her questions . At about 1+pm, we leave the ward and went home after that . I was very tired , so the first thing I did when I reached home was sleep .

I woke up at about 2.45pm , feeling very tired . I went to the living room to check out where my dad was . The living room was empty , the door was locked . No one was in the house other than me . I went back to the room and continued lying on the bed until I felt more awake . After I was done washing up , my dad came home . It was about 3.30pm at that time . He brought me to the market and leave me there with my grandmother to eat lunch . After I finished my lunch , I went home with my grandmother and because I dropped my key , I went back to the market again to find . Luckily I managed to find it . At about 4+pm, we went to the hospital again . My dad , my aunt , 1 of my cousin and me .

Abit of chit-chat here and there and we leave the hospital at around 6 or 7 pm . My aunt , uncle , cousin , my dad and me went to eat at 冬菇亭。 We ordered a lot of food and shared , we managed to finish the food , but everyone was super full . We reached home at 9+pm . After bathing and everything , it was already 10+ pm. At about 11pm, cuiling,恩(cuiling aunt's daughter), and my sis reached . By 12am , everyone had settled their things and went to sleep . It was about 2 am when lailing aunt called my phone . I was already searching frantically for my phone under my pillow before I regained conscious . 3 pairs of eyes (cuiling aunt, my sis and grandmother) were staring at me when I picked up the phone . Lailing aunt asked for Cuiling aunt over the phone , so I passed the phone to her . After Cuiling aunt hung up the phone , she told us that my lue lue aunt had difficulties breathing and the doctor had to suck out water from her lungs . Lailing aunt called us as she said ah fa uncle was afraid that my third aunt might ran out of breath in the midst of waiting for X-ray scanning and sucking out the water , thus maybe we would like to go to the hospital now to "standby" .

26June2011, Sunday

I went to the 2nd floor to wake my dad up and told him abt it . Everyone was rushing to brush up and when we were almost done , lailing aunt called again saying that luelue aunt was fine already as the doctors were done with sucking out the water in her lungs . But since we have woken up and everyone was ready to go , we decided to make a trip to the hospital , leaving 恩 and my grandmother at home . Throughout the time we were preparing , everyone was so uptight . When we were reaching the hospital , we were thinking of ways to get in as the security guard might not let all of us into the ward . Thus , we've decided to go in 1 by 1 . CuiLing aunt went in first , followed by my sis , then lailing aunt . My dad , lailing's aunt husband and me waited downstairs . My dad and lailing's aunt husband were talking about luelue aunt's condition for quite awhile until Lailing's aunt husband decided to go to the ward . After which my dad and I went in together with the aid of Ah fa uncle as the security guard remembered ah fa uncle . However , my dad and I didn't go into the ward to see luelue aunt . We stayed outside as too many people going into the ward might disturb others . We reached home at 4.40am

Next morning, my sis and I woke up at 10+pm . By the time we woke up , Cuiling aunt, 恩 and my dad were already back from breakfast , so my dad decided to send them to the hospital first while my sis and I went to have our breakfast . On the way home , my sis saw ah may jie's family and went off with them while I went home with my grandmother . My dad came home not long after that and was bringing 恩 with him . He said that security guard only allowed one person to be inside . There is no exception for kids also . It was near 11.30am at that time , so my dad took a short break , and brought us to the hospital again , with my 叔叔and 婶婶this time . By the time we reached the hospital , it was past 12pm and all of us were able to get in . We stood around and soon , more and more of our relatives came to visit my aunt . We stayed in the hospital until past 2 pm and went to eat at 大树头 after that . After eating , we went to Ipoh parade to meet my 2nd aunt and family to buy an electric fan and lunch box for lue lue aunt as the hospital is always very warm in the afternoon .

After buying , we went back to the hospital again . I didn't have the mood to go to the hospital again as I was having cramps at that time . I wanted to go home , but no choice . Everyone wanted to go to the hospital again . I just gave that "very sian" face throughout the whole time until the cramp was no longer bothering me . We accompanied my aunt until past 7pm then the whole big bunch of us went to eat 豆芽鸡 and 河粉 , ipoh's popular dishes .

Most of us were coming back to Singapore on Sunday night , same goes to my dad and I . As we reached home at about 8+pm , we only have abt 1 hour to prepare before we get on the coach bus . When it was my turn to bathe , I saw a big rat ran across the ceiling of the bathroom and it gave me a big scare . I didn't dare to bathe after that so I forced my dad to bring me to my lue lue aunt's house to bathe instead . At 10pm , we boarded the coach bus back to Singapore

At first I thought of staying in Malaysia until Monday , but I found it very stressful to stay there . I'm afraid of another call in the midnight saying that my aunt cmi anymore .

I reached Singapore at about 5+ am and could only sleep for 2 hours before going to school . But even after I came back to Singapore , I wasn't very focus on my work too . I kept thinking about her and the thought of her dying really kills me . Everyday , I smsed Cuiling aunt to ask about her condition and the things Cuiling aunt told me made my heartache .

This was what I asked her on 27/6/2011 , Monday
Me: 阿姑今天还好吧?
Cuiling Aunt: 比昨天还惨,很烦哪,她前天才抽水而已,今天又很辛苦了,而且晚上阿发uncle也不可以留在那边。有人投诉。怕她半夜出事而已。等下又要抽了,时间越来越短了。
Me: 有人投诉所以不能留在那里?
Cuiling Aunt: 因为那个是女人病房,男人晚上不能留在那里,他们就是不会看情况的,万一没有人她呼吸不到怎么办呢!
Me: 那怎么办?今晚真的留她自己一个人?
Cuiling Aunt: 哪里会放心, uncle 就辛苦咯, 在carpark 睡一直上去看。如果我们一直不够睡都受不了,何况他又生病了,哎,他说如果不可以的话叫她叫护士来问题是她呼吸不到哪里有力气叫他们?她根本都不能动一下。她一动就一直喘,我看她一直挣扎有时候她都想放弃了,是我们不舍得。
On that day , I really hoped that she could last till August , my holiday , so that I could go back Malaysia to accompany her . But my aunt told me that for her condition , it was very difficult for her to last till August . After I saw that msg , I was very upset , but I knew that that was true , unless miracle happens .

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Is she moving on?

I'm back at this hour again .

Received a call from my grandmother in the afternoon that my aunt's condition is very serious . She needs the aid of an oxygen tank in order to breathe . My mum was the one who picked up the phone and she said that my grandmother was crying over the phone .

After receiving the call , I called my another aunt to find out more . She said that she was admitted to the hospital few days ago and her condition worsen today . They didn't want my grandmother to visit her as they were afraid that she couldn't take it .

Just now , I facebook-chat with my cousin who's in Malaysia now . He said that my grandmother kept crying . She wants to see my aunt but cannot , very ke lian .

I've been feeling very okay all the while until I saw this facebook status update by my one of my cousin

My aunt once told me that my sick aunt told her she would recover and come back to Singapore to work again . I know that she's thinking positively .

I want to go back to Malaysia . To see her , to keep a look out for my grandmother . And lastly, can skip school But my dad didn't say anything abt going back . I didn't want to initiate it either . My mum would just end up saying “看了还不是一样”

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Continue with what I was talking abt yesterday ..

I read from somewhere else that Pisces people don't quite believe in religious . They also stated the reasons why , but I couldn't rmb .

The music school's instructor and I took a facebook quiz together to see if we suit our horoscope from that website she recommended me to "like". The result of the test was I should be Libra if I didn't rmb wrongly . So I went to read up on Libra and I found out that I suit the characteristics of a Libra more than that of Pisces . Realistic, suppress feelings and easily scare .

I also read up on Virgo as my sis is a Virgo . I feel that she's worst than me . She doesn't suit her horoscope AT ALL . As I was reading , I was thinking "This is rubbish , don't suit her at all" . Virgos are perfectionists and they put in their best effort in everything they do . Once they start something , they won't give up easily . I don't see all these things in my sis . Her studies alone can prove it all .
I gave up reading halfway on Virgo .

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

brrrrrrrrrrrr it's cold in here

I'm feeling super cold now, because I'm sitting at a place where the aircon blow straight at me . I just finished my very-short japanese essay. I've tried my best to write as long as possible already. Writing Japanese essay always takes me more than an hour to complete .

This is the last week of my holiday, but I didn't accomplish as many things as planned before the start of the holidays . I'm too used to slack first, work later .

Things are still running smoothly during work . I don't like it when the boss is in the music school . I feel quite uneasy when he's around .

I have tons of books and dramas to read & watch , but I don't wanna start on any . I'll neglect the number of things I NEED to do if I start on that . I wonder why this kind of "stubborn behaviour/attitude" does not take effect on my projects and studies .

I've read up on my horoscope just now from a group in Facebook called the 12星座宝贝. An instructor in the music school recommended me to "like" it because the group posts a lot of interesting horoscope stuffs. But after searching just now, the Facebook group I found doesn't seem like the one she recommended . I read up on pisces, libra and abit of virgo .

I find that I don't exactly suit the description of pisces . The main trait of Pisces people is emotional. They tend to think a lot, which caused them to be very indecisive .
Emotional -- I don't think I'm very emotional . I don't cry easily .
Indecisive -- I'm only very indecisive when it comes to big decision that will affect my future. But after all I'll still come to a conclusion all by myself. Actually, every time when I have to make an important decision, I'll "sort of" have a preferred choice in my mind , but I won't know it until I've decided on that choice . It might be because I don't feel confident about it , I don't know . I will ask others for their opinions , but in the end I would go ahead with that choice , even if the comments don't support my idea . For example, in Secondary school, I fell out with my "bestest" friend and my choices were: to or not to patch things up . I've asked all those I could ask at that time and ALL of their advices were to patch things up . BUT in the end, I went against their advices. Frankly speaking , I didn't regret making that choice but after a very long time , I started to regret . A bit . That was when I became more mature and found that the reason to why we fell out was kinda stupid . After all , this is the process of growing up, isn't it? Becoming more mature and find that things we did last time were stupid.

Okay , it's 1.25AM already . I haven't complete this yet but I wanna sleep already . I will continue on this horoscope thing tmr or some time later . Goodnight !

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Common test is over !! But there's nothing to be happy about . Tons of projects to do before school starts again .

I feel like taking up vocal course in the music school I'm working at . I can afford to pay for the school fees , but it means that I have to scrimp and save . I just want to learn something when I'm still considered a little bit young rather than learning it when I'm 30+ or 40+ years old . I'm still thinking abt it .. I don't want to pick it up alone ..

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


This week is the common tests week . I'm done with AAA CT and now, I'm left with SOM and PMKT . I don't know why but I just don't have the mood to prepare for SOM and PMKT , so I have to force myself to study . It's so torturous !

CT--> Projects --> Sch reopens --> Final exam --> Holiday (but confirm working) --> school starts

This is the cycle of my life in the near future . I'm starting to feel that life is meaningless all over again .

I DON'T WANT TO STUDY ! Memorising things are just wasting my time and effort . I'll forget them anyway .

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I really hope that I have passion for a certain thing . If its so , I won't be here thinking over which route I should take .


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Long long time ago

I haven't been updating this space for a very long time . Ever since Year 2 started, I've been quite busy with school , tutorials , projects and work . I'm working for every weekends and it's kinda tiring as I don't have any free days where I can wake up late and stay at home to do tutorials . But I'm persevering on no matter what .

School life hasn't been going on smoothly ... ...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Recently, I'm too into reading book, so I don't use computer as often. For the past few days, I've only switched on the computer for abt 10 mins or so , and I off it. Sometimes, I don't even touch it . When I start reading a book or start watching a drama , I will keep watching/reading until I finish it . That's a stubborn habit . I won't do any other thing during that period of time, other than reading/watching . I've told Elaine about this habit of mine , and she just can't understand it . Same for me either .

Okay , so now , the reason for me being here , updating my blog is because I've finished reading the books !

These are the 2 books that I've read . My bro made my parents bought these for him and I still remembered that it was the time when I bought the "Twilight" series also . That means these 2 books have been lying in my house for abt 1 year plus . These 2 books add up to about 5 cm thick and I completed it within a week =D Mandarin books are seriously not easy to read . I took only 2 days to finished "Breaking Dawn" (Twilight series) , a book which is much thicker than this . Anyway , my bro is the one who wanted to bought these books , but in the end , I'm the one who completed reading it .

It's my first time reading 武侠/奇幻 小说。Some parts of the books are really boring as it talk about history and weapons , which I'm not really interested . Normally , I will skip those parts . It's not only boring , the words are too chim for me to understand . Honestly speaking , I don't know how to read abt 5-10% of the words in the books , but I still managed to understand the plot .

Overall , the story is interesting with a proper ending . I hate it when the ending of the story is a "cliff-hanger" type . That day , I went to Elaine's house to stayover and I managed to finish a whole series of comic books . The series is called <<我的初恋情人>> . Translated from a Japanese comic . It was shoot into a movie also . The story is nice , but the ending sucksssssss . In the end I don't know whether the male main lead is alive or not .

Elaine is going to pass me a book later , and I'm going to continue my reading spree .

I've taken some photos using my phone . I just uploaded all the photos into my computer , thus post all of it here at one shoot .
This is the place I'm working at . Echomusic school . Took it during one of my working days when I was all alone in the school .

Took these in the Esplanade's toilet .

MONOPOLY !! I went to the Mind Cafe at Prinsep Street with Elaine yesterday . It's a board game cafe . 4 hours of gaming with free flow of drinks for $6+ . Quite cheap and we enjoyed ourselves . And of course , other than Monopoly , they have a lot of other games . I think it will be more fun if there's more people going . I wanna go there again !

Thursday, March 31, 2011


I completed a 13 episodes drama (爱似百滙/Love Buffet) within 2 days . I'm so awesome :S

The drama reminds me of some of the feelings I felt last time. Like holding a torch for someone but never dared to let him know because of fear of awkwardness and embarrassment .

Besides that, the drama also talks abt the feeling of rejecting and rejected . The feeling of being rejected is very painful, so I've never dared to try. I can only imagine the pain and it's already scary enough. But when someone is rejected, not only the one who is being rejected is in pain, the one who rejected that person ain't feeling any better because he/she will feel very guilty and sorry for the pain inflicted to that person .

The drama doesn't have very awesome plot but I still like it . The ending is what I hope it would be .

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Painted my nails 2 days ago .

Okay ... It doesn't seem as nice in the photo .

Audrey passed me some hamster's stuff in the afternoon because her hamster died . When my mum saw those stuff , she said this "哇,你朋友对她的老鼠那么好。你leh?"

Audrey really treats her hamster well . She bought bedding, bathing sand, hamster food and she even bought hamsters' treats !! I only have newspapers, hamster food and bathing sand . XD

But at least I bought a hamster cage which cost $50 for them (*heartache*)

I'm still not very sure which IS module should I take . Conversational French or Spanish or Social Psychology ???

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Room colour - red & black + gold

I will be blogging more often these few days since I've got nothing much to do .

I want to change my room colour to red , black and gold . My idea is to paint the whole room red , and make a black "dressing table" with black ... err .... board . Those very thick board , I don't know what you call that . On the other red blank wall , I will draw a bigggggggggggg golden rose . I want to paint my bed frame gold also . And my cupboard also . I want to change it to red and black .

BUT , this is not likely to happen in the near future and I could foresee that I won't have the time to decorate my room next time . I've moved into this house for 3 years only , everything are still in pretty good conditions , including the paint of my room (still very pink , with a little dirty black here and there , but not very visible) .

And , not to forget that I'm sharing room with my sis . She won't mind me transforming the room into a "princess-like" bedroom since she like "dreamy" stuff , but she will probably mind me changing the room into such dull colours .

My dream shattered ...

Birthday wishes

I've decided to write a post on this but keeps on dragging till now .

I really appreciated those people who sent semi-long birthday messages to my phone on 12 midnight . I still remembered on that day , I was lying on my bed , deep in my own thoughts and suddenly , my phone vibrated . Honestly , I was irritated by the 1st message because it disrupted my thoughts (+ I forgot it was my birthday already) . But when I read it , I was really feeling happy . And I thanked them happily too .

Zhengtat was the 1st , followed by RuiHan , then Sharmaine .

I was quite surprised that zhengtat remembered my birthday
Ruihan, my almost 8 years friend, always never fail to wish me happy birthday throughout the years we've known each other . Except for last year . He wished me a belated one XP
Sharmaine always sleep early , so I was also surprised that she sent me a message in the midnight and we chatted abit through SMSes

Ivan, Chewyan and Kaixin also sent me meaningful messages some time throughout the day .

Thank you =)


I found this song very familiar and I guessed it's because I listened to it before when I was young . It's a very nice song , although abit old .

Enjoy =)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I went out with Sharmaine and Elaine on my birthday . Sharmaine and I went to walk around in Orchard and Elaine met us later . They wanted me to choose my own present

So this was what they bought for me .

We had dinner and Sakae Sushi . We talked non stop throughout the whole time we were together . It was also a good catch up time as I didn't see Elaine for a very long time (I have 2 friends who's called Elaine . Don't get confuse) We went to eat cake at food paradise as dessert . The cake is quite expensive but it's really nice . Both of them paid for my slice of cake . Love them much XD

By the time I reached home , it's already 10.30 pm . I still had to help my sis in baking cookies for her boyfriend . We had to divide the mixture into 3 batches for baking .

This was what happened during the process of baking:
My sis put the 1st batch of cookies into the oven and not long after , the cookies turned a little brown . She went into the room , got me papers and pens to draw names for the guest book . So I started drawing the names in the kitchen , with my back facing the oven , and my sis went to do don't-know-what stuff . When she came back to the kitchen , smoke was coming out from the oven without me knowing . It turned out that the cookies were badly burned and the whole house was filled with chao-ta smell . She cleared the baking tray and was preparing the 2nd batch when my mum came out of her room . I said , "mum's coming" and the next thing my sis did is slammed down the cover of the dustbin . We didn't want her to know , because the thing she would do when she found out is nag .

The 3rd batch was also burned because my sis didn't take out the cookies immediately after she switched off the power .

That's all for the night on 19th March .

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I have been reading the xin min newspaper about the catastrophes that is going on in Japan and there is this corner in the today's newspaper , saying that the people of China who are still in Japan was making a din at the airport as they wanted to go back to their own country . People cut queues , quarrels aroused . People should really learn from the Japanese . Making a din at the airport won't make the air plane tickets appear on your hands suddenly .

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

死亡固然可怕, 可是活着也很累。

Because it's holidays, I'm always confused about which day of the week is it today .

Went for job interview with WendyC yesterday . It felt like a wasted trip because they want people who are able to commit for 3 months or more . After that , we went to Old Town for breakfast and we talked about Japan and if the world is ending .

After that , I met Elaine and we went Kbox . It has been a long time since the last singing session I went . Kbox is having a $6 promotion , but they only let you sing for 2 hours . Last time their promotion was $8 , and you can sing for 3 hours . The $8 package is more worth it .

Hanged out in 313@Somerset for a moment and went home .

I'm so bored of looking for job already . The discouraged worker effect will be happening to me soon I guess .

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Time is passing too fast seriously .. I didn't know today is already Thursday until my mum told me . I didn't believe until I went to check the calender . I thought today is only Tuesday .

My holiday isn't boring yet . I'm occupied by stuff like drama , tv, drawings and looking for jobs online .

My sis wanted me to help her create a guest book for her bf's birthday . I think she should seriously do it herself --1.) I'm running out of ideas 2.)It's not my bf's birthday

So far I did 5 names only .

My birthday is coming ... ... but I SERIOUSLY DON'T WANT IT TO COME . Can't be any more serious about it . I don't want to be 18 . It feels so old ... ... ... ... ...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

張敬軒 - 只是太愛你

<3<3 Beautiful lyrics for the chorus
因为我不知道 下一辈子还是能否遇见你
所以我今生才会 那么努力 把最好的给你
爱你都变成伤害你 我们的爱快要窒息
不是故意 只是太爱你
Exams ended on thurs 3/3/2011 , but I didn't go out on that day after school because of serious cramp . It was such a bad timing and I felt that I screwed up for POA because it was so painful that I couldn't focus . But haisssssss , forget it , since it's already over .


A very big thank you to my 2 wonderful friends (The Wendies) who sent me home . Without them , I think I would die by the roadside or something . Just kidding ~ not so exaggerating .

I went to the Scape flea with Sharmaine yesterday . There's nothing nice which attracts me over there , but I managed to buy a pair of flats at far east plaza . however, I STILL WANT MORE SHOESSSSSS .

Going for another flea at clarke quay with Sharmaine later . She's flea-addicted already

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bruno Mars Talking to the moon lyrics

Love listening to this song currently . Very niceeeeee

Oh gosh ! I'm addicted to this song . why so nice ?!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

cont. Day 2: CNY Eve night

My cousin brought her daughters over to our house and we took some pictures with her cuties .

This is her younger daughter . Sooooo cute ! I mean the one at the left right side .

She's so reluctant to take picture with my sis . She likes me more XD just kidding..

This is my cousin's older daughter . And the guy besides her which looks like a pedophile is my brother

This is my 堂妹

Everyday is "good hair day" in Malaysia .

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I shall finally blog about CNY@ Ipoh .

On my way back (Day 1: Day before CNY Eve)
This year's jam at the highway was must better than last year . Fyi, we spent 12 hours to get back to Ipoh due to jam last year . But this year , we took about slightly more than 6 hours to get back to my hometown .

It started pouring the moment we sat down and ordered our dinner . The sound of the rain hitting on the metal roof was sooo loud until we had to shout in order for the person beside us to hear what we were talking about . And the joke was , after awhile , those people seated at the lower side had to lift up their legs to eat becos the place was flooding . It's quite funny to see tables of people lifting up their legs to eat dinner .

Not long after , we went The Store to stock up the house with drinks and bought some clothes . I bought a top from there =D

Day 2: CNY Eve
After eating breakfast , we went to town area again . And this time , we went Ipoh Parade to shop for more new year clothes and shoes . However , I bought nothing from there =( We went home after that and helped my grandmother to pack the very messy and very dirty house . When I was packing , I was afraid that lizards might jump out from nowhere and give me a scare . But luckily , nothing of that sort happened . I was also afraid that I might spoil my nicely painted nails , and luckily , that didn't happen also .

While my mum , dad and I were cleaning the house , my bro and sis went out to enjoy life with my cousin . They went to use computer , eat dessert etc . >=( And after cleaning for awhile , my dad complained that he's tired and went to sleep >=( >=(

Okay , my brain power has used up . I shall continue another day XD

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I panicked twice today . Ewww . Hate that feeling . 1st time was during POA tutorial. I spotted one quite major mistake when I was doing the test at the last min . I was really panicked ! My hands were shaking so profusely until I couldn't really write, thus the words I wrote were really ugly . The feeling hadn't settle even when I passed the paper to the tutor , so my hands were still shaking when I passed her the paper . so embarrassing .

The 2nd time was before Jap speaking test cos I wasn't prepared at all . After meeting my jap class classmates, I found out that all of them had a script . My partner and I came up with the script at the last min and luckily we were the last second pair for the speaking test so it gave us some time to prepare . In the end we did quite well and sensei praised us ! Happy =D AND THIS IS THE END OF BASIC JAPANESE 102 !!!

But every time after panicking , it's RELIEVE !!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm soooo looking forward to the day all these shit end

Sunday, January 9, 2011

There are tons of projects to do but I've started on none yet . I guess I will be damn damn damn busy over the next few weeks , I think . But given my personality , I'll still have free time even though I have alot of things to do . I think I'm having sleeping disorder recently . I sleep really late . And when I sleep earlier , I ended up sleeping lesser -_-

It's less than a month to Chinese New Year . I have this mixed feelings: Looking forward to it , and at the same time , not looking forward to it . Looking forward becos I will be able to take a break . Not looking forward becos Chinese New Year is getting less and less interesting every year .

I still remember when I was young , I love going back to Malaysia during year-end holidays . I would stay in Malaysia as long as the holidays lasted . There were so many things we could do back then . Cycle , catching , hide-and-seek , blind mice , role play , card games . But now , I'm lazy to cycle , lazy to run and relationship between my cousins and I isn't that close now as compared to the time when we were young .


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

In the midst of doing POA now . There's POA tutorial tmr and we are going to get back results for POA and MAEC common tests too . Totally not looking forward to it . I'm kinda afraid that my result for POA will turn out to be sucky . As for MAEC , I prepared that it will be bad .

Okay , I threw my POA tutorial aside because I wanted to upload the 2 korean songs . One of it by FT Island , the other one by F.CUZ . Both of these songs are very very nice ! Everyone should listen to it even though u're not a KPOP fan (hinting wendy XP)

[M/V] F.CUZ (포커즈) - Midnight Sun (미드나잇 선)

FTIsland Love Love Love FullVer Music video

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Oh , it's 2011

It doesn't feel like a new year to me at all . I don't know why . It feels like just another normal day . Maybe it's becos the poly system makes me feels that way . A semester havent end nor starts . We're just halfway thru a semester .

After watching the Taiwan New Year countdown , I want to be there to celebrate new year . Although it's very crowded , I like the countdown concert . Everyone seems to be very high and I wanted to be there because I'm more into CPOP . Then I'll know the songs the singers are singing and sing along also .

Any New Year resolution?
- No . I'm not really looking forward . I don't feel that there will be anything nice which will happen this year .

Okay , maybe I have 1 wish . I wish that my guardian angel will appear and come into my life . It's not that I'm despo or what . I just want someone to be there for me . And of cos , that someone must be someone I want .